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List of Abbreviations

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4OMeGlcA 4- O -methyl-bd-glucuronic acid-(1→2)-xylose)

AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy

AEC anion-exchange chromatography

AF&PA American Forest & Paper Association

AFM atomic force microscopy

AHG anhydroglucose

AMT accepted modern technology

AOX adsorbable organic halogen

ASAM alkaline sulfite with anthraquinone and methanol

B.I.R. Bureau International de la Recuperation

BAT best available technology

BLG black liquor gasification

BLGCC black liquor gasification with combined cycle

BLPS black liquor dissolved polysaccharides

CCE cold caustic extraction

CCOA carbazole-9-carboxylic acid [2-(2-aminooxy-ethoxy)-ethoxy]-amide

CDE cupri-ethylene-diamine-solution

CE causticizing efficiency

CEPI Confederation of European Paper Industries

CGW chemigroundwood

CI crystallinity index

CMP chemimechanical pulp

COD chemical oxygen demand

CRMP chemi-refiner mechanical pulp

CTC charge transfer complex

CTMP chemi-thermomechanical pulp,

CTO crude tall oil

CZE capillary zone electrophoresis

DAE differential algebraic equation

DD drum displacer

DDA dynamic drainage analyzer

DDJ dynamic drainage jar

List of Abbreviations XXIX

DIP deinked pulp

DP degree of polymerization

DSC differential scanning calorimetry

DTPA diethylene triamino penta-acetate

EAPC enhanced alkali profile cooking

ECCSA effective capillary cross-sectional area

ECF elemental chlorine-free

EDR equivalent displacement ratio

EDXA energy dispersive X-ray analysis

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

ERPA European Recovered Paper Association

ERPC European Recovered Paper Council

ESCA electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis

ESR electron spin resonance

EUGROPA European Paper Merchants Association

FBSKP fully bleached softwood kraft pulp

FEAD European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental


FEFCO European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers

FE-SEM field emission-SEM

FSP fiber saturation point

FTIR Fourier transmission infra-red

GPC gel-permeation chromatography

GSA General Services Administration

HCE hot caustic extraction

HEDP hydroxy ethylene 1,1-diphosphonic acid

HHV higher heating value

HP-AEC high-performance anion-exchange chromatography

HVLC high-volume low-concentration

INTERGRAF International Confederation of Printing and Allied Industries

IPPC Integrated Pollution and Prevention Control

ISEC inverse size-exclusion chromatography

I-TEQ International Toxicity Equivalent

LCC lignin–carbohydrate complex

LMS laccase-mediator-system

LODP level-off DP

LVHC low-volume high-concentration

LWC lightweight coated

MCC modified cooking circulation

MFA microfibril angle

MHW Ministry of Health and Welfare

MITI Ministry of International Trade and Industry

MOW mixed office waste

MSW municipal solid waste

XXX List of Abbreviations

MWD molecular weight distribution

NCG noncondensable gases

NHV net heating value

NHWA National Household Recovery Analysis

NMR nuclear magnetic resonance

NPEs non-process elements

NSSC neutral sulfite semi-chemical

ODE ordinary differential equation

OXE oxidation equivalent

PAD pulsed amperometric detection

PCDD polychlorinated dibenzo- p -dioxins

PCDF polychlorinated dibenzofurans

PDI polydispersity index

PGW pressure groundwood

PHK prehydrolysis kraft pulp

PRMP pressurized refiner mechanical pulp

PSA pressure swing adsorption

RAC Recycling Advisory Council

RDH rapid displacement heating

RLLC residual lignin–carbohydrate complex

RMP refiner mechanical pulp

RTS retention time, temperature, speed

SAXS small-angle X-ray scattering

SC supercalendered

SEM scanning electron microscopy

SET single electron transfer

SGW stone groundwood

SRV solvent retention value

SSL spent sulfite liquor

TCF totally chlorine free

TEM transmission electron microscopy

TEQ toxic equivalency quantity

TGW thermo groundwood

TMP thermomechanical pulp

TOC total organic carbon

ToF-SIMS time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy

TRS total reduced sulfur

TSS total suspended solids

TTA total titrable alkali

UCC upper cooking circulation

UMSP scanning UV microspectrophotometry

VOC volatile organic compounds

VSA vacuum swing adsorption

WAXS wide-angle X-ray scattering

List of Abbreviations XXXI

WRV water retention value

XFS X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy

XPS X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

XXXII List of Abbreviations

Part I

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 88 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Preface| Chemical Pulping

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