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The bleachability of kraft pulps can be defined as the consumption of chemicals
required to achieve a given target brightness using a specific bleaching sequence,
either ECF or TCF. To better compare the application of different bleaching chemicals,
the bleaching chemical consumptions are calculated and expressed in oxidation
equivalents (OXE) [92]. The unit mass of a bleaching chemical (e.g., 1 kg) corresponds
to the molar equivalent of mass transferring 1 mol of electrons. The oxidation
equivalents of 1 kg of the most important bleaching chemicals applied in
ECF and TCF bleaching are listed in Tab. 4.33.
The bleachability of pulps can be expressed in several ways, for example, as the
sum of oxidation equivalents (OXE) divided by the ingoing kappa number for
each stage in a sequence or as OXE per ingoing kappa number or the kappa number
removed over the whole sequence.
Tab. 4.33 Oxidation equivalents (OXE) of the unit mass of the
most important bleaching chemicals (according to [92].)
Bleaching chemicals OXE kg–1
Chlorine dioxide 74.1
Active chlorine 28.8
Hydrogen peroxide 58.8
Oxygen 125.0
Ozone 125.0
Peracetic acid 26.3
264 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
Definitions for the bleachability based on OXE:
i _1
Kappai _1
i _1
Kappa 0
_ i
i _1
D Kappa
The amount of hexenuronic acid is not significantly changed during, for example,
the oxygen delignification or peroxide bleaching. Thus, it can be assumed
that HexA does not consume any bleaching chemical in these stages. For bleaching
stages where HexA is not oxidized, the specific OXE consumption must be
referred to a kappa number which is corrected for the hexenuronic acid (**means
that one kappa number unit corresponds to 11.6 lmol of HexA [68]). In case of,
for example ozone bleaching, the specific OXE consumption is referred to the
whole kappa number as hexenuronic acid is completely oxidized by ozone. The
bleachability can also be expressed by the ratio between the light absorption coefficient,
k, determined at a wavelength of 457 nm, and the corresponding kappa
number corrected (**) or uncorrected for the content of hexenuronic acids from
the pulp investigated [93]:
k 457 nm
Kappa _**_
The enhanced bleachability of modified cooked pulps can be attributed to
changes in by-product chemistry. In principle, the residual lignin in modified
cooked pulps is less condensed and therefore likely to be more readily solubilized
in subsequent bleaching stages [94]. Moreover, it has been suggested that xylan
compounds which are re-deposited during the cook form a physical barrier for the
extraction of residual lignin. The mass transfer limiting phenomenon is assumed
to hamper delignification in both the final phase of cooking and in subsequent
bleaching [95].
Pulp bleachability tends to correlate also with the content of b-aryl ether structures.
Thioacidolysis can be used to estimate the amount of b-arylether structures
in the residual lignin [96]. Pulps with a low concentration of b-O-4-structures exhibit
a high specific absorption coefficient, as seen in Fig. 4.59.
This concludes that a large amount of b-O-4-linkages in the residual lignin indicates
a low concentration of chromophores per kappa number unit. The b-O-4-
structures are degraded with prolonged cooking intensity. Thus, there is a steep
decrease of these structures until an H-factor of approximately 3000 is attained.
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 265
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
â-O-4 structures [ìmol/g residual lignin]
Specific absorption coefficient, k
457 nm
Fig. 4.59 Relationship between the concentration of b-O-4-
structures (determined by thioacidolysis) and the specific
light absorption coefficient of the residual lignin of softwood
kraft pulps (according to [97]).
Further prolongation of cooking intensity causes only an insignificant decrease in
the amount of b-O-4-structures. A relationship between the concentration of
b-aryl ether linkages and the H-factor of kraft cooking is shown in Fig. 4.60.
