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The One

庚:我可以飞翔 我可以遥望 I can fly I can look into the distance
wo ke yi fei xiang, wo ke yi yao wang
梦想在云端 想触摸就靠力量 Our dreams are on the clouds, to touch it we must rely on our power
meng xiang zai yun duan, xiang chu mo jiu kao li liang
H:意志像翅膀 相信就能任意去滑翔 Our will is like our wings
yi zhi xiang chi bang, xiang xin jiu neng ren yi qu hua xiang
要坚强 生命是能量 We must be strong, our life is our strength
yao jian qiang, sheng ming shi neng liang
**源:别感觉彷徨 别放弃梦想 Don’t feel lost, Don’t give up on your dreams
bei gan jue pang huang, bie fang qi meng xiang
到终点不难 近在咫尺在手上 Reaching the end is not hard, its all within our control
dao zhong dian bu nan, jing zai zhi chi de shou shang
周:答应你自己 要让灵魂去主张 Promise yourself, and believe in your soul
da ying zi ji, yao rang ling hun qu zhu zhang
有多久 你还是不放 No matter how long it takes, you must not give up
you duo jiu, ni hai shi bu fang
旭:要迎着风浪 掌控所有胜利的勋章 To welcome the wind and the waves, taking hold of all the winning medals
yao ying zhe feng lang, zhang kong suo you sheng li de xun zhang
要身体力行 不能空等 We must be prepared and not wait blankly
yao sheng ti li xing, bu neng kong deng
贤:要用行动 奋力前行 Initiating our actions and going forward with all our might
yao yong xing dong, fen li qian xing
你了解心中的愿望 Its you who understands your heart’s wishes
ni liao jie xin zhong de yuan wang
有天欢呼声能彻底将你解放 You can only be released with the sky’s thorough cheers
you tian huan hu sheng neng che di jiang ni jie fang
*合:You are the one 黑暗的迷惘 You are the one, lost in the darkness
You are the one, hei an de mi wang
因为有了你 迷失都找到方向 Because of you, those lost have found their way
yin wei you le ni, mi shi dou zhao dao fang xiang
You are the one 全世界的希望点燃 You are the one, lighting up the world’s hopes
You are the one, quan shi jie de xi wang dian ran
就像奥运火炬散发的光芒 Just like the Olympic torch emitting radiance
jiu xiang ao yun huo ju san fa de guang mang
[same as **]海:别感觉彷徨 别放弃梦想 Don’t feel lost, Don’t give up on your dreams
到终点不难 近在咫尺在手上 Reaching the end is not hard, its all within our control
贤:答应你自己 要让灵魂去主张 Promise yourself, and believe in your soul
有多久 你还是不放 No matter how long it takes, you must not give up
庚:要迎着风浪 掌控所有胜利的勋章 To welcome the wind and the waves, taking hold of all the winning medals
要身体力行 不能空等 We must be prepared and not wait blankly
周:要用行动 奋力前行 Initiating our actions and going forward with all our might
你了解心中的愿望 Its you who understands your heart’s wishes
有天欢呼声能彻底将你解放 You can only be released with the sky’s thorough cheers

[same as *]合:You are the one 黑暗的迷惘
You are the one, hei an de mi wang
因为有了你 迷失都找到方向(贤:迷失都找到方向)
yin wei you le ni, mi shi dou zhao dao fang xiang (mi shi dou zhao dao fang xiang)
You are the one 全世界的希望点燃(贤:You are the one)
You are the one, quan shi jie de xi wang dian ran (You are the one)
jiu xiang ao yun huo ju san fa de guang mang
[repeat *]You are the one 黑暗的迷惘(贤:黑暗的迷惘)
You are the one, hei an de mi wang (hei an de mi wang)
因为有了你 迷失都找到方向
yin wei you le ni, mi shi dou zhao dao fang xiang
You are the one(旭:You are the one) 全世界的希望点燃(旭:点燃)
You are the one (You are the one) quan shi jie de xi wang dian ran (dian ran)
jiu xiang ao yun huo ju san fa de guang mang
旭:OH~散发的光芒 Emitting your radiance
OH~ san fa de guang mang
贤:OH~散发的光芒 Emitting your radiance
OH~ san fa de guang mang

迷 (Me)

