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H-Factor concept
Process control in practical pulping is mainly based on empirical models due to
their simplicity and ease of implementation. One of the earliest kinetic models
was developed by Vroom and this, even today, is widely used for control purposes
[13]. This model is called the H- factor, and expresses the cooking time and temperature
as a single variable in batch reactors. It is defined as:
H _
t 0
kL _ dt _76_
where kL is the relative reaction rate of pulping (dimensionless). The rate at 100 °C
is chosen as unity, and all other temperatures are related to this rate. An Arrhe-
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 189
nius-type equation is used to express the temperature dependence of the reaction
rate. At a temperature T, it is expressed as
Ln _ kL _ T ___ Ln _ A __
EA _ L
R _
T _77_
The reference reaction rate at 100 °C is simplified to
Ln kL _100_ C _ __ Ln _ A __
EA _ L
R _
373_15 _78_
The relative reaction rates at any other temperature can be expressed by the following
kL __ T _
k 100_ C _
EA _ L
R _ 373_15 _
EA _ L
R _ T _79_
The activation energy values E A for bulk delignification published in the literature
range from 117 kJ mol–1 [14]for birch to 150 kJ mol–1 [15]for pine. Assuming an
activation energy of 134 kJ mol–1, according to Vroom the H-factor can be
expressed as
H _
t 0
kL __ T _
k 100_ C _ dt _
t 0
Exp _ 43_19 _
T _ __ dt _80_
The H-factor is designated as the area under the curve of k vs. time in hours. As
an example, the H-factor for 1-h isothermal cooking at 170 °C equals a value of
925. The H-factor was developed to predict the temperature or cooking time
needed to achieve a given Kappa number. This means that the result is only valid
when the relationship between the H-factor and the Kappa number is known, provided
that the other cooking conditions such as effective alkali concentration,
liquor-to-wood-ratio, etc. are kept constant. In this case, the prediction of kappa
number is of sufficient precision. Figure 4.24 shows as an example the course of
kappa number and yield as a function of H-factor for softwood kraft cooking.
Depending on the charge of effective alkali and the sulfidity of the cooking
liquor, H-factors in the range of 1000 to 1500 are needed for a complete kraft cook
A number of simple models for the relationship between two or three process
variables have been developed. Hatton describes a model to predict yield and
kappa number based on the H-factor and the charge of effective alkali for a variety
of wood species with an equation of the form [18]:
Y _ _ _ a _ b __ LogH __ EA _ n _ _81_
190 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Yield [% on wood]
Kappa number
Kappa number
H factor
Fig. 4.24 Course of kappa number and yield as a function of
the H-factor. Spruce/pine = 1:1; liquor-to-wood-ratio = 3.8:1;
maximum temperature = 170 °C; EA-charge = 19% on wood;
sulfidity 38% [16].
where Y is the yield, k the kappa number, a and b are adjustable parameters, H is
the H-factor, and EA is the effective alkali charge based on wood.
The integration of additional process parameters into the model structure certainly
improves the precision of kappa number prediction. For example, the
model of Bailey et al. uses five variables in a 20-term polynomial to predict kappa
number [19]. Despite the high complexity, the reliability of these models is limited
to the specific cooking plant investigated.
Control of kraft pulping by monitoring of hydroxy carboxylic acids
A prerequisite for reliable H-factor control is that the cooking conditions are precisely
known and kept strictly constant, since the prediction of the cooking time
needed to reach the target kappa number is based only on temperature measurements.
Typical industrial conditions, however, include uncontrollable variations in
the moisture content and the quality of chips, the concentration of the active cooking
chemicals, and the temperature measurements. Alternatively, it was suggested
to correlate the progress of delignification with the carbohydrate degradation taken
place during cooking. The majority of carbohydrates in kraft pulping are
degraded to hydroxy carbonic acids according to the peeling reaction (see Section The formation of these short-chain acids is directed by temperature and
effective alkali concentration. Detailed investigations have shown that adequate
information with regard to the extent of delignification can be obtained simply by
analyzing the key hydroxy monocarboxylic acids as their trimethylsilyl derivatives
by gas-liquid chromatography [20]. Kraft pulping of pine can be reliably controlled
by following the concentration ratio comprising the sum of 3,4-dideoxypentanoic
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 191
acid (A) and anhydroglucoisosaccharinic acid (B) divided by the concentration of
2-hydroxybutanoic acid (C). This procedure is also advantageous because it avoids
the difficulty of measuring the absolute concentrations.