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000
â-O-4 structures [mmol/g residual lignin]
Fig. 4.60 Course of the content of b-aryl ether
linkages in residual lignins during kraft cooking
as a function of cooking intensity expressed as
H-factor (according to [97]). Softwood kraft
pulps delignified to kappa number of approximately
20 with different cooking conditions,
e.g., time (39 to 2602 min), hydroxide concentrations
([OH– ]= 0.55–1.5 mol L–1), sulfidities
([HS– ]= 0.075–0.5 mol L–1) and temperatures
(T = 154–181 °C).
266 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
The influence of pulping variables is clearly reflected in the specific amount of
b-O-4-structures. When the [OH– ]is increased while keeping the [HS– ]and temperature
constant, the content of b-O-4 structures is found to increase. The same
observation is made when the [HS– ]is increased with the [OH– ]and the temperature
constant, or when the temperature is increased with the other parameters
unchanged. It is well known that an increase in [OH– ]en hances the rate of delignification.
Clearly, the accelerated rate of delignification leaves a residual lignin in the
pulp with a large amount of remaining b-O-4-structures at the given kappa number.
Since hydrogen sulfide ions promote the cleavage reactions, the positive correlation
with the amount of b-O-4 structures might be interpreted as a result of the significantly
shorter reaction times at the higher [HS– ]to be the determining factor.
The color of the unbleached (kraft) pulps originates from a complex mixture of
certain unsaturated structures which are denoted as chromophores. Very small
amounts of conjugated structures with a very high specific absorption coefficient
are sufficient to darken the pulp material. Most of the chromophores are certainly
derived from lignin structures. As mentioned above, they may also originate from
unsaturated structures of the polysaccharides such as hexenuronic acid (HexA)
and aromatic structures containing catechols and chromones which evolve from
carbohydrate moieties after the elimination of water and other molecules [70].
Moreover, metal ions bound to the unbleached pulp can originate chromophores,
probably due to the formation of a complex with a catechol structure. The
contribution of certain metal ions such as Mn, Cu, Fe, Mg, Al and others to the
color of a pulp will be of increasing importance with the increasing closure of the
water cycle in the washing and bleaching areas.
The precipitation of lignin from the black liquor might also be a source of lowering
pulp brightness. The dissolved lignin shows a higher light absorption coefficient
than lignin isolated from the pulp. The extent of precipitation correlates
with the concentration of lignin dissolved in black liquor and with decreasing pH
The bleachability of pulps may be related to the conditions that prevail during
the kraft cook. In a detailed study, the influence of the most important parameters
in kraft cooking of softwood (Pinus sylvestris) on TCF bleachability has been investigated
[97]. It is clear that a pure peroxide-containing bleaching sequence such as
a QPQP-sequence behaves more sensitively to different chromophore structures
in the residual lignin as compared to an ozone-containing sequence (e.g., AZQP).
The latter shows no influence on cooking temperature, whereas the former reveals
an improved bleachability when the cooking temperature for pulps produced with
low and medium [OH– ]is high. It is known that the bleachability of kraft pulps is
improved when the EA charge is increased [99,100]. Interestingly, there is an optimum
EA charge with respect to bleachability. This optimum is observed in both
QPQP- and AZQP-bleaching for a hydroxide ion concentration of 1.0 mol L–1.
Beyond this EA concentration, the bleachability becomes impaired. The bleachability
in QPQP-treatment is further improved by increasing the hydrogen sulfide
ion concentration in the kraft cook. It is however almost unaffected in AZQPbleaching.
The presence of inert cations such as sodium ions in the cooking
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 267
liquor contributes to the ionic strength in the liquor. It can be expected that an
increased closure of the water cycles (e.g., bleach plant and recovery) leads inevitably
to higher concentrations of inert cations, such as sodium ions. If the concentration
of sodium ions is increased in the final part of the cook, the cooking time
must be increased substantially to reach the target kappa number of about 20. In
combination with low concentrations of hydroxide ion and hydrogen sulfide ion,
the QPQP-bleachability is negatively influenced at an ionic strength of only
2.9 mol L–1. The poor bleachability is also characterized by a lower brightness value
at the given kappa number of about 20. Bleachability is not adversely affected
up to a sodium ion concentration of 2.9 mol L–1 for pulps in which the ionic
strength is adjusted after the pretreatment and then kept constant throughout the
whole cook [101].