始源: 奔跑 迎着风浪舞蹈 Lets run to welcome the dancing waves
把烦恼脱掉 Throwing away all your worries
只想要抓住这一刻 这一秒 Just wanna cherish this moment, this second
奎贤: 空气里充满欢笑 青春的味道 Laughter fills the air, with the smell of youth
是一种绚丽的颜料 Its a kind of gorgeous colour
世界不再只有单调的记号 There is never any more monotonous symbol in this world
韓庚: 不曾有过动摇 不停的建造 Never to waver, never stop creating
OH ~梦想的城堡 Oh a castle of dreams~
東海: 我会默默地祈祷 I will quietly pray
再一次看到你微笑 To see your smile once again
合:It’s gonna be 迷(me)
始源:抛开烦恼去奔跑 Throw all your worries and run away
合:It’s gonna be 迷(me)
東海:聆听我真实的心跳 Listen to my sincere heartbeat
周覓:把你拥入我怀抱 还有什么更重要 Nothing else is more important than taking you into my hug
像童话故事一样的美好 Just like a wonderful fairytale
合:It’s gonna be 迷(me)
韓庚:想要把你紧紧抓牢 Just wanna hold you tight
合:It’s gonna be 迷(me)
厲旭:幸福的预兆 下一秒就要揭晓 Happiness will show in the next second
奎贤:至少可以触摸到 你那湿润的眼角 At least I can still feel your moist eyes
厲旭:靠在我身边静静的睡着 Lean on me while you quietly sleep
It’s gonna be 迷(me)
周覓:空气里充满欢笑 青春的味道 Laughter fills the air, with the smell of youth
是一种绚丽的颜料 Its a kind of gorgeous colour
世界不再只有单调的记号 There is never any more monotonous symbol in this world
厲旭:不曾有过动摇 不停的建造 Never to waver, never stop creating
OH ~梦想的城堡 Oh~ a castle of dreams
奎贤:我会默默地祈祷 I will quietly pray
奎贤&厲旭:再一次看到你微笑 To see your smile once again
合:It’s gonna be 迷(me)
韓庚:抛开烦恼去奔跑 Throw all your worries and run away
合:It’s gonna be 迷(me)
東海:聆听我真实的心跳 Listen to my sincere heartbeat
Henry:把你拥入我怀抱 还有什么更重要 Nothing else is more important that taking you into my hug
厲旭:像童话故事一样的美好 Just like a wonderful fairytale
周覓:我是你的外套 爱不会感冒 赶走所有烦恼 Love will never catch a cold, cos I will be your jacket, chasing away all the worries
奎贤:伤心可以变得很少 我们可以很好 Sadness will disappear, we could be very good
厲旭:思念无处可逃 你就是解药 I cannot run away from missing you, you are my antidote
合:It’s gonna be 迷(me)
Henry:天空不再布满乌云 There will be no more grey skies
合:It’s gonna be 迷(me)
東海:Don’t wanna say goodbye
厲旭:向世界宣告 那么的骄傲I’m loving you I wanna tell the world proudly I’m loving you
合:It’s gonna be 迷(me)
始源:抛开烦恼去奔跑 (奎贤:烦恼去奔跑) Throw all your worries and run away (Throw them and run away)
合:It’s gonna be 迷(me)
東海:聆听我真实的心跳 (厲旭:你听得到吗?) Listen to my sincere heartbeat (Do you hear it?)
周覓:把你拥入我怀抱 还有什么更重要 Nothing else is more important than taking you into my hug
像童话故事一样的美好 Just like a wonderful fairytale
合:It’s gonna be 迷(me)
韓庚:想要把你紧紧抓牢 (厲旭:要把你抓牢) Just wanna hold you tight (Must hold you tight)
合:It’s gonna be 迷(me)
厲旭:幸福的预兆 下一秒就要揭晓 (奎贤:下一秒) Happiness will show in the next second (Next second)
奎贤:至少可以触摸到 你那湿润的眼角 (周覓:多闪耀) At least I can still feel your moist eyes (Oh so bright)
合:靠在我身边静静的睡着 Lean on me while you quietly sleep