0 30 60 90 120 150
Kappa number
0 20 40 60 80 100
Xylosisosaccharinic acid
á-Glucoisosaccharinic acid
Ratio of birch-to-pine [%]
Fig. 4.25 (A) Acid concentration ratio versus
kappa number of pine kraft pulping according
to [21]. EA-charge 18–24% on wood, sulfidity
35%. A = 3,4 dideoxypentonic acid;
B = anhydroglucoisosaccharinic acid;
C = 2-hydroxybutanoic acid. (B) Ratio of the
concentrations of xyloisosaccharinic acid to
a-glucoisosaccharinic acid as a function of the
wood composition consisting of birch and pine
(according to [21]).
192 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 193
Figure 4.25A shows the concentration ratio in relation to the course of kappa
numbers. Based on this relationship, it was possible to determine the end point of
the cook with an accuracy corresponding to ± 2 kappa number units. However,
the described method for the determination of the ratio of hydroxy monocarboxylic
acids is still too time-consuming to be used for process control under
industrial conditions.
The fragmentation pattern of the carbohydrates under alkaline cooking conditions
is different for softwoods and hardwoods. Thus, the proportion of, for example
hardwood in a wood composition consisting of a mixture of hardwood and
softwood, can be detected by using this method. Among different possibilities, the
ratio of xyloisosaccharinic acid to a-glucoisosaccharinic acid determines the composition
of the softwood and hardwood chip mixtures as seen in Fig. 4.25B, which
shows clearly that the composition of the chip mixtures can be reliably determined
on the basis of the analysis of the hydroxy monocarboxylic acids.
Carbohydrate degradation
The selectivity of kraft pulping is determined by the ratio of polysaccharide degradation
and lignin removal. For the production of dissolving pulp, the most important
control parameter is the average degree of polymerization, determined as
intrinsic viscosity. A kinetic model for the degradation of pulp polysaccharides
(cellulose and hemicelluloses) can be derived by assuming the initial number of
molecules to be M0 and the initial total number of monomer units as N0, then the
initial total number of bonds is n0, where [22]
n 0 _ N 0 _ M 0 _ N 0 _ 1 _
DPn _0 _ _ _82_
where DPn,0 is the initial degree of number average polymerization= N0/M0.
Similarly, the number of bonds in the polymer substrate remaining at time t
can be described as:
nt _ Nt _ Mt _ N 0 _ 1 _
DPn _ t _ _ _83_
where Mt is the number of polymer molecules at time t, DPn,t is the degree of
number average polymerization at time t = Nt/Mt, and nt is the number of intermonomer
bonds per molecule at time t.
For first-order kinetics of bond scission, the rate is proportional to the number
of unbroken bonds in the polymer and the hydroxide ion concentration:
dt _ k ′ C __ OH _ _ n _84_
In the case of constant hydroxide ion concentration the equation simplifies to:
n 0 _ __ _ k ′ C __ OH _ a _ t _ _ kC _ t _85_
where kc is the rate constant of the first-order reaction.
Substituting for nt and n0
Ln 1 _
DPn _ t _ __ Ln 1 _
DPn _0 _ __ _ kC _ t _86_
If DPt and DP0 are large, which is valid in the case of pulp polysaccharides, this
simplifies to a zero-order reaction:
DPn _ t _
DPn _0 _ __ CS _ kC _ t _87_
where CS is the number of chain scissions per anhydroglucose unit and kC is a
reaction rate for cellulose degradation; assuming DPn,0 = 1500 and DPn,t = 1000,
the number of chain scissions calculates to 0.33 mmol AHG–1.
It must be taken into account that this approach is strictly applicable only if the
polymer is linear, monodisperse, and there is no loss of monomer units during
scission. Although the pulp carbohydrates are by no means monodisperse and
there is also some loss of monomers during scission due to peeling reactions, the
model is applicable to predict the degree of average polymer weight with sufficient
precision. In a certain range of the degree of polymerization it can be assumed
that the polydispersity remains constant during the degradation reaction.
The rate of cellulose chain scission is also strongly dependent on the hydroxide
ion concentration, as expressed by Eq. (85). The value of a can be obtained as the
slope of a plot of ln(kC) against ln([OH]). Kubes et al. studied the effect of hydroxide
ion concentration for both kraft and Soda-AQ pulping of black spruce [23]. Figure
4.26 illustrates the effect of [OH]on the rate of cellulose chain scissions at a
cooking temperature of 170 °C.
According to Fig. 4.26, Soda-AQ cooking displays a more pronounced effect on
the rate of cellulose chain scissions as compared to kraft cooking. The corresponding
values for the power constant in Eq. (85) have been determined to be 2.63 for
Soda-AQ and 1.77 and for kraft pulping, respectively. In the case of kraft pulping,
Eq. (87) can thus be modified to
DPn _ t _
DPn _0 _ __ CS _ k ′ C _ OH _ _ 1_77_ t _88_
The temperature dependence can be described by the Arrhenius equation according
to the following expression
k ′ C _ A _ Exp _
EA _ C
R _
T _ _ _89_
where E A,C can be calculated from the slope of the graph of ln kC versus 1/T.