The results of the QPQP-bleaching trials reveals a clear relationship between
the content of b-O-4 structures in the residual lignin of the unbleached pine kraft
pulps and bleachability of the pulp, expressed as the consumption of oxidation
equivalents per kappa number necessary to achieve a brightness level of 87% ISO
(Fig. 4.61). The results clearly demonstrate that the higher the specific amount of
b-O-4 structures, the lower the specific consumption of bleaching chemicals.
Bleachability remains at an acceptably high level when the specific content of
b-O-4 structures exceeds a value of 5 lmol g–1.kappa**–1. However, at a value of
around 3 lmol g–1.kappa**–1, the bleachability changes dramatically and, below
this value, becomes very poor.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Consumed OXE / kappa**
â-O-4 [ìmol/g.kappa**]
Fig. 4.61 Consumed OXE/kappa number** for
pine kraft pulps bleached in an OQPQPsequence
to a brightness of 87% ISO as a function
of b-aryl-ether structures in the residual
lignin after cooking according to Gellerstedt
and Wafa Al-Dajani [93]and Gustavsson et al.
[97]. The peroxide charge in the first P-stage
was 3.0% H2O2, while in the second P-stage
the peroxide charge was varied between 1.5
and 6.0 % H2O2. In the second P-stage, 0.05%
Mg-ions were added.
268 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8
Brownstock pulps: EA-variation at begin EA-variation at end of cook
Oxygen bleached: EA-variation at begin EA-variation at end of cook
457 nm
/ kappa**
Residual OH- [mol/l]
Fig. 4.62 The light absorption coefficient, k,
(measured at 457 nm) per kappa number corrected
for the content of HexA as a function of
the residual effective alkali concentration at the
end of the cook (according to [102]). The
unbleached pulps are produced according to
an ITC-type cook with EA variation in the residual
delignification phase (black liquor pretreatment
and three
stages) and according to a simple two-stage
process with EA variations in the beginning of
bulk delignification (black liquor pretreatment
and one stage). The unbleached pulps all show
a kappa number around 17. Cooking temperature
was 160 °C for all cooks, sulfidity 40% or
at constant [HS– ]. Oxygen bleaching was conducted
at 100 °C, 115 min at 12% consistency,
0.7 MPa and 2.15% NaOH on pulp.
As discussed previously, unbleached softwood kraft pulps with a high remaining
amount of b-O-4 structures can be produced by adjusting the cooking conditions
such that both hydroxide ion concentration and hydrogen sulfide concentration
are maintained at a high level, together with a low ionic strength. In any case,
cooking conditions with high H-factors must be avoided (see Fig. 4.60) [97].
The specific light absorption of the unbleached pine (Pinus sylvestris) kraft pulps
with kappa numbers close to 17 is lower for the ITC-type pulps as compared to
the two-stage cooked pulps both with black liquor pre-impregnation. As expected,
the brightness increases with raising residual alkali concentration in the black
liquor after the cook (Fig. 4.62).
The lower specific light absorption coefficient after the cook at a given residual
effective alkali concentration for the ITC-type pulps as compared to the two-stage
pulps can be attributed to both the lower concentration of dissolved lignin in the
black liquor and the lower EA concentration during the initial stage of bulk
delignification [29]. The differences in the specific light absorption between the
cooking procedures after a subsequent oxygen delignification stage diminishes, as
shown in Fig. 4.62. Oxygen delignification clearly degrades the chromophore
structures with different specific absorption coefficients equally well. The HexA
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 269
content is found to decrease with increasing alkali concentration. Due to the higher
EA level in the early stage of the cook, the two-stage pulps generally reveals a lower
content of HexA, which is in agreement with the results of Vuorinen et al. [28].
