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Третья часть. Задания, оцениваемые в 5 баллов.

Читайте также:
  1. II. Основная часть. Марксистская школа.
  2. Аппаратная часть. Приборы и оборудование.
  3. Беседа двадцать третья
  4. Беседа третья
  5. Беседа третья
  6. Беседа третья
  7. Беседа третья: О втором прошении молитвы Господней

11. Match the questions about skateboarding (1–5) with the answers (A–F). One variant is extra.

1. Who invented skateboarding?   A) There are skate parks in lots of towns and cities. They are special places for skateboarding. You can practise jumps at skate parks and meet other skateboarders.
2. Where can you go skateboarding?   B) There was a campaign to get skateboarding included in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro but unfortunately it wasn’t successful. But who knows? Maybe, skateboarding will be in the 2020 games!
3. When did you start skateboarding?   C) I live in the city and there’s a skate park near my house. When I was eleven, my dad gave me a skateboard for my birthday and I spent the summer skateboarding at the skate park. I love the freedom and speed. When I was a child, I rode my bike every day, but I never ride it now.
4. Is skateboarding dangerous?   D) At the moment, the fashion is for skateboarders to wear tight jeans or black trousers and a T-shirt or check shirt. Baseball caps and hats are popular too.
5. Are there skateboarding competitions? E) Skateboarding began in California in the 1950s, but we don’t know who the first person to go on a skateboard was.
  F) All skateboarders fall off their boards but fortunately most injuries are minor. It’s a good idea to wear a helmet to protect your head.


12. Match the phrasal verbs (1–5) with their definitions (A–F). One definition is extra.

1) look up A) if two or more people do it, they like each other and are friendly to each other
2) warm up B) to start doing a particular job or activity
3) take up C) to try to find a piece of information by looking in a book or on a computer
4) fight back D) to defend yourself when someone attacks you or causes problems for you
5) get through E) to succeed in talking to someone on the phone
  F) to prepare yourself for a physical activity by doing some gentle exercises and stretches


13. Match the beginnings of the expressions with the endings. One variant is extra.

1. I don't agree A) for any inconvenience caused.
2. Trains may be subject to delay – we apologize B) to him.
3. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened C) in raising public awareness of the issue.
4. The campaign has certainly succeeded D) with hunting.
5. Your hair and eyes remind me E) at me.
  F) of your mother.


14. Match the prefixes (1–5) with the words (A–F) to make their opposites. One variant is extra.

1. dis- A. responsible
2. il- B. logical
3. ir- C. polite
4. im- D. lucky
5. in- E. honest
  F. appropriate



15. Match the columns to make correct word combinations. One variant (A–F) is extra.

1) upset A) throat
2) twisted B) stomach
3) heart C) poisoning
4) food D) attack
5) sore E) ankle
  F) nose


16. Put the words in order to make a sentence.

1) the tourists 2) unattended 3) the luggage 4) the guide told 5) not to leave


17. Read the letter and put the paragraphs 1–5 into the correct order.

1) First of all, her room was ₤10 more expensive than the rates you give on your webpage. What is more, she got a room on the top floor and nobody helped her with her suitcase.

2) Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Anna Novak and I’m writing on behalf of my friend Klara Farkas, who stayed at your hotel last Saturday night. She asked me to write to you because her English is not good enough to write a formal letter. My friend would like to complain about the quality of your hotel services.

3) Then, the water was too cold to take a bath in. Furthermore, the people in the other rooms on her floor were so noisy that she couldn’t sleep until the early morning.

4) My friend insists on a full refund, otherwise she will be forced to take the matter further.

Yours faithfully,

Anna Novak

5) But the next morning was even worse. First, she was woken up forty minutes later than she had requested. Then, at breakfast, her fried egg was cold and the waiter rudely refused to acknowledge the problem. Your staff could certainly be more polite. Why are your room rates so high if you offer such poor quality and service?

18. Put the facts of Stephen Hawking biography in the chronological order.

1. Hawking’s essay titled ‘Black Holes’ won the Gravity Research Foundation Award.

2. He began his graduate work at Trinity Hall, Cambridge.

3. Hawking was appointed to the Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar visiting professorship at the California Institute of Technology.

4. A film based on ‘A Brief History of time’ was released.

5. He married Jane Wilde.


19. Put the words in order to make an English proverb.

1) the early 2) catches 3) the 4) bird 5) worm

20. Put the words in order from the smallest to the biggest.

1) large 2) tiny 3) gigantic 4) small 5) huge

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 53 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Четвертая часть. Задания, оцениваемые в 6 баллов.| Прочитайте текст и выполните задания, которые к нему прилагаются (1–17).

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