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Marry U

你是我的全部 You are my everything
ni shi wo de quan bu
甚至让我觉得你是我的幸福 Up to the extent that I feel that you’re my only happiness
sheng zhi rang wo jue de ni shi wo de xing fu
神给我的礼物 You’re what God gave to me
shen gei wo de li wu
透过时光机就算 回到上个世纪看幸福结局 Using the time machine, going back to the previous century to see the happy ending
tou guo shi guang ji jiu suan, hui dao shang ge shi ji kan xing fu jie ju
不管你是穿着旗袍还是长裙 I don’t care if you’re wearing a Qipao (trad chi outfit) or a long skirt
bu guan ni shi chuan zhe qi pao hai shi chang qun
只要一个眼神确定 心不再怀疑 As long as you have a steady gaze, an unsuspicious heart
zhi yao yi ge yan shen que ding, xin bu zai huai yi
茫茫人海相遇 We will meet no matter what
mang mang ren hai xiang yu
贤:我想不惜一切告诉你 I’d like to tell you about everything
wo xiang bu jie yi qie gao su ni
千言万语不敌我爱你 No words can express how much I love you
qian yan wan yu bu di wo ai ni
Would U Marry Me?
向着流星 默默许愿 I pray towards the shooting stars
xiang zhe liu xing mo mo xu yuan
默契永恒不变 That our connection will never change (oops, idk whats the eng word for 默契)
mo qi yong heng bu bian
庚:每当你微笑进入梦乡 Every time you smile to sleep
mei dang ni wei xiao jing ru meng xiang
多想让你靠在肩膀 I really wish that you could lean on my shoulder
duo xiang rang ni kao zai jian bang
Would U Marry Me?
希望你能成全 我所有心愿 I hope that you can fulfil my desires
xi wang ni neng cheng quan, wo suo you xin yuan
源:把你烙在心底 I DO Imprinting you in my heart, I DO
bai ni ming lao zai xin di I DO
时时刻刻爱你I DO Every moment loving you, I DO
shi shi ke ke ai ni I DO
就算狂风暴雨 不让你受委屈 I DO Even if there’s stormy weather, I’d never let you suffer, I DO
jiu suan kuang feng bao yu, bu rang ni shou wei qu I DO
爱你的心不离 MY LOVE My heart will never stop loving you, MY LOVE
ai ni de xin bu li MY LOVE
海:美丽的你穿着白色婚纱 The beautiful you in a white wedding gown
mei li de ni chuan zhe bai se hun sha
我穿着礼服光着脚丫 I wear my groom’s outfit barefooted
wo chuan zhe li fu guang zhe jiao ya
我们就这样看着彼此发呆 Let’s just stare at each other blankly
wo men jiu zhe yang kan zhe bi ci fa dai
星星月亮做伴I SWEAR With the stars and the moon as company, I SWEAR
xing xing yue liang zuo ban I SWEAR
不需要语言 用心体验 No need for communication, just using our hearts to experience
bu xu yao yu yan, yong xin ti yan
再不离开我的公主 STAY WITH ME Please don’t ever leave me my princess, STAY WITH ME
zai bu li kai wo de gong zu STAY WITH ME
H:哪怕有一天我们变老 Don’t be scared of the day we grow old
na pa you yi tian wo men bian lao
也要努力微笑并肩跑 Work hard to smile and walk side by side
ye yao nu li wei xiao bing jian pao
周:Would U Marry Me?
不知是否愿意 来牵手同行 Are you willing to hold hands and walk down the aisle?
