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Tab. 10.1 Selected emission limits to the atmosphere described

Читайте также:
  1. Degradation kinetics can be described by means of zero order, whereby using the
  2. Emissions to the Aquatic Environment
  3. Emissions to the Atmosphere

in 2004 for a potential pulp mill in Tasmania using “accepted

modern technology” (AMT) [3].

Emission point Pollutant Units Annual/monthly average

Recovery boiler PM mg NDm–3 50 @3% O2

TRS mg H2S NDm–3 7@ 3% O2

PCDD/PCDF pg I-TEQ NDm–3 100@ 3% O2

Lime kiln PM mg NDm–3 40@ 3% O2

TRS mg H2S NDm–3 16@ 3% O2

PCDD/PCDF pg I-TEQ NDm–3 100@ 3% O2

All sources NOx kg NO2 adt–1 1.3

All sources SO2 kg S adt–1 0.4

PM = Particulate matter (or dust).

TRS = Total reduced sulfur.

NOx = Nitrogen oxides.

SO2 = Sulfur dioxide.

PCDD/PCDF = Polychlorinated dioxins and furans.

NDm3 = normal cubic meter of dry gas.

pg I-TEQ = pg International Toxicity Equivalents.

Environmental Aspects of Pulp Production

Detailed data on the typical emissions and the impact of different measures

Using BAT, for example, wet scrubbing only or with an electrostatic precipitator,

are available in the European Commission report [2].


Emissions to the Aquatic Environment

Washing following the pulping and bleaching process requires water, the demand

For which has decreased significantly during the past few decades. This is the

Result of more effective washing procedures with improved equipment, and a

Higher degree of countercurrent water flow. The process, which is typically

described as “loop closure”, became possible with the elimination of chlorine and

Hypochlorite from the bleaching sequences, both of which required a low treatment

Temperature and therefore cold dilution water. ECF bleaching allows a

Rather constant high temperature range to be maintained from brownstock washing

To the dryer machine. The positive side effect is a lower demand for energy to

Heat the process water, while the downside is a higher tendency for scaling, for

Example with barium sulfate and calcium oxalate.

Cleaning of the effluent begins with the sedimentation of suspended solids,

which describes mostly the recovery of fiber losses; this step is labeled as “primary

effluent treatment”.

As mentioned previously, wood handling and debarking should be made without

Generating a higher volume of effluent. If de-icing or log washing is required,

The effluent must be made nontoxic by a biological treatment. An example of this

Is woodyard effluent (rain water), which must be collected and treated biologically

(unlike other rain water).

The pulping liquor should be recovered very effectively. Screening and brownstock

Washing should be conducted in a closed loop mode. Spills and leakages

Should be avoided by an optimized process control, but if they do occur enough

Temporary storage volume and evaporation capacity must be made available to

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 118 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Heat recovery by steam generation (BLGCC; see Fig. 9.16). In such a case, | Or manganates in combination with BLG. The reactions in the gasifier | The sulfite pulping process is of declining relevance. New developments in the | Caustec Causticizers (product leaflet). | High levels of elements such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, | Above 10 000 tons of fiber was considered to be a huge operation. Recovery of | In a hollander, and effluent from the bleach plant was discharged without | This project. In a Canadian project, the target was an effluent-free pulp mill, and | Oxide as an alkalization source for the peroxide stage. This permitted | Chlorine are much smaller, and produce pulp in amounts between 1000 and several |
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Emissions to the Atmosphere| Deal with these problems. Brownstock washing following an oxygen delignification

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