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ == U ==
源:梦中的天使来降临 而我已经确定 要的人就是你
庚:请让我来为你断定 守护你的骑士 他现在在这里
賢:我无法想象身旁你不在 要怎么忍耐 一个人的无奈
旭:OH~我的爱 放出去怎么收回来
ALL:’Coz I can’t stop thinking about you girl
ALL:NO I can’t stop thinking about you girl
覓:我要我们 手紧紧相握
海:你发上残余的香气 白皙的背颈 让我沉醉不已 賢: 低沉带磁性的话语 缠绕在耳边 流连不曾消去 旭: 把戒指藏在玫瑰里 能不能请你 和我一起走那未来 賢: OH~我的爱 放出去不会收回来
ALL:’Coz I can’t stop thinking about you girl
海:疯狂不已 不能失去你
ALL:NO I can’t stop thinking about you girl覓:我只要我们 心紧紧相依
ALL:’Coz I can’t stop thinking about you girl庚:不要留我 孤单在这里
ALL:NO I can’t stop thinking about you girl源:你只属于我 让我属于你
我只想握你的手 和你分享所有美梦
想要陪伴着你 在你孤单时候
擦掉你的眼泪 付出我的温柔海:不管有什么我也不感觉寂寞
让我这样捧着你 在你手中
旭:我会让你 只要我 只为我而哭
ALL:’Coz I can’t stop thinking about you girl
賢: 疯狂不已 不能失去你
ALL:NO I can’t stop thinking about you girl賢:我只要我们 心紧紧相依
ALL:’Coz I can’t stop thinking about you girl庚:不要留我 孤单在这里
All:NO I can’t stop thinking about you girl源:你只属于我 让我属于你
ALL:’Coz I can’t stop
NO I can’t stop
‘Coz I can’t stop


meng zhong de tian shi lai jiang linThe angel of my dreams has arrived
er wo yi jing que ding yao de ren jiu shi ni
And I’m already definite that the one I want is you
Han Geng:
qing rang wo lai wei ni duan dingPlease let me conclude (hmm)Please let me decide for you守護你的騎士他現在在這裡
shou hu ni de qi shi ta xian zai zai zhe li
Protect you…of…rider…he’s now here (Wtf? Yeah, straight from my dictionary.)A knight that protects you, he’s right here now
wo wu fa xiang shen pang ni bu zai
I can’t imagine not having you beside me.要怎麼忍耐一個人的無奈
yao zen me ren nai yi ge ren de wu nai
Wanting to know how to bear one’s helplessness
Oh 我的愛
Oh wo de ai
Oh My love
fang chu qu zen me shou hui lai
Free how…to regain(Again, wtf?)
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
你屬於我 最美的夢
ni shu yu wo zui mei de meng
You belong to me(whoa…)The most delightful dream(someone’s a little…excited)
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
Zhou Mi:
wo yao wo men shou jin jin xiang woI want our hands to tightly embrace(close enough)
ni fa shang can yu de xiang qiYou release your fragrance(err)
bai xi de bei jing rang wo chen zui bu yu
Let me submerge into your white neck/back(*ahem* It’ll be awkward if I’m wrong.)
di chen dai ci xing de hua yuSomething about speaking…纏繞在耳邊流連不曾消去
chan rao zai er bian liu lian be ceng xiao qu
Something about winding around someone’s ear and never wanting to eliminate it…I keep getting images of sex from this song.
ba jie zhi cang zai mei gui li
Something a ring finger, concealing, and a rose…能不能請你和我一起走那未來
neng be neng qing ni he wo yi qi zou na wei lai
Are we able to be together in that future(I’m not sure if it’s structured as a question.)
Oh 我的愛
Oh wo de ai
Oh My love
fang chu qu zen me shou hui lai
Blah blah blah…yeah I’m not trying that again…
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
瘋狂不已 不能失去你
feng kuang bu yi bu neng shi qu ni
Endless madness.. Unable to lose you..(I’m sure it ties together somehow. I just suck.)
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
Zhou Mi:
wo zhi yao wo men xin jin jin xiang yi
I only want our hearts to tightly embrace.
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
Han Geng:
不要留我 孤單在這裡
bu yao liu wo gu dan zai zhe li
Don’t leave me lonely here.
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
你只屬於我 讓我屬於你
ni zhi shu yu wo rang wo shu yu ni
You belong to me. Let me belong to you. (Again with the possessiveness!!)
Zhou Mi (rap):
mei you shen me neng gou gai bian wo ai ni de zi you
The freedom of my love for you is unchangeable我只想握你的手 和你分享所有美夢
wo zhi xiang wo ni de shou he ni fen xiang suo you mei meng
I only want to hold your hand, and for you to share the beautiful dream.想要陪伴著你 在你孤單時候
xiang yao pei ban zhe ni zia ni gu dan shi hou
Wanting to accompany you in you time of loneliness.
擦掉你的眼淚 付出我的溫柔
cha diao ni de yan lei fu chu wo de wen rou
Wiping away your tears, giving my gentleness. (Wow, I’m starting to make sense.)
Donghae (rap):
bu guan you shen me wo ye bu gan jue ji mo
Regardless of my loneliness
mei you ni deng yu yong yuan pian li le zhong xinNot having you is like wandering forever(not sure..)
讓我這樣捧著你 在你手中
rang wo zhe yang peng zhe ni zai ni shou zhong
Something about letting him hold her or…whatever.讓我望著你 看著你 愛著你 的笑容
rang wo wang zhe ni kan zhe ni ai zhe ni de xiao rong
Let me…hoping you.(??)Seeing you. Loving your smile.
我會讓你 只要我 只為我哭
wo hui rang ni zhi yao wo zhi wei wo ku
I can let you…Only want me…Only why I cry.(WHAT?! Shut up Ryeowook…>_>)
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
瘋狂不已 不能失去你
feng kuang bu yi bu neng shi qu ni
Endless madness Unable to lose you(again…)
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
wo zhi yao wo men xin jin jin xiang yi
I only want our hearts to tightly embrace.
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
Cuz I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
Han Geng:
不要留我 孤單在這裡
bu yao liu wo gu dan zai zhe li
Don’t leave me lonely here.
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
No I can’t stop thinking ’bout you girl
你只屬於我 讓我屬於你
ni zhi shu yu wo rang wo shu yu ni
You only belong to me. Let me belong to you.(Right……)
Cuz I can’t stop
Cuz I can’t stop
Cuz I can’t stop
*I’m not sure what this: is in Traditional Chinese. This is why I have problems with Simplified Chinese because a lot of it is based on phonetics and not root words. But I wouldn’t have been able to translate much if it was in Simplified. And yes, I used a dictionary …it didn’t help me identify it though. Shows how much I suck.
This just shows what us ABCs are capable of. FEAR US!!!
Yeah, I generally used a dictionary (not a translator; I don’t believe in them) to change the words from Simplified to Traditional. I did that so I could understand the sentences rather than the words individually. I don’t know. I like to give myself a hard time, I guess.