bu zhi shi fou yuan yi, lai qian shou tong xing
旭:不管爱情多艰辛I DO I don’t care if our love has gone through much suffering, I DO
bu guan qi qing duo jian xin I DO
相信命中注定I DO I believe in fate, I DO
xiang xin ming zhong zhu ding I DO
我珍惜每个和你的日子里I DO I cherish everyday with you, I DO
wo zhen xi mei ge he ni de ri zi li I DO
把你放在心底 MY LOVE Keeping you at the bottom of my heart, MY LOVE
ba ni fang zai xin di MY LOVE
贤:我早已经为你 预定了幸福结局 I have already predicted a happy ending with you
wo zao yi jing wei ni, yu ding le xing fu jie ju
我正为你许下誓言 别怀疑 I have made the promise, don’t worry
wo zheng wei ni xu xia shi yan, bie huai yi
推开你爱情的心门 Pushing open the door of your heart
tui kai ni ai qing de xin men
让我们记住最美时分 Would U Marry Me~ Let us remember this wonderful moment, Would U Marry Me~
rang wo men ji zhu zui mei shi fen
海:把你烙在心底 I DO (旭:I WANT TO DO )Imprinting you in my heart, I DO
ba ni lao zai xin di I DO
时时刻刻爱你I DO (旭:I WANNA MARRY U)Every moment loving you, I DO
shi shi ke ke ai ni I DO
旭:就算狂风暴雨 不让你受委屈 I DO Even if there’s stormy weather, I’d never let you suffer, I DO
jiu suan kuang feng bao yu, bu rang ni shou wei qu
爱你的心不离I DO My heart will never stop loving you, MY LOVE
ai ni de xin bu li I DO
合:不管爱情多艰辛I DO (贤:我会永远保护你) I don’t care if our love has gone through much suffering, I DO (I will protect you forever)
bu guan qi qing duo jian xin I DO (wo hui yong yuan bao hu ni)
相信命中注定I DO I believe in fate, I DO
xiang xin mi zhong zhu ding I DO
我珍惜每个和你的日子里I DO I cherish everyday with you, I DO
wo zhen xi mei ge he ni de ri zi li I DO
把你放在心底 MY LOVE Keeping you at the bottom of my heart, MY LOVE
ba ni fang zai xin di MY LOVE
海:现在能给你的是我一生一世无尽的爱 I can give you my whole life’s worth of love
xian zai neng gei ni de shi wo yi sheng yi shi wu jin de ai
虽然钻石闪耀它无法比较 Although its incomparable to sparkling diamonds
sui ran zhuan shi shan yao ta wu fa bi jiao
也许微不足道 但是请相信我 Perhaps its not enough, but please believe me
bi xu wei bu zu dao, dan shi qing xiang xin wo
我会付出全力照顾你陪伴着你 I will give you my all in taking care of and being right beside you
wo hui fu chu quan li zhao gu ni pei ban zhe wo
这是我们守护的约定 This is what we must keep to in our promise
ni shi wo men shou hu de yue ding
我对你爱不离 My love for you will never change
wo dui ni ai bu li
我们彼此信任相信爱 Let us both believe in love
wo men bi ci xin ren xiang xin ai
仅此而已… From now on
jin ci er yi
庚:我们相爱到永远 I DO Let’s love each other forever I DO
wo men xiang ai dao yong yuan I DO



我的二分之一 (Full of Happiness)

庚:我听见收音机 宣布了好天气 The radio announced that there’ll be good weather today
wo ting jian shou ying ji, xuan bu le hao tian qi
大雨过后的空气我们深呼吸 Let us take a deep breath in the air after the rain
da yu guo hou de kong qi wo men shen hu xi
源:绿草地白T恤 幸福大过天地 Green grass and a white tee, Happiness spilling all over the lands
lü cao di bai T-xue, xing fu da guo tian di
我们就好像孩子一样玩滑梯 Let us be like kids playing on a slide
wo men jiu hao xiang hai ji yi yang wan hua ti
H:想念常常变成轰炸机 Missing you often has almost become a like a bomber
xiang nian chang chang bian cheng hong zha ji 周:心里不停的偷袭 Stealthily attacking my heart
xin li bu ting de tou xi H: 在脑海涂满了你的印记 Filling my mind with all your memories
zai nao hai tu man ni de yin ji 周:每个关于你消息 Every news that concerns you
mei ge guan yu ni de xiao xi H: 所有你的记忆 你美丽身影 All of your memories, your beautiful shadow
