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Few studies have been conducted to investigate carbohydrate degradation kinetics.
In order to develop a model, the experimental data as published by Matthews
(slash pine) and Smith and Williams (Loblolly pine) were employed [40,83]. In the
proposed model, the carbohydrates are divided into three components: C, GGM,
and AX. The course of the carbohydrate components during kraft pulping also
reflected the presence of three different species within each component. Thus, it
appears justified to further divide the three components into three species, similar
to the lignin model.
Unlike the situation in the lignin model, the [HS– ]showed no influence on carbohydrate
degradation. The influence on alkali concentration was, however, more
pronounced in the initial stage, where even very low concentrations led to a substantial
loss of carbohydrates. An amount of 7% (based on wood) of directly dis-
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 215
solved wood components, consisting of acetyl groups and low molecular-weight
hemicelluloses, was determined by Kondo and Sarkanen [80]. This value was calculated
by measuring the amount of degraded hemicelluloses of wood meal stabilized
against alkaline peeling by borohydride reduction and extrapolating to zero
time. The insertion of a rate constant k2 into the kinetics equation reflected the observation
that degradation of carbohydrates occurs easily under very mild conditions.
The proposed structure for the carbohydrate kinetics is provided in Eq. (109):
dt _ _ kCHi _ j _ OH _ a _ k 2__ CHij _109_
for the three components, i, C, GGM, and AX, each with three species, j = 1 to 3.
Since only limited data were available for the individual carbohydrate components,
only the total carbohydrates, CH = C + GGM + AX, were considered. It has
been shown by Lindgren that the proportion of the carbohydrate species is also
dependent on the sodium hydroxide concentration [47]. The intersection of CH2
and CH3, denoted as CH*, was conducted from the log-linear extrapolation of the
experimental data in a manner similar to that described for lignin. The relationship
between CH* and reaction conditions was derived by nonlinear regression
analysis. In contrast to L*, no dependency on temperature was found; thus,
regressing CH* against [OH– ]yields Eq. (110):
CH * _ 42_3 3_65 ___ OH _ 0_05__0_54 _110_
The initial amounts for CH1,0 and CHtot,0 are known and hence the sum of the initial
amounts for species 2 and 3 CH2+3,0 = CHtot,0 – CH1,0. The initial values CH2,0
and CH3,0 depend on the cooking conditions and can be calculated as follows
using the definition of CH*:
CH 2_0 _ CH * _ Exp kCH 2 _ D t _ _ _111_
where Dt is again defined as the time interval between t (L*) and t(0).
The initial amount of CH3 is calculated using the expression in Eq. (112):
CH 3_0 _ CH 2 CH 3 _ CH 2_0 _ CH * _ Exp kCH 3 _ D t _ _ _112_
where CH2 and CH3 are calculated by using Eq. (102), where kCH2 and kCH3 are
the rate constants for the first-order reactions for species 2 and 3 in Eqs. (102) and
(103), respectively, and Dt is the time interval after which species 2 and 3 reach
the same level CH*. Summing these equations yields:
CH 23_0 _ CH * _ Exp kCH 2 _ D t _ _ Exp kCH 3 _ D t _ _ _113_
which can be solved for the time interval Dt using the nonlinear equation solver
(see Appendix).
216 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
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