The intrinsic viscosity level is higher for the ITC-type pulps (pulps produced
with an alkali concentration varied in the final part of the cook) as compared to
conventional kraft pulps. In accordance with other results, the viscosity of the
ITC-type pulps remains almost constant, or even shows a slight increase with
increasing residual alkali concentration, whereas the pulps with the EA variation
in the early stage of the cook shows a declining viscosity with increasing residual
alkali concentration (Fig. 4.63) [29].
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Residual OH- [mol/l]
Brownstock pulps: EA-variation at begin EA-variation at end of cook
Oxygen bleached: EA-variation at begin EA-variation at end of cook
Intrinsic Viscosity [ml/g]
Fig. 4.63 Intrinsic viscosity as a function of the residual effective
alkali concentration at the end of the cook (according to
[102]and Fig. 4.62).
The selectivity advantage for the ITC-type pulps at a given residual alkali concentration
is preserved throughout oxygen delignification and QPQP final bleaching.
The difference in viscosity at a given brightness in the range 85–91% ISO between
the two pulping procedures even increases with increasing residual alkali
The specific OXE consumption using a QPQP bleaching sequence after oxygen
delignification to reach a target brightness level is lowest for pulps with a residual
alkali concentration close to 0.5 mol L–1, both for the ITC-type pulps and the two-stage
pulps with an EA variation in the beginning of the cook. The ITC-type pulps are
slightly easier to bleach as compared to the two-stage pulps both with kappa number
17when the comparison ismade at the sameresidual alkali concentration (Fig. 4.64).
270 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
0 500 1000 1500
EA-variation at begin EA-variation at end of cook
Brightness [% ISO]
after QPQP* bleaching
Consumed OXE/Kappa number**
Fig. 4.64 Brightness development after a
QPQP-sequence as a function of the specific
OXE consumption (OXE/kappa number**)
(according to [102]). The ITC-type pulps for
which the alkali concentration was varied in the
late stage of the cook and the two-stage pulps
for which the alkali concentration was varied in
the beginning of the cook both with a residual
alkali concentration of about 0.5 mol L–1 are
The differences in bleachability between the ITC-type pulps for which the alkali
concentration is varied in the late stage of the cook and the two-stage cook for
which the alkali concentration is modified in the beginning of the cook are, however,
very small and cannot be regarded as significant.
Recently, Olm and Tormund studied the influence of different EA profiles on
the bleachability of pine kraft pulps with a kappa number of about 20, using a
two-stage process similar to that introduced by Sjostrom, but with the difference
that the former also varied the EA concentration in the pretreatment step [102].
These authors also found a clear relationship between the residual EA and the
ISO brightness of the unbleached pulps (Fig. 4.65).
The poor brightness of the pulp originating from a cook with a residual alkali
concentration of only 0.15 mol L–1 also translates into an impaired bleachability.
The bleachability is evaluated as the total consumption of OXE per kappa number
after the oxygen stage (and per ton of pulp) necessary to reach an ISO brightness
of 89%. The specific OXE consumption amounts to 160 OXE/kappaO2 for the pulp
with the low residual alkali concentration (0.15 mol L–1) as compared to only 125
OXE/kappaO2 with the high alkali concentration (0.88 mol L–1) despite the same
kappa number of 20. Assuming a kappa number of 10 after the oxygen stage, the
additional hydrogen peroxide charge in the last P-stage comprises approximately
6 kg t–1 [(1600 – 5(kgO3/t). 125) – (1250 – 5(kgO3/t). 125) = 350 OXE t–1 = 350/58.8 = 6.0 kg
H2O2 t–1). In the range of residual alkali between 0.34 and 0.61 mol L–1, the bleachability
remains almost unaffected by the hydroxide ion concentration in both
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 271
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Intrinsic Viscosity [ml/g]
ISO Brightness [%]
Residual [OH-], mol/l
Fig. 4.65 Brightness and viscosity of
unbleached pine kraft pulps at kappa number
20 as a function of the residual effective alkali
concentration (according to [27]). Laboratory
cooking trials using a two-stage kraft process
comprising a pretreatment step (where [OH– ]
was varied from 0.1 to 0.5 mol L–1
at constant [HS– ]= 0.3 mol L–1) and a cooking
stage (where [OH– ]was varied from 1.0 to
1.6 mol L–1 at constant [HS– ]= 0.3 mol L–1).