suo you ni de ji yi 周: 刻成了烙印 烙在我心底 Have been imprinted at the bottom of my heart
ke cheng le lao yin, lao zai wo de xin di H: 抱着你 有泪也甜蜜 Even tears taste sweet as I hug you
bao zhe ni, you lei ye tian mi 周H:你是我爱的奇迹 You are my love miracle
ni shi wo ai de qi ji
海:等不及爱越变越清晰 我拥着你在怀里 I can’t wait till our love becomes clearer, holding you in my arms
deng bu ji ai yue bian cheng qing xi, wo yong zhe ni de huai li
全世界我为你而努力 I will work hard for you in this world
quan shi jie wo wei ni er nu li
旭:没有什么能让我离你而去 Nothing else will make me leave you
mei you shen me neng rang wo li ni er qu
张开翅膀快乐是我们的 Spreading out our wings, happiness is for us to enjoy
zhang kai chi bang kuai le shi wo men de
旭海:羽翼飞向那片更广的天地 Lets fly towards that vast land ahead
yu yi fei xiang na pian, geng guang de tian di
*贤:你是我的二分之一 你是我的太阳系 You are my other half, My only solar system
ni shi wo de er fen zhi yi, ni shi wo de tai yang xi
少了你就危在旦夕变成木乃伊 Without you my life is in danger, I’d become a mummy
shao le ni jiu gui zai dan xi bian cheng mu nai yi
旭:你是我的二分之一 你是我的充电器 You are my other half, my only charger
ni shi wo de er fen zhi yi, ni shi wo de chong dian qi
没有你我就危在旦夕 Without you my life is in danger
mei you ni jiu gui zai dan xi
贤:我中了传说的木马计 I’ve fallen into the myth of the Trojan Horse (erm… i think)
wo zhong le chuan shuo de mu ma ji
OH baby我的二分之一 爱你 OH Baby, you are my other half, I love you
OH baby wo de er fen zhi yi ai ni
海:我听见收音机 宣布了好天气 The radio announced that there’ll be good weather today
wo ting jian shou yin ji, xuan bu le hao tian qi
大雨过后的空气我们深呼吸 Let us take a deep breath in the air after the rain
da yu guo hou de tian qi wo men shen hu xi
庚:绿草地白T恤 幸福大过天地 Green grass and a white tee, Happiness spilling all over the lands
lü cao di bai T-xue, xing fu da guo tian di
我们就好像孩子一样玩滑梯 Let us be like kids playing on a slide
wo men jiu hao xiang hai zi yi yang wan hua ti
贤:等不及爱越变越清晰 我拥着你在怀里 I can’t wait till our love becomes clearer, holding you in my arms
deng bu ji ai yue bian yue qing xi, wo yong zhe ni zai huai li
全世界我为你而努力 I will work hard for you in this world
quan shi jie wo wei ni er nu li
源:没有什么能让我离你而去 Nothing else will make me leave you
mei you shen me neng rang wo li ni er qu
张开翅膀快乐是我们的 Spreading out our wings, happiness is for us to enjoy
zhang kai chi bang kuai le shi wo men de
源贤:羽翼飞向那片更广的天地 Let’s fly towards that vast land ahead
yu yi fei xiang na pian, geng guang de tian di
(Rap) [below's the same as *]
H:你是我的二分之一 你是我的太阳系
周:你是我的二分之一 你是我的充电器
OH baby我的二分之一 爱你
贤:看淡黄色天际 暖色美丽 Seeing the light yellow horizon, all warm and pretty
kan dan huang se tian ji, nuan se mei li
背靠背我和你 最美的回忆 Leaning against each other, we reminisce the sweetest memories
bei kao bei wo he ni, zui mei de hui yi
每一秒都珍惜 Cherishing every second
mei yi miao dou zhen xi
[same as *]源:你是我的二分之一 你是我的太阳系 You are my other half, My only solar system少了你就危在旦夕变成木乃伊 Without you my life is in danger, I’d become a mummy
H:你是我的二分之一 你是我的太阳系 You are my other half, My only solar system少了你就危在旦夕变成木乃伊 Without you my life is in danger, I’d become a mummy
周:相信你是我的二分之一 I believe you are my other half
你是我的充电器 My charger
没有你我就危在旦夕 Without you my life would be in danger
旭:我中了传说的木马计 I’ve fallen into the myth of the Trojan Horse
周旭:OH baby我的二分之一 爱你 Oh Baby you are my other half, I love you.


渴望 (A Man In Love)

源:Clap Back! follow me follow me HUH. Kick That!
