(present) Customer profile by age
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10 y)
Over 50
> i.
2 Selllngonlim
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Fa IV tin Eftdit
wutfw.cn ract$un.cQ[ri
For your holiday |JP Car hire
:- Accommodation : Insurance
( |
flights Company
Holiday search
Late deals
Special offers
Book a flight
® Book the best flights
Work In two groups. You are either
a) a director of Lifetime Holidays (turn to page 139)
b) a director of DirectSun (turn to page 141).
Read your role cards and prepare for the negotiation. Then, following the agenda helow, negotiate each point. Try to reach an agreement on a ioint venture.
*0 |
1 Length of contract
2 Range of holiday destinations
3 Car hire and insurance
4 Advertising budget
5 Joint venture structure
As a director of Lifetime Holidays or as a director of DlrcctSuu, complete the leller to the person you negotiated with. Summarise what you agreed,
25U) |
HWm&/*fcpagc. 130
Below is a summary of the points we agreed at ttoem meeting— |
Dear Sir,
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j Reading ^^ The world's most respected companies Language review Present simple and present continuous J Skills Presenting your company Case study Valentino Chocolates |
never |
t 8e everywhere, do everything, and fait to astonish the customer. J
Starting up
Q Which of these companies would you like to work for? Why?
1 a family owned company
2 a multinational company
3 your own company (be self-employed) ~} Vocabulary file page 157
" Which of these business sectors do you work in
(or would you like to work in)? Can you name a company in each sector?
• Telecommunications / Media ■ Transport
• Engineering • Vehicle manufacturing
• Retailing ■ (T(Information Technology) / Electronics
• Construction • Food and drink
• Tourism ■ Pharmaceuticals / Chemicals
• Banking and finance • Other
Q Complete the sentences below with words and phrases from the boj
Describing companies
share price workforce profit -turnover-subsidiary market share head office
l The amount of money a company receives from sales in a particular period
is called its...tyfflGtfft........
a The money a company makes after taking away its costs is its
3 A company which is more than 50% owned by a parent company is called
3 Companies
4 The employees in a particular country or business are called the
5 The percentage of sales a company has in a particular market is its
6 The main building or location of a Large organisation is its..............
7 The cost of a company's shares is its......................
Q Complete the extract from a company report with appropriate words or phrases from the box in Exercise A,
T am pleased to say the company has continued its excellent performance.
Wc arc changing, growing and doing well at a difficult time for (be
industry..,. XWQOyfT _, > wasЂЈ7,2 million, an increase of 15% on last
year, and................................. 3 rose by 5% to Ђ 6.+ million.
Wc arc a highly competitive business. We have increased our
............................... d to 20%. Consequent!v our...................................... 4 has risen
and is now at an all-time liigh of Ђ9.6.
Increased production and strong demand have had a positive effect on our cashflow, so we are able to finance a number of new projccts.Wchavc
successfully moved to our new....................................... 'in central London, We
are now planning to start ftill production at the recently opened Spanish
............................... f' in October.
Finally, thanks once again to our loyal and dedicated.................... 7,
Our employees will always be our most valuable asset.
Q Complete the chart below with the information From the box.
Peugeot Benetton container ship operator American Express French Japanese Italian drug and chemical maker drinks supplier
Ma In activity
Cisco Systems Internet equipment supplier j American .................. i.......... i Car manufacturer |
Bacardi Martini Bayer
AP Mpller-Maersk
l Travel and financial
I services provider
I Cloth i ri g ma n li fac lu re r Electronic goods maker
j Spanish 1 American
Make sentences about the companies. For example
Cisco Systems is an American IT company which supplies internet equipment
Q Now talk in the same way about your own company or one you know well.
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