贤: 我怕来不及 我要抱着你
wo pa lai bu ji, wo yao bao zhe ni
直到感觉你的皱纹 有了岁月的痕迹
zhi dao gan jue ni de zou wen, you le sui yue de hen ji
周: 直到肯定你是真的 直到失去力气
zhi dao ken ding ni shi zhen de, zhi dao shi qu li qi
为了你 我愿意
wei le ni, wo yuan yi
海: 动也不能动 也要看着你
dong ye bu neng dong, ye yao kan zhe ni
直到感觉你的发线 有了白雪的痕迹
zhi dao gan jue ni de fa xian, you le xue bai de hen ji
旭: 直到视线变得模糊 直到不能呼吸
zhi dao shi xian bian de mo hu, zhi dao bu neng hu xi
rang wo men xing ying bu li
合: 如果全世界我也可以放弃
ru guo quan shi jie wo ye ke yi fang qi
至少还有你 值得我去珍惜
zhi shao hai you ni, zhi de wo qu zhen xi
而你在这里 就是生命的奇迹
er ni zai zhe li, jiu shi sheng ming de qi ji
也许 全世界我也可以忘记
ye xu, quan shi jie wo ye ke yi wang ji
就是不愿意 失去你的消息
jiu shi bu yuan yi, shi qu ni de xiao xi
你掌心的痣 我总记得在那里
ni zhang xin de zhi, wo zong ji de zai na li
源: 我怕来不及 我要抱着你
直到感觉你的发线 有了白雪的痕迹
庚: 直到视线变得模糊 直到不能呼吸
让我们 形影不离
旭: 如果 全世界我也可以放弃
至少还有你 值得我去珍惜
而你在这里 就是生命的奇迹
周: 也许 全世界我也可以忘记
就是不愿意 失去你的消息
你掌心的痣 我总记得在那里
Henry: 我们好不容易 我们身不由己
wo men hao bu rong yi, wo men shen bu you ji
我怕时间太快 不够将你看仔细
wo pa shi jian tai kuai, bu gou jiang ni kan zi xi
贤: 我怕时间太慢 日夜担心失去你
wo pa shi jian tai man, ri ye dan xin shi qu ni
恨不得一夜之间白头 永不分离
hen bu de yi ye zhi jian bai tou, yong bu fen li
合: 如果 全世界我也可以放弃
至少还有你 值得我去珍惜 (贤:至少还有你)
而你在这里 就是生命的奇迹
也许 全世界我也可以忘记
就是不愿意 失去你的消息(旭:我不愿意)
你掌心的痣 我总记得在那里
zai na li
zai na li