庚:everybody here we go come!
海:恋爱能量瞬间释放 让我一触即发 You released the power of love momentarily, causing me to be on my toes
lian ai neng liang shun jian shi fang, rang wo yi chu ji fa
周:你迷惑身影左右偏离我早已无法自拔 Your seductive shadow has made me uncontrollable
wo mi huo sheng ying zuo you pian li wo zao yi wu fa zi ba
H:我的思念极限边缘希望你的身边 My longing for you has reached the maximum, all I want is for you to be by my side
wo de xi nian ji xian bian yuan xi wang ni de sheng bian
庚:这场谜底到底何时才能彻底攻陷 When can we finally solve this riddle?
zhe chang mi di dao di he shi cai neng che di gong xian
Eh Yo Yo Listen Up!
源:我的告白…要睁开双眼就必须能够见到你 My confession… I must open my eyes so that I can see you
wo de gao bai… yao zheng kai shuang yan jiu bi xu neng gou jian dao ni
就像你可以把我从睡梦中唤醒 Its just like waking me up from my dreams
jiu xiang ni ke yi ba wo chong shui meng zhong huan xing
旭:我不要继续懦弱 让爱意慢慢复活 I don’t want to be weak anymore, Let love slowly resurrect
wo bu yao ji xu nuo ruo rang ai yi man man fu huo
可爱情游戏却如暴风来袭让我窒息 This love game is making me lose my breath
ke ai qing you xi que ru bao feng lai xi rang wo zhi xi
*合:发梢的香气 眼神魅力 The charm of your eyes, the fresh smell of you
fa shao de xiang qi, yan sheng mei li
让人容易沉迷性感嘴型 Can easily seduce people to your sexy lips
rang ren rong yi cheng mi xing gan zhui xing
源:我已陷入你设下的爱情陷阱 让我根本无法抗拒你 I have fallen into your love trap
wo yi xian ru ni she xia de ai qing xian jing
合:你每个动作 充满诱惑 Your every move is filled with seduction
ni mei ge dong zuo, chong man you huo
打破夜晚的寂静沉默 Breaking into the lonely night
da po ye wan de ji jing cheng mo
贤:享受片刻蠢蠢欲动令人着迷般的邂逅 Enjoying every moment, causing people to be obsessed with you (I’m not very sure about this line…)
xiang shou pian ke chun chun yu dong ling ren zhao mi ban de xie hou
海:万分确定心里要的是你 I’m very sure all I want is you
wan fen ding xin li yao de shi ni
哪怕前方荆棘 无法阻挡我渴望奔向你 I’m not scared of any obstacles, they cant stop me from wanting to run to you
na pa qian fang jing ji, wu fa zhu dang wo ke wang ben xiang ni
我无法再去压抑爱你的心 I can’t stop my heart from loving you
wo wu fa zai qu ya yin ai ni de xin
结束逢场作戏我要完全占据你 Ending this game, I want to be in hold of you
jie su feng chang zuo xi wo yao wan quan zhan ju ni
贤:我有一些身陷迷离 I have a few doubts (I think…)
wo you yi xie sheng xian mi li
太过心急早已失去耐心(You Know) Because I was too anxious, I lost my patience
tai guo xin ji zao yi shi qu nai xin
点燃心中的激情 谁能理解我痴狂的心 Lighting up the deep passion, who can understand my lovesick heart?
dian ran xing zhong de ji qing, shei neng li jie wo chi kuang de xin
合:看你的视线 看你唇言 Looking at your line of vision, at your lips
kan ni de shi xian, kan ni chun yan
甚至你一举一动肢体语言 Even at your every move and body language
shen zhi ni yi ju yi dong zhi ti yu yan
旭:你的一切成为我关注的焦点 随时围绕在你身边 Your everything has become my main focus, I’ll always be by your side
ni de yi qie cheng wei wo guan zhu de jiao dian, sui shi wei rao zai ni sheng bian
合:你发的脾气 你的悲离 Even when you get angry, or when you sadly leave
ni fa de pi qi, ni de bei li
让他们瞬间消失天际 Let them disappear into the horizon
rang ta men shun jian xiao shi tian ji
庚:我渴望给予你安慰 请你投入我的怀抱 All I want is to give you comfort, please come into my embrace
wo ke wang ji yu ni an wei, qing ni tou ru wo de huai bao
Let’s go down. To the basement, are you ready?
