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Shares of Companies in Grain Export of Ukraine Structure of Ukrainian Grain Import by Countries, 2011

Читайте также:
  1. Agricultural products and foodstuffs others than wines, spirits and aromatised wines of the European Union to be protected in Ukraine
  3. Dynamics and Forecast of World and Ukrainian Grain Consumption, 2003/2004-2015-2016Е
  4. English-Ukrainian dictionary
  5. Figure 1) Table 1: Listed Grain-Producing Companies of Ukraine, 2011
  6. Figure 2) Table 2: Market Shares of TOP-5 Grain Exporters of Ukraine, 2010/2011 – 2011/2012MY
  7. Figure 2) Table 2: Market Shares of TOP-5 Grain Exporters of Ukraine, 2010/2011 – 2011/2012MY

Major Players and Trading Partners

Ukrainian grain market aimed at exports. In 2011/2012 MYthe total grain supply of Ukraine was equal to 62.6 MMT and consisted of produced grain (86.4%), initial stocks (13.3%) and import (0.3%). Grain consumption in Ukraine averaged 54.3% of domestic output. Exports could amount to potential 45.7% (24.7 MMT) of grain output against actual 39.7% (21.5 MMT).

Agriholdings are powerful grain manufacturers. Vertically integrated companies hold one fifth of the nonconcentrated market of grain production. Such companies as Nibulon and Kernel obtained international syndicated loans to expand chains of grain elevators or to carry out energy saving projects (MHP, Astarta) and simultaneously strengthened their market positions. Agriholdings generate a ROE of 21.8% as a result of diversification. Thus, manufactured grain is mostly used for further production needs (30% – feed, 5% – seeds), food consumption (11%), exports performed by grain traders that are not always a part of an agriholding (32%) in 2011/2012 MY.

Table 1: Performance of Ukrainian Listed Companies in 2011

Financial indicators of Ukrainian Agriholdings which have Large Landbanks [D2]

Company Landbank, ths ha under grain EBITDA/ ha, USD Gross margin EBITDA margin % of Grain in Revenue
MHP S.A.   78% 1432,1 29% 33% 9%
Astarta Holding NV   43% 617,4 40% 37% 26%
Kernel Holding SA   44% 1474,8 24% 16% 36%
Agroton Public Ltd   52% 143,8 47% 25% 32%
Sintal Agriculture PLC   61% 67,6 35% 21% n/a

Source: Open data provided by the companies, Bloomberg, KNU estimates

High concentration of grain export market. The Top 5 traders provide 45% of grain exports (Top 10 traders supply 59%). Traders sell grain acquired from agriholdings to which they belong or from other companies. The traders demonstrate high profitability (44% ROE) due to a small part of equity capital (D/E ratio is 11.2%) and a high level of liquidity (current ratio – 2.1). In addition, own storage facilities strengthen trader’s positions. Yet it is significantly dependent upon transport outsourcing and state regulation. Thus, close ties with the government and export quotas provided leadership to Khlib Investbud in 2011.

Table 2: Top 5 Grain Exporters, 2011/12 MY Figure 1: Biggest Importers of Ukrainian Grain

Shares of Companies in Grain Export of Ukraine Structure of Ukrainian Grain Import by Countries, 2011

Company Wheat Barley Corn
Khlib Investbud 29% 24% 6%
Nibulon 9% 5% 11%
Kernel-Trade 8% 10% 8%
Louis Dreyfus C. Ukraine 5% 11% 7%
Serna 3% 3% 5%
Total export, mln tonnes 5,3 2,5 13,6

Source: ISI Emerging Markets, APK Inform, KNU estimates Source: Ministry o f Agricultural Policy of Ukraine, KNU estimates

Major partners are to deepen cooperation. Ukraine is one of the leading grain exporters in the world. Thus, in 2012/2013 MY Ukraine is expected to supply 14.6% of barley, 13.8% of corn and 2.9% of wheat making it the 3rd, 4th and 8th largest exporter in the world correspondingly. Presence of seaports provides low transport costs and promotes further growth of sales in the Middle Eastern and Japanese markets. Furthermore, there has been noticed a trend toward increase of more expensive corn in the commodity structure from 18% in 2008/2009 MY to expected 66% in 2012/2013MY which confirms improvement of effectiveness of domestic exports.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 146 | Нарушение авторских прав

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