你是我的奇跡 (Miracle)

合:Life Couldn’t Get Better
合:Life Couldn’t Get Better
贤:我的生活陷入了沼泽地, 暴风雨天气 (合:Without You Baby) My life has fallen into a swamp, it feels like stormy weather
wo de sheng huo xian ru le zhao ze di, bao feng yu tian qi
源:可是你有改变一切的魔力,遇见了奇迹 (合:Oh Baby) But you’ve got the power of changing everything, I’ve seen a miracle
ke shi ni you gai bian yi qie mo li, yu jian le qi ji
庚:好像新鲜氧气,我离不开你 Just like fresh oxygen, I can’t leave you
hao xiang xin xian yang qi, wo li bu kai ni
海:你在身旁我就有无限的动力 With you by my side, I have unlimited power
ni zai sheng bian wo jiu you wu xian de dong li
合:Life Couldn’t Get Better
[合 + 周 main vocal] 生命因为你而美丽,你是我的奇迹,把你紧紧拥在怀里 Life’s beautiful because of you, you are my miracle, I wanna hold you tight in my arms
sheng ming yin wei ni er mei li, ni shi wo de qi ji, ba ni jing jing yong zai huai li
合:Life Couldn’t Get Better
[合+ 旭 main vocal] 那是你有彩虹的画笔,幸福画满每个回忆 That’s your pen that draws a rainbow, painting each memory with happiness
na shi ni you cai hong de hua bi, xing fu hua man mei ge hui yi
合: Life Couldn’t Get Better
源: 至今前的阳光洒满了甜蜜,爱你们都在心底 (合: A holiday) The sunshine is filled with sweetness, loving you with the bottom of my heart
zhi jin qian de yang guang sa man le tian mi, ai ni men dou zai xin di
庚:发现最快乐的秘密,原来答案是你 (合: I wanna thank you Baby) I found out that the happiest secret was you
fa xian zui kuai le de mi mi, yuan lai da an shi ni
贤: 好像新鲜氧气,我离不开你,你在身旁我就有无限的动力 Just like fresh oxygen, I can’t leave you, With you by my side, I have unlimited power
hao xiang xin xian yang qi, wo li bu kai ni, ni zai shen pang wo jiu you wu xian de dong li
合: Life Couldn’t Get Better
[合+ 海 main vocal] 生命因为你而美丽,你是我的奇迹,把你紧紧拥在怀里 Life’s beautiful because of you, you are my miracle, I wanna hold you tight in my arms
合:Life Couldn’t Get Better
[合+ Henry main vocal] 那是你有彩虹的画笔,幸福画满每个回忆 That’s your pen that draws a rainbow, painting each memory with happiness
旭:望着你的诺言,是我们一起牵手到永远 Looking at your promise, we will hold hands till the end
wang zhe ni de nuo yan, shi wo men yi qi qian shou dao yong yuan
贤:无论千年万年,无论天涯海角都会与你相恋 No matter how long, no matter how far, I will be in love with you
wu lun qian nian wan nian, wu lun tian ya hai jiao dou hui yu ni xiang lian
周:好像新鲜氧气,我离不开你 Just like fresh oxygen, I can’t leave you
hao xiang xin xian yang qi, wo li bu kai ni
Henry: I Love You Baby & I’m Never Gonna Stop
合:Life Couldn’t Get Better
[合+ 贤 main vocal] 生命因为你而美丽,你是我的奇迹,把你紧紧拥在怀里 Life’s beautiful because of you, you are my miracle, I wanna hold you tight in my arms合: Life Couldn’t Get Better
[合+ 周 main vocal] 那是你有彩虹的画笔,幸福画满每个回忆 That’s your pen that drawsa rainbow, painting each memory with happiness合: Life Couldn’t Get Better
[合 + 旭 main vocal] 生命因为你而美丽,你是我的奇迹,把你紧紧拥在怀里Life’s beautiful because of you, you are my miracle, I wanna hold you tight in my arms合: Life Couldn’t Get Better
[合 + 源 main vocal] 那是你有彩虹的画笔,幸福画满每个回忆 That’s your pen that draws a rainbow, painting each memory with happiness合: Life Couldn’t Get Better


