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What they agree

Two covers per page



2 Selling on

Listen again to the first two parts of the conversation. After each part, complete the missing words. Then check your answers with a partner. Parti Michelle Let's talk about the time for setting up the website. We want it in a

month's time. That's the end of July. Designer It's a bit early. I was hoping to have two months to do the job. If I

finish in one month,...... Kill.............. )VU.......... flgCfA...1 to

reduce the number of pages'?
Michelle Yes, that's no problem, lust do the best you can. Our..........____ J

Designer Part 2 Michelle Designer Michelle Designer Michelle

is to have the website up and running as soon as possible.

OK then.................. 3.

Now about payment. You want to charge us $50 an hour. That

works out at $400 a day, I believe.

Yes, that's the..................................... 'forthejob.

Well,,,..,,,..,,,,.,,.,,,..,.,...* to pay you a fixed amount for the

work. We can...............6you$6Tooo.

1 see. Do you.................___...___....___.......... ' ask you why

you want to pay that way?

Well, you see, that way we can control the cost of the project. If we

pay you per hour, the cost could become high. It could get out of

control. This way, we know where we stand.
Designer I see. $6,000. Mmm, that could be all right, I suppose,..................

..................................Rl get some money in advance.

..................................... 'paying me halfwhen I start the work

and half at the end?
Michelle Yes, I think we could arrange that. OK. I............................. '"that.

■:■ listen again to the third part of the conversation. Note down all the expressions for agreeing and disagreeing. Decide whether they express a) strong, b) polite ore) hesitant agreement or disagreement.

Role-play this situation.

A representative of a website maintenance company meets a company manager to negotiate a maintenance contract. Website representative: turn to page 136. Com pany m imager: turn to page 139.

Read your role cards. Then do the negotiation.


Useful language


We'd like to have it in a month's time. We must have delivery by the end of next week.

Making concessions

If I have to linish in one month, I'll

need to have an extra designer. That could be all right - as long as

get some money in advance.

Rejecting suggestions

We'd prefer to pay you a iixed amount,


How about paying me half when I start the work?

Focusing the discussion Let's talk about the time for setting up the website.

Background Lifetime Holidays is a package holiday firm, ft has many high sr.t*:ef. shops and a large catalogue of holidays. However, it is currently lacing problems. Fewer people are visiting iis shops, and demand Tor lis holidays has fallen. Most of ils customers art; aged over 50, so it now wains to appeal to a wider range, especially those aged 50 io 50. The solution seems to be to sell holidays online. As Lifetime has no experience of c-conimercc, Uiey warn io join with alt existing online company, DirectSun. DirectSun is a low-budget holiday website, (t offers cheap flights to a small range of destinations and can arrange accommodation, insurance and car hire. It has a good customer base, but it wants a bigger catalogue of holidays to offer. The two firms have met several times and are now ready to negotiate die details of a possible joint venture.



Lifetime Holidays






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2500 r

Lifetime Holidays sold (\aM $yeaw)

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 448 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Q W 1,3,1 A, 13 Listen to three phone calls and answer these questions.| YEAR 5 YEAR 4 YEAR 3 YEAR 2 YEAR 1

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