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Exercise 11. Substitute the words in bold type by the words in the text.

Читайте также:
  1. Ask questions about what these people are going to be. Use these words: musician / actor / secretary / businesswoman / doctor / journalist
  2. B). Open the brackets. c). Put questions to the underlined words.
  3. Change the words in capital letters so that they make sense in the text
  4. Choose one of the words above and fill in the blanks in the sentences
  5. Complete these extracts with the expressions Andy used (from exercise 2). Then listen and check.
  6. Complete these extracts with the expressions Andy used (from exercise 2). Then listen and check.
  7. Complete these sentences with words from the article.

1. The disturbance of hormone level can have serious effects on the organism.

2. Hypophysis is one of the glands of the endocrine system that is located at the base of the brain.

3. The function of thymus is the protection of the immune system.

4. If your body doesn’t react to the hormones, you may develop serious hormonal disturbances.

5. The treatment of diabetes mellitus includes the prescription of insulin.

6. The excessive production of leptin promoted the formation of overweight.

7. A lack or unusual level of thyroid hormone can lead to goiter.

8. Leucocytes are produced in the blood to fight with the infections.

Exercise 12. Agree or contradict the following statements:

1. Insulin is produced by the thymus.

2. Adrenal glands influence an individual’s height and contribute to bone and muscle building.

3. Pituitary gland in the brain produces growth hormone.

4. A lack or excess of a certain hormone can be serious.

5. Diabetes mellitus can be caused by abnormal level of leptin.

6. Obesity can be caused by disturbance in the work of hormones produced by fat cells.

7. The deficiency of any hormone leads to a disease, which can be cured by administration of antibiotics.

8. The pineal gland secretes melatonin that helps to maintain immune system.

Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Гормон — це біологічно-активна хімічна речовина, що виділяється ендокринними залозами безпосередньо у кров, так як вони не мають протоків.

2. Гормони впливають на органи і тканини та регулюють нормальне функціонування організму.

3. Надниркова залоза грає важливу роль в регуляції обміну речовин і адаптації організму до несприятливих (тобто стресових) умов.

4. Імунна система працює неналежним чином, коли організм постачає недостатню кількість гормонів.

5. Якщо лікар призначить відповідну дозу мелатоніну, то цикл сну-неспання буде відновлено.

6. Коли організм продукує надлишок ліптину, це може привести до ожиріння.

7. Дисбаланс гормонів призводить до тяжких порушень функціонування.

8. Навіть маленька кількість гормонів може призвести до великих змін у організмі.

Exercise 14. Transform the following sentences using the gerund or gerundial phrases instead of the infinitives:

Example: The doctor began to work at the problems of diabetes 2 years ago. – The doctor began working at the problems of diabetes 2 years ago.


1. The patient started to recover after the administration of an appropriate dose of hormones.

2. They finished to perform an immediate operation on the thyroid gland.

3. The drug began to regulate the wake-sleep cycle of the patient.

4. This surgeon preferred to operate without assistance.

5. The doctor advised to take hormonal preparations in very limited doses.

6. The students have just begun to translate the text about hormones.

7. The patient stopped to take hormonal preparations.

8. The scientists continue to investigate variable functions of hormones.

Exercise 15. Translate the sentences paying attention to Verbal noun:

1. Proper of dose of insulin will prevent the development of severe form of diabetes.

2. The scientists are determining the proper functioning of pineal glands.

3. Sufficient quantity of the hormone, produced by the pituitary gland contributes to bone building.

4. Itching of the skin is due to abnormal level of insulin, produced by the pancreas.

5. An appropriate indicating of the dose of hormonal preparation is very important to avoid side-effects.

6. The readings of the pituitary gland examination proved that the abnormal level of growth hormone was the cause of gigantism in this patient.

7. The pituitary gland controls all other glands of the human beings.

8. Weakening of the human body may be caused by imbalance of hormones.

Exercise 16. Insert some, any, no or their derivatives (something, nothing) into the gaps. Read and translate the sentences:

1. Scientists are working at determining the exact functions of hormones, but haven’t come to ………. final conclusion yet.

2. The patient was unable to eat ………………. today.

3. He proved that he hasn’t done ……………… wrong.

4. The doctor told the patient that there was ……………………serious with his level of leptin.

5. A doctor prescribed him ……………….. injections of insulin.

6. People should value health more than ……………….. in the world.

7. Despite doctors were struggling for patient’s life, …………………. could be done in this case.

8. Do you want to add ………………………… on this topic of endocrine glands?

Exercise 17. Put verbs from brackets in a proper tense and translate them:

1. The patient (to feel) better after the injection of insulin yesterday.

2. The doctor just (to perform) the operation on the thyroid gland in this patient.

3. The lecture in functions of pituitary glands (to finish) in 20 minutes.

4. Insulin usually (to administer) intravenously in case of diabetic coma.

5. Overdose of hormonal preparations already (to cause) severe side effects in this patient

6. Students (attend) lectures in the function of hormones in a week.

7. The patient with diabetes (to give) a subcutaneous injection 2 hours ago.

8. If abnormal level of growth hormone in children (not to treat), it will lead to gigantism or dwarfism.


Exercise 18. Make questions to underlined words:

1. The patient will be operated on hypothyroidism as soon as all analyses are ready.

2. Overproduction of growth hormones caused gigantism.

3. Zoladex has already been prescribed to woman with endometriosis pophysis activity.

4. Prolactin promotes breast growth and milk production.

5. Symptoms experienced during hormone imbalance include fatigue, mood swings, weight problems etc.

6. Weight loss, fast heart rate, sweating and nervousness were caused by hyperthyroidism.

7. A dangerous or fatal hormone imbalance can occur in those who use anabolic steroids.

8. Sugar level is increasing due to insufficient amount of insulin in the body.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 126 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Hormones| Exercise 19. Arrange the following sentences in a correct order to describe the following term

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