愛你愛你 (Love Song)

庚:你的笑瞬间倾心 让我一见钟情 Your smile hit my heart momentarily, making me fall in love at first sight
ni de ai shun jian qing xin, rang wo yi jian zhong qing
迷失了自我 I don’t know I’ve lost myself, I don’t know
mi shi le zi wo, I don’t know
我想要爱你 I know I wanna love you, I know
wo xiang yao ai ni, I know
海:心情忽高忽低 怕自己没有魅力 My mood’s so unpredictable, I’m scared I’ve no more charm
xin qing hu gao hu di, pa zi ji mei you mei li
明明正在看着电影 心却想着你 I’m obviously watching a movie but instead, I’m thinking of you
ming ming zheng zai kan zhe dian ying, xin que xiang zhe ni
贤:我要发现奇迹 I want to discover a miracle
wo yao fa xian qi ji
你的地心引力 让我不由自主靠近 I can’t help coming close, due to your gravitational pull
ni de di xin yin li, rang wo bu you zi zu kao jing
周:我要飞向天际 向全世界宣布我爱你 I want to fly towards the heavens to announce to the world that I love you
wo yao fei xiang tian ji, xiang quan shi jie xuan bu wo ai ni
合: 爱情的魔力 The power of love
ai qing de mo li
随便你 耍心机 发脾气 It’s up to you to play it your way, or get angry
sui bian ni, shua xin ji, fa pi qi
源:爱你爱你 对你一心一意 Love You Love You, I’ll love you intently
ai ni ai ni, dui ni yi xin yi yi
合: 我会保护你 I will protect you
wo hui bao hu ni
不管你 在北极 意大利 No matter if you’re at the North Pole or Italy
bu guan ni, zai bei ji, yi ta li
Henry:爱你爱你 只想陪着你 Love You Love You, just wanna be with you
ai ni ai ni, zhi xiang pei zhe ni
源:童话中浪漫故事 竟会成为现实 The romantic fairytale has become reality
tong hua zhong lang man gu shi, jing hui cheng wei xian shi
是不是梦境 I don’t know Is it a dream, I don’t know
shi bu shi meng jing, I don’t know
但确定是你 I know But I am sure its you, I know
dan que ding shi ni, I know
旭:结束朋友关系 向幸福努力继续 We ended our relationship as friends, working hard towards happiness
jie su peng you guan xi, xiang xing fu nu li ji xu
爱情的频率 I don’t know The frequency of love, I don’t know
ai qing de pin lü, I don’t know
全力奔向你 I’m running towards you with all my energy
quan li ben xiang ni
庚:无论何时何地 No matter where or when
wu lun he shi he di
空气中弥漫着 我们相爱的气息 The air is saturated with the love we share
kong qi zhong mi man zhe, wo men xiang ai de qi xi
贤:我要飞向天际 向全世界宣布我爱你 I wanna fly to the heavens to announce to the world that I love you
wo yao fei xiang quan shi jie xuan bu wo ai ni
*合: 爱情的魔力 The power of love
随便你 耍心机 发脾气 It’s up to you to play it your way, or get angry
Henry:爱你爱你 对你一心一意 Love You Love You, I’ll love you intently
合: 我会保护你 I will protect you
不管你 在北极 意大利 No matter if you’re at the North Pole or Italy
海:爱你爱你 只想陪着你 Love You Love You, just wanna be with you
贤:我也许不聪明 但却真心讨你欢喜 Perhaps I’m not smart but I sincerely try to please you
wo ye xu bu cong ming, dan que zhen xin tao ni huan xi
周:我宁愿变成你的遥控器 天天在你手心 I’d rather become your remote control, to be in your hands everyday
wo ning yuan bian cheng ni de yao kong qi, tian tian zai ni shou xin
每分每秒都沉浸在甜蜜 Every minute, every second, drowning in sweetness
mei fen mei miao dou chen jin zai tian mi
[same as *]旭:爱情的魔力
随便你 耍心机 发脾气
爱你爱你 对你一心一意
合: 我会保护你
不管你 在北极 意大利
贤:爱你爱你 只想陪着你
[repeat *]合: 爱情的魔力
随便你 耍心机 发脾气
爱你爱你 对你一心一意(旭:对你一心一意 wo~)
不管你 在北极 意大利
爱你爱你 只想陪着你


