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Read and translate the text. Guess the meaning of the words and word combinations.

Читайте также:
  1. Exercise 1. Read the text.
  2. Exercise 1. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where required (conditional sentences).
  3. Exercise 1. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Infinitives.
  4. Exercise 10. Translate words given in italics.
  5. Exercise 11. Substitute the words in bold type by the words in the text.
  6. Exercise 13. Translate into English
  7. Exercise 13. Translate the sentences into English, paying attention to Grammar.

Guess the meaning of the words and word combinations.


engineer; familiar; fundamental; problem; processing; production; university; theoretical; practical; course; specialist; training; technological; reconstruction; technical; diagnostics; design; new type; analytical; instrument; model; to test; component; to analyze; analysis; specifications; production process; adaptation; product; mass production; project engineer; automatic conveyer system; to have a chance; humanitarian sciences; marketing; management.


Mind the pronunciation.


engineer maintenance

processing diagnostics

theoretical imagination

knowledge instrument

industry device

enterprise component

course analysis

specialist technology

competitive utilize

qualitative product



Words and Word Combinations to be remembered.


food production — харчове виробництво;

processing — переробка;

to apply — застосувати;

industrial enterprise — промислове підприємство;

competitive — конкурентоспроможний;

technological installation — технологічне оснащення;

technical maintenance — технічне обслуговування;

assembling — монтаж;

to repair — ремонтувати;

to become proficient — оволодіти;

to invent — винаходити;

to test — перевірити, випробувати;

drawing — креслення;

specifications — технічні характеристики;

to utilize — використовувати;

to be in charge of — очолювати;

joint venture — спільне підприємство;

refrigerating technologies — холодильні технології;

canning technologies — технології консервування.





Read and translate the text.

My Major

Nowadays there is a growing need for engineers who are familiar with the fundamental problems m food processing and production. In the near future many of the food production engineers will be recent university graduates. The students of the Ternopil State I. Pul'uj Technical University will apply their theoretical and practical knowledge at different food industry enterprises after completing their course of study at the University. The level of specialists training will allow them to develop competitive and qualitative technological equipment for food production and processing factories and plants, to conduct reconstruction and technological installation of food production enterprises, to provide technical maintenance of the equipment, its assembling, diagnostics and repair.

The Department of Processing Technologies in Food Industry was founded in 1995 and today it includes two chairs: food technologies equipment and food biotechnologies and chemistry. Educational process and scientific research are provided with all necessary installation in special laboratories (laboratory of food industry processes and apparatuses, canning technologies laboratory, technical microbiology lab., refrigerating technologies lab. and many others). The students are taught and assisted by highly-qualified lecturers, including Doctors of Sc., Candidates of Sc. and Assistant-Professors.

As engineers make the vast contribution in design, assembling and maintenance of new types of equipment we need their analytical frame of mind and their imagination. They may design an instrument or device themselves; invent new model, test it, its components, analyze its performance and make a mathematical analysis. So they must be aware of making drawings and specifications. They may be concerning themselves with the development of a new production process, or the adaptation of current process to a new product. Besides, food industry engineers must have a deep knowledge of foods, their components and processing technologies. They may utilize their engineering know-how in determining the best processes and equipment for the mass production of high-quality products. They may be project engineers in charge of the design and installation of a highly automatic conveyer system for handling different kinds of parts between various assembly stations.

Being a student of our university you have a chance to get a wide range of necessary knowledge in exact humanitarian sciences, marketing and management, to learn one or two foreign languages.

After graduation from the university young people will be able to work at different enterprises of food and processing industry, food industry mechanical engineering, small and joint ventures, in scientific-research institutions, design bureaus. The best students of our department have an opportunity to develop the scientific abilities, continuing their study at the post-graduate courses.



5. Find the sentences, where you can read about:


- історію створення та структуру факультету переробних та харчових виробництв;

- рівень підготовки майбутніх інженерів-механіків по обладнанню переробних та харчових виробництв;

- що повинні знати і вміти майбутні спеціалісти харчової промисловості;

- на яких ділянках виробництва можуть працювати інженери-механіки;

- які додаткові дисципліни вивчаються майбутніми інженерами в технічному університеті;

- які перспективи відкриваються перед здібними студентами після закінчення курсу навчання.


6. Answer the following questions:


1. What is your major?

2. What is the structure of the department you study at?

3. How can you describe the level of naming of future food industry engineers at our university?

4. What contribution can engineer make in our economy?

5. What kind of work may food industry engineers perform in manufacture?

6. What special knowledge should future mechanical engineers have?

7. Where may mechanical engineers utilize their engineering know-how?

8. What kind of supplementary knowledge and skills may our students get at the university?

9. What is the field of food industry engineers' scientific research?

10. In what way may the students continue their study?



7. Find the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations in the text:


зростаюча потреба, основні проблеми переробних і харчових виробництв, застосовуватимуть теоретичні і практичні знання; рівень підготовки спеціалістів, розробляти конкурентоспроможне та якісне технологічне обладнання, проводити реконструкцію та технологічне переоснащення харчових виробництв, технічне обслуговування обладнання; вносити великий вклад у, розробляти нову модель, повинні бути обізнані з, використовувати інженерні знання для визначення кращого процесу, обладнання для масового виробництва високоякісної продукції, широкий діапазон необхідних знань; оволодівати найновішими комп'ютерними технологіями.


8. Translate the following words and word combinations using the text:


who are familiar with; recent university graduates; apply their knowledge, after completing then; course of study, will allow them to develop, assembling; diagnostics; repair; maintenance, analytical frame of mind; imagination, may utilize their engineering know-how; for handling different kinds of parts; to get a wide range of necessary knowledge.


9. a) Complete the sentences, using the text:


1. Nowadays there is a growing need for engineers...     2. They may design…     3. So they must be aware...   4. Besides, food industry engineers must have a...     5. The best students of our Department... ... deep knowledge of foods, their components and processing technologies.   ... have an opportunity to develop scientific abilities, continue their study at the post-graduate courses.   … an instrument or device themselves.   … who are familiar with the fundamental problems in food production.   … of making drawings and specifications.


b) Retell the text "My Major".


Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 94 | Нарушение авторских прав

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