Cooking temperature was kept constant at
170 °C, and cooking time was adjusted to reach
the target kappa number 20.
pretreatment and cooking stages. As expected, cooking with a high concentration
of residual alkali leads to a significant loss in viscosity which, however, does not
impair the strength properties measured as rewetted zero-span tensile index. On
the contrary, the strength properties are about 5% lower as compared to the pulp
originating from the cook with the high residual alkali concentration. The reason
for this might be both the higher amount of hemicellulloses (due to enhanced
xylan reprecipitation) and the significantly higher H-factor (~ 3000 versus 1000) to
attain the target kappa number at this low EA charge which negatively influences
fiber dimensions (average fiber length was only 2.36 mm with residual
[OH– ]= 0.15 mol L–1 versus 2.45 mm with residual [OH– ]= 0.88 mol L–1).
The specific OXE consumption for modified softwood kraft pulps is significantly
lower when using an A-ZQ-P-sequence following one- or two-stage oxygen
delignification stages to reach a kappa number of approximately 10 prior to ozone
bleaching. Bleachability in terms of specific OXE consumption is improved by
interrupting the ITC-type cook at a higher kappa number and alternatively extending
the delignification by applying a reinforced two-stage oxygen delignification
stage (Fig. 4.66). Completing the cook at an earlier stage might prevent the
formation of bonds between lignin and carbohydrates, which are difficult to
remove during oxygen delignification and subsequent bleaching. Treating the
272 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
50 100 150 200
ITC-type, ê = 17 ITC-type, ê = 38
Postsulphonated, ê = 15 ASAM, ê = 20.5
ISO Brightness [%]
Consumed OXE/kappa number
Fig. 4.66 Brightness gain as a function of specific OXE consumption
(OXE consumed/kappa number) for AZQP-bleached softwood kraft
(ITC-type) and ASAM pulps (according to [107]).
ITC-pulps with 0.3 mol Na2SO3 kg–1 o.d. wood in the final cooking stage to achieve
a partial sulfonation also contributes to a slightly better bleachability as compared
to the reference pulp (see Fig. 4.66).
In various pulping and bleaching experiments, it has been shown repeatedly
that alkaline sulfite pulps such as alkaline sulfite with anthraquinone and methanol
ASAM exhibit a better bleachability as compared to kraft pulps [103–106]. For
comparative reasons, an unbleached softwood ASAM pulp with a kappa number
of 20.5 is included in this TCF-bleaching study. All pulps used for TCF-bleaching
are characterized before and after oxygen delignification (Tab. 4.34).
The specific OXE requirement for a given brightness level is significantly less
for an alkaline sulfite pulp (e.g., ASAM pulp) as compared to the kraft pulps with
or without modification, as can be seen from Fig. 4.66. The accelerated brightness
development of the alkaline sulfite pulps can be led back primarily to the significantly
higher brownstock brightness as compared to the kraft pulps. The brightness
advantage is preserved throughout oxygen delignification. Alkaline and acid
sulfite pulps show equal bleachability [107]. At a given kappa number, alkaline
sulfite pulp lignin contains by far more b-O-4 structures as compared to a residual
kraft lignin, and this agrees well with the observed superior bleachability
(21 lmol g–1·kappa** in the residual ASAM lignin versus 11.4 lmol g–1·kappa**
for the residual kraft lignin, respectively) [93].
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 273
Tab. 4.34 Characterization of softwood kraft and ASAM pulps
used for TCF bleaching according to a AZP-sequence before and
after oxygen delignification [107].
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