贤:对爱展开主动攻击 失去胜利是被你吸引 The battle of love has begun, I lost because I was attracted by you
dui ai zhan kai zhu dong gong ji, shi qu sheng li shi bei ni xi yin
想成为你爱情的战利品 I want to be the winner of your love
xiang cheng wei ni ai qing de zhan li pin
旭:为了你自己丢掉自由 I’d even lose my freedom for you
wei le ni zi ji diu diao zi you
还是渴望你能获得所有 我的全部 I also hope that you’ll get everything, my everything
hai shi ke wang ni neng huo de suo you, wo de quan bu
周:Yeah~身边的空气正凝聚 Yeah~ Yeah~ The air around me thickens
Yeah~ sheng bian de kong qi zheng ning ju
我的手紧紧把你环绕 While I hold you tight in my arms
wo de shou jing jing ba ni huai rao
我甚至可以感觉到你的呼吸 I can even feel your breath
wo sheng zhi ke yi gan jue dao ni de hu xi
眼神电流产生交集双唇也开始贴近HUH~ Your electric gaze and lips are slowly closing in
yan shen dian liu can sheng jiao ji shuang chun ye kai shi tie jing HUH~
海:这渴望的心Yeah~ 不必任何言语说明HUH WHAT! This desirous heart, Yeah~ doesn’t need any language to prove
zhe ke wang de xin Yeah~bu bi ren he yan yu shuo ming HUH WHAT!
多希望能停留在这一刻 哪怕梦境中也不用离去 因为是你! How much I wish I can stop at this moment, not afraid that I can’t leave my dreams, all because of you!
duo ke wang neng ting liu zai zhe yi ke, na pa meng jing zhong ye bu yong li qu, yin wei shi ni
周:爱情原来是道难题 我似乎还没完全解析 Love has always been a tough question, I still cannot solve it
ai qing yuan lai shi dao nan ti, wo shi hu hai mei wan quan jie xi
你是否和我有同样心情 Do you have the same feelings as me?
ni shi fou he wo you tong yang xin qing
贤:我相信我不用怀疑的 一起分享未来的人就是你 IN MY LOVE I believe I don’t need to doubt that you are the one who’s going to share my future IN MY LOVE
wo xiang xin wo bu yong huai yi de, yi qi fen xiang wei lai de ren jiu shi ni
周:BABY~我选择了要爱你绝对不会放弃 Baby~ Since I’ve chose to love you, I promise I won’t give up
wo xuan zhe le yao ai ni jue dui bu hui fang qi
一直坚定不移的守着你 I’ll stay right by your side, protecting you forever
yi zhi jian ding bu yi de shou zhe ni
庚:我不想失去 更不想逃避 焦躁的不安 等待你判断 I don’t want to lose you, I don’t want to run away, all my uneasiness awaits your confirmation
wo bu xiang shi qu, geng bu xiang tao bi, jiao zao de bu an, deng dai ni pan duan
周:我不要把爱永远藏在心深底 死心踏地不让你毫不知情 I don’t want to hide my love inside my heart, I won’t even let you be merciful
wo bu yao ba ai yong yuan cang zai xin shen di, xi xin ta di bu rang ni hao bu zhi qing
庚:我不想失去 更不想逃避 焦躁的不安 等待你判断 I don’t want to lose you, I don’t want to run away, all my uneasiness awaits your confirmation
wo bu xiang shi qu, geng bu xiang tao bi, jiao zao de bu an, deng dai ni pan duan
[same as *]合:发梢的香气 眼神魅力
周:我已陷入你设下的爱情陷阱 让我根本无法抗拒你
合:你每个动作 充满诱惑
海:All I Wanna Do Let Me Clap Back
All I Wanna Do Let Me Kick That
UH..What! Come On,Yeah~
What U Wanna Do? What U Gonna Do.
Right Here. Super Junior.
Here We Go Like This Come On.UH~


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 136 | Нарушение авторских прав

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