194 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
-0,8 -0,4 0,0 0,4 0,8
Fig. 4.26 Effect of hydroxide concentration on
the rate of cellulose chain scissions in the
course of kraft and Soda-AQ cooking of black
spruce at 170 °C as a plot of ln(kC) against
ln([OH]) with liquor-to-wood ratio amounts to
0.5–2.6 mol L–1; The Tappi Standard Viscosity
Method T-230 (0.5% cuene) was converted by
the equation IV[mL g–1]= 1.103.[8.76.log(V) –
2.86]to the intrinsic viscosity (IV = SCAN-CM-
15:88) which again was converted to DPv by the
appropriate equations included in the SCAN
Method CM 88.
Kubes et al. obtained an activation energy of 179 ± 4 kJmol–1 for the chain scissions
in both Soda-AQ and kraft pulping. This result reveals that additives such as sulfide
for kraft and anthraquinone for Soda-AQ pulping do not affect pulp viscosity. This
observation was confirmed quite recently, showing that the activation energies for cellulose
degradation were not influenced by the addition of AQ and PS, either alone
or in combination, and were in the range of 170–190 kJ mol–1 [24,25].
Finally, Eq. (90) represents the complete rate equation for cellulose chain scissions
of Soda-AQ and kraft pulping combining the expressions for temperature
and hydroxide ion concentration dependences:
DPn _ t _
DPn _0 _ __ 2_80 _ 1015 _ Exp _ _
_ T ___ OH _ 2_63_ t
DPn _ t _
DPn _0 _ __ 4_35 _ 1015 _ Exp _ _
T _ ___ OH _ 1_77_ t
Following Vroom’s approach, Kubes et al. have derived the G-factor model for viscosity
loss as a means for expressing the effect of cooking time and temperature
in a single variable [8,23]. Analogous to the H-factor concept, the reaction rate constant
for cellulose degradation, kC, can be related to the rate at 100 °C which is chosen
as unity. Thus, the relative reaction rates at any other temperature can be
expressed by the following equation:
4.2 Kraft Pulping Processes 195
kC __ T _
kC _100_ C _
EA _ C
R _ 373_15 _
EA _ C
R _ T _91_
Inserting the activation energy for viscosity loss, 179 kJ mol–1, leads to the following
expression for the G-factor:
G _
t 0
Exp _ 57_70 _
T _ __ dt _92_
At a constant hydroxide ion concentration, the G-factor can be related to the chain
scission according to Eq. (93):
DPn _ t _
DPn _0 _ __ G _93_
In industrial pulping the hydroxide ion concentration varies as a function of time.
Fleming and Kubes recognized a linear correlation between the cellulose chain
scissions and the product from residual alkali concentration and G-factor.
Figure 4.27 shows a plot of ([OH–
res]· G) against the reciprocal viscosity average
degree of polymerization, 1/Pv, for both hardwood (birch and aspen) and softwood
kraft pulping.
0 3000 6000 9000 12000
Hardwoods: birch and aspen
Softwood; spruce
-]*G-factor [mol/l]
Fig. 4.27 Reciprocal viscosity average degree of polymerization
against ([OH–
res]· G-factor) for kraft pulping of birch,
aspen and spruce at 30% sulfidity and a liquor-to-wood-ratio
of 5:1 (according to [26]).
196 4 Chemical Pulping Processes
The results confirmed a linear relationship between 1/DPv and the product
from [OHresid]and G-factor, with different slopes for hardwoods and softwood. The
reason for the more intense cellulose degradation in the case of hardwood pulps
might be due to the lower amount of residual lignin being a measure of protection
against polysaccharide degradation. The intercept on the ordinate corresponds to
a viscosity average degree of polymerizations of 5315 for hardwood and 5080 for
softwood which in turn correspond to intrinsic viscosities of 1550 and 1495 mL g–1,
Pulping selectivity: As a consequence of its high activation energy, viscosity loss
accelerates more rapidly than delignification as temperature increases. The ratio
of kL to kC can be used to represent the pulping selectivity. The values of this ratio
against the cooking temperatures have been calculated on the basis of kraft pulping
of black spruce at constant alkali concentration (Tab. 4.18).
Tab. 4.18 Pulping selectivity denoted as the ratio of kL to kc.
Kraft cooking of black spruce wood [OH]= 1.1 mol L–1,
liquor-to-wood ratio = 24:1; sulfidity = 30% according to [25]
Li et al. (2002).
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