我抱著我 (In My Arms)

贤:安静的夜黑了 白色蜡烛哭了 The quiet night has turned dark, the white candle has started to cry
an jing de ye hei le, bai se la zhu ku le
月光冷了 音乐都仿佛沙哑了 The moonlight has turned cold, the music almost losing its voice
yue guang leng le, yin yue dou fang fu sha ya le
周:凌晨的风凉了 我的怀抱空了 The dawn breeze is now cooling, but my hug is empty
ling chen de feng liang le, wo de huai bao kong le
这一刻的你会在谁的怀里呢 Whose arms are you in, at this moment?
zhe yi ke de ni hui zai shei de huai li ne
合:(海)我抱着我的梦醒来了 眼前世界模糊了 I hugged my dreams till I was awake, the world before me blurred
wo bao zhe wo de meng xing lai le, yan qian shi jie mo hu le
有你的回忆奔跑着 幸福也走远了 With your memories I run, happiness seems so far away
you ni de hui yi ben pao zhe, xing fu ye zou yuan le
(源)我抱着我孤单来了 心碎你会听到吗 I hugged my loneliness here, can you hear my heart being broken?
wo bao zhe wo gu dan lai le, xin sui ni hui ting dao ma
祝福的话和自己说 不能相信你不爱了 I say blessings to myself, not believing that you don’t love me any more
xing fu de hua he zi ji shuo, bu neng xiang xin ni bu ai le
贤:看星星都睡了 连咖啡也凉了 I watch the stars to sleep, even the coffee has turned cold
kan xing xing dou shui le, lian ka fei ye liang le
心痛醒了 世界都仿佛颠倒了 But my heart pain has woken me up, the world almost turning upside down
xin tong xing le, shi jie dou fang fu dian dao le
旭:凌晨的风凉了 相片变黑白了 The dawn breeze is now cooling, the photos becoming black and white
ling chen de feng liang le, xiang pian bian hei bai le
这一刻的你会不会想起我呢 Who will you think of, at this moment?
zhe yi ke de ni hui bu hui xiang qi wo ne
合:(H)我抱着我的梦醒来了 眼前世界模糊了 I hugged my dreams till I was awake, the world before me blurred
wo bao zhe wo de meng xing lai le, yan qian shi jie mo hu le
有你的回忆奔跑着 幸福也走远了 With your memories I run, happiness seems so far away
you ni de hui yi ben pao zhe, xing fu ye zou yuan le
(庚)我抱着我孤单来了 心碎你会听到吗 I hugged my loneliness here, can you hear my heart being broken?
wo bao zhe wo gu dan lai le, xin sui ni hui ting dao ma
祝福的话和自己说 不能相信你不爱了 I say blessings to myself, not believing you don’t love me any more
xing fu de hua he zi ji shuo, bu neng xiang xin ni bu ai le
旭:这是一种折磨 This is a kind of torture
zhe shi yi zhong zhe mo
我的左边 你去哪了 Where have you gone, my left side? (eh?)
wo de zuo bian, ni qu na le
这是一种透彻 This is very thorough
zhe shi yi zhong tou che
说过的爱都过期了 That you’ve said our love has expired
shuo guo de ai dou guo qi le
合:(源)我抱着我梦醒来了 眼前世界模糊了I hugged my dreams till I was awake, the world before me blurred
有你的回忆奔跑着 幸福也走远了 With your memories I run, happiness seems so far away
(周)我抱着我孤单来了 心碎你会听到吗 I hugged my loneliness here, can you hear my heart being broken?
祝福的话和自己说 不能相信你不爱了 I say blessings to myself, not believing you don’t love me any more
我抱着我梦醒来了 眼前世界模糊了 I hugged my dreams till I was awake, the world before me blurred
有你的回忆奔跑着 幸福也走远了 With your memories I run, happiness seems so far away
我抱着我孤单来了 心碎你会听到吗 I hugged my loneliness here, can you hear my heart being broken?
约定的话和自己说 不能相信你不在了I say promises to myself, not believing that you don’t exist any more


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 122 | Нарушение авторских прав

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