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Exercise 11. Put questions to the subjects. Then put special questions to the underlined words.

Читайте также:
  1. Answer the frequently asked questions. Work in pairs.
  2. Answer the questions.
  3. Answer these questions
  4. Ask questions about what these people are going to be. Use these words: musician / actor / secretary / businesswoman / doctor / journalist
  5. B). Open the brackets. c). Put questions to the underlined words.
  6. Can you answer these general knowledge questions about work?
  7. Complete these extracts with the expressions Andy used (from exercise 2). Then listen and check.

Model: The nurse gave him an injection 2 minutes ago.

Who gave him an injection 2 minutes ago? (Question to the Subject)

When did the nurse give him an injection? (Special Question)

1. ONMedU enrolls 1500 students every year.

2. People often catch cold in winter.

3. The examination has been just finished.

4. Our bodies have 9 main systems.

5. A person rings up his local polyclinic in case of a disease.

6. Symptoms helped to reveal the disease.

7. These remedies will relieve my chest pain.

8. He insists on immediate operation.


Exercise 12. Make up disjunctives questions and answer them:

Model: A new hospital will be built in this district next year, won’t it? – Yes, it will.

1. Pain killers relieve pain, …?

2. Eyes are the part of the face, …?

3. Eyebrows are under the eyes, …?

4. The body is covered with the skin, …?

5. Pediatrician helps to deliver a baby, …?

6. The patient complained of the chest pain, …?

7. Penicillin was discovered by Robert Koch, …?

8. Medical students will study Histology at the 5th year, …?


Exercise 13. Re-write sentences opening the brackets:

1. She (to go) to the library after classes.

2. They (to study) heart diseases last Friday.

3. The body (to consist) of organs and systems.

4. Histology (to deal) with the study of tissues.

5. The patient’s sleep (to affect) by nightmare last week.

6. The 1st-year students always (to learn) a lot of Latin terms.

7. The nurses (to take) good care of him after the last operation.

8. If my district doctor (to be) in the morning, he (to come) to visit me.


*Exercise 14. Put the words into the correct order and write down the sentences. Name the type of each question:

1. to / dangerous / Is / life / disease / this?

2. the / What / drug / of / the / effect / was?

3. of / Mr. / did / What / complain / White?

4. the / attack / system / will / What / infection?

5. remember / doctor’s / your / district / you / Do / name?

6. the / helps / out / administrations / Who / doctor / carry / to / his?

7. they / keep / The / in / nurses / cabinets / drugs / do / special / not?

8. at / of / begin / a.m. / the / daily / doctor / 8 / wards / his / rounds / Does / 9?


Exercise 15. Translate sentences into English:

1. Деякі процедури проводять натщесерце.

2. Де медичні сестри зберігають ліки в лікарні?

3. Мені будуть ставити крапельниці протягом наступного тижня.

4. Погані звички у харчуванні можуть спричиняти біль у шлунку.

5. О котрій годині черговий лікар починає щоденний обхід хворих?

6. Гарне ставлення лікаря до хворого сприяє його швидкому одужанню.

7. Чи медична сестра записала ваші персональні дані в історію хвороби? – Так, звичайно.

8. Йому необхідно зробити гастроскопію, щоб підтвердити діагноз виразки шлунку.

Exercise 16. Dwell upon the following topics:

1) the duties of a nurse on duty;

2) the procedures that can be administered to a patient.


Exercise 17. Describe the notion “hospital” using the following table:

1. The type of establishment.  
2. The procedure of admission to hospital.  
3. The nurses’ duties.  
4. The rules of taking medicines.  
5. The daily round.  


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

І. Перекладіть словосполучення: оглядати госпіталізованих хворих заповнювати історію хвороби приймати прописані ліки викликати несприятливі реакції назначати різні процедури ставити крапельницю сприяти швидкому одужанню робити уколи попередити шлункові проблеми проводити дослідження шлунку натщесерце   ІІ. Дайте відповіді на питання: What are the duties of a nurse? Where are the drugs usually kept at hospital? What is usually written in a patient’s case history? What procedures can a ward doctor administer to a patient? Why aren’t patients allowed to take the medicines themselves?   ІІІ. Розкрийте поняття: Лікарня



Emergency Medical Service


Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

adhesive plaster, n [əd'hi:siv 'pla:stə] лейкопластир
ampoule, n ['æmpu:l] ампула
antibiotics, n, pl. [æntibai'ɔtiks] антибіотики
artificial, adj. [ˏa:tiˈfiʃəl] штучний
antipyretics, n, pl. [ˏæntipai'retik] жарознижувальні засоби
disposable syringe, n [disˈpəuzəbl si’rinʤ] одноразовий шприц
emetics, n, pl. [iˈmetiks] засоби, які викликають блювоту
enema, n [ˈenimə] клізма
first-aid kit, n [ˈfɜ:st ˈeid ˈkit] медична аптечка
injury, n ['inʤәri] пошкодження, травма
iodine, n [ˈaiədain] йод
non-registered nurse, n [ˏnɔnˈreʤistəd ˈnɜ:s] молодша медична сестра
paramedic, n [ˏpærəˈmedik] фельдшер
severe, adj. [siˈviə] серйозний
suppository, n [səˈpɔzitəri] свічка
team, n [ti:m] бригада (швидкої допомоги)
tourniquet, n [ˈtuənikei] джгут
vial, n [ˈvaiəl] флакон


Exercise 2. Read correctly:

qu [kw]: quick, equip, equipment, liquid, frequent, queen, question, request;

qu [k]: cheque, tuque, toque, unique, technique, plaque, physique, picturesque;

qua [kwɔ:]: quantity, quality, quarter, quarrel, quadrant, squad, qualification;

et [kei]: tourniquet, bouquet, sachet, ballet, carnet, cabaret.


Exercise 3. a) Form different parts of speech. Explain the meaning of affixes:

1) form nouns from the verbs with the suffix ion: to dictate, to state, to inject, to protect, to consult, to obstruct, to erupt, to complete;

2) form nouns from the verbs with the suffix –er: to teach, to lecture, to write, to read, to work, to help, to examine, to drive;

3) form nouns from adjectives with the suffix –ness: ill, weak, dark, great, kind, happy, lazy, tough;

4) form adjectives from verbs with the suffix –able: to consider, to change, to eat, to absorb, to drink, to rely, to reason, to question.


Exercise 4. Read the following word-combinations and translate them into Ukrainian. Make up your own sentences:

to provide:to provide population with medicines, to provide body with oxygen, to provide the injured people with first aid, to provide hospitals with things for medical care, to provide the patient with pills;

to contain: to contain first-aid things, to contain narcotic drugs, to contain harmful substances, to contain iodine and brilliant green, to contain masks for personal protection;

to relieve: to relieve pain, to relieve toothache, to relieve anxiety, to relieve fear, to relieve seizures;

to receive: to receive the call, to receive the findings of analyses, to receive the doctor’s instructions, to receive symptomatic treatment, to receive antibiotic therapy.


Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 137 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Exercise 11. Substitute the words in bold type by the words in the text. | Exercise 19. Arrange the following sentences in a correct order to describe the following term | The Urinary System | Anatomy and Physiology of the Reproductive System | Development of embryo and fetus | The Immune System | Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov and his Discovery of Phagocytosis | Polyclinic | Exercise 18. Describe the notion “polyclinic” using the following table. | Examination of the Patient |
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