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Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на различия между формой Continuous Tense и герундием.

Читайте также:
  1. Certainly not/no way: Quite the contrary/opposite/The opposite is true.Only intense, varied/all-round, harmonious and useful activity
  2. Choose the correct tense.
  3. Continuous Tense
  4. EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) - международный стандарт обмена электронными данными; 2) передача стандартизированных электронных сообщений, заменяющих бумажные документы.
  5. I. Государство Израиль и международные отношения на Ближнем Востоке
  6. III Архангельского международного туристского форума
  7. III. Корейская война и укрепление «международного престижа» КНР

1. My hobby is jogging.

2. My brother is jogging again.

3. The idea is improving people's health.

4. Your new diet is improving your health.

5. Their objective is having good close friends over for dinner.

6. His father was making a lot of money.

7. His goal was making a lot of money.

Упражнение 6

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастные формы и конструкции:

1. A Harris poll taken in 1981 and surveying 12,000 adults nationwide proved otherwise.

2. The respondents, asked to reflect what was important to them in their lives, were able to state more than one goal.

3. There is a shift in the type of work people do - a shift from physical labor towards jobs requiring mental skills.

4. Going down the list, we can see that 70% of the people want to have full control of their time.

5. With more people working, adults face the problem of how to balance their work commitments and their deep desire for personal fulfillment.

Упражнение 7

Переведите на русский язык, используя разные способы передачи неличных форм глагола.

1. Using their mind and abilities was the most important goal for the majority of people.

2. Millions of people are turning to activities for improving their health.

3. Having a good self-image was important to 81%.

4. 72% of the people said their goal was having enough security to live comfortably.

5. The top thing on the poll list was to have a good family lit.

6. To live comfortably is a national objective.

7. The drive to amass an economic fortune is not a mass phenomenon.

8. Human values seem to have taken priority over material values.

Special Problem
1. 5% = percent (АтЕ); = five per cent (BrE) Never in the plural
2. 0.5% = point five percent; = half a percent; =half of one percent technical style casual speech neutral
3. 30% of her income goes for rent. 30% of the children live here. The predicate agrees with the noun subject.
4. A low percentage of respondents - only 18% - see making a lot of money as their primary goal. Percentage is abstract quan­tity:: percent is combined with a concrete number.


Упражнение 8

Прочитайте по-английски, затем повторите почти синхронно друг за другом.

15%, 75%, 13%, 93%, 83%, 35%, 73%, 37%, 38%, 39%, 33%,


Упражнение 9

Сделайте перевод на английский язык:

1. На шкале жизненных ценностей 82% американцев отдали приоритет созданию хорошей семьи.

2. 81% посчитали самым важным для себя быть всегда здоровым и в хорошей физической форме.

3. 79% опрошенных заявили, что для них очень важна хорошая самооценка.

4. 73% населения подчеркивает значимость свободы выбора.

5. Для 69% американцев смысл жизни заключается в хорошей работе.

6. Если сравнить результаты опросов общественного мнения службой Харриса в 1981 г. и Институтом Гэллапа в 1982 г., то число людей, назвавших дружбу критерием жизненных ценностей, снизилось с 82% до 54%.

7. 37% американцев признали жизненно важным для себя получение высокого дохода.

8. По самым последним исследованиям, процент американцев, занимающихся ежедневно физической зарядкой, возрос с 24% в 1961 г. до 59%.

9. Таблица 1 показывает пределы погрешности при определении процента.

Упражнение 10

А) Переведите на русский язык:

• Three times the sum of two numbers: 3(x + y)

• Three more than a number: x + 3

• A number increased by five: x + 5

• Six added to a number: 6 + x

1. The sum of jc and two: x + 2

• A number less five: x - 5

• The difference between x and у: x - у

• A number decreased by four: x - 4

• Five subtracted from a number: x - 5

• Twice a number: 2x

• Double a number: 2x

• Two times a number: 2x

• The product of x and three: 3x

• Three times as much as x: 3x

• The result of multiplying x by four: 4x

• Three-fourths of a number:...jc

• A number divided by six: x: 6

«The quotient of jc and y: x:y

• One-third as much as a number: x:3

Б) Проговорите по-английски следующие примеры и затем

переведите их на русский язык:

7 + 2; 7-2; 7x2; 7:2; а + 3; а - 3; За; а:3; 3:а

В) Переведите на русский язык следующие задачи:

• If 9 is subtracted from five times a certain number, the result is 21. Find the number.

• Twice a number plus 4 is the same as three times the number minus 2. Find the number.

• The number of non-smokers has gone up 60 % in the last six months. If the number of non-smokers at our institute today is 1920, what was the number six months ago?

• Profits for the Hammer Company fell 14% from the First Quarter to the Second Quarter of the year. If the Second Quarter profits were $ 129,000, what were the First Quarter profits?

• Candidates A, B, and С were in an election in which 1000 votes were cast. Candidate A received 35% of the votes. Candidate В received 52 more votes than Candidate C. Who won the election?

Упражнение 11

Переведите на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на стилистический прием наращения (Gradation), который в английском высказывании строится на ритме, а в русском основывается на логическом принципе (последнее слово - самое значимое):

1. Change is strongly linked to development, improvement, progress, and growth.

2. Many cultures consider change a disruptive, destructive force.

3. Instead of change, such societies value stability, continuity and a tradition.

4. Each individual is seem as particularly precious and wonderful.

5. People are just a little different, just a little unique, just a little special.

6. Privacy is viewed as a requirement which all humans would find equally necessary, desirable and satisfying.


Сделайте перевод с листа.

The Values Americans Live By

by L. R. Kohls

Most Americans would have a difficult time telling you, specifically, what the values are which Americans live by. They have never given the matter any thought.

Even if Americans had considered this question, they would probably, in the end, decide not to answer in terms of a definitive list of values. The reason for this decision is itself one very American value - their belief that every individual is so unique that the same list of values could never be applied to all, or even most, of their fellow citizens.

Although Americans may think of themselves as being more varied and unpredictable than they actually are, it is significant that they think they are. Americans tend to think they have been only slightly influenced by family, church or schools. In the end, each believes, "I personally chose which values I want to live my own life by."

Despite this self-evaluation, a foreign anthropologist could observe Americans and produce a list of common values which would fit most Americans. The list of typically American values would stand in sharp contrast to the values commonly held by the people of many other countries.

Упражнение 13 Сделайте перевод с листа.

Чтобы понять американскую культуру, важно знать, что больше всего ценят американцы, в чем они видят смысл своей жизни.

Опросы общественного мнения выявляют, по крайней мере, четыре основных критерия жизненных идеалов:

I/. Необходимость работы и активной деятельности. ф

Американцы всегда высказывают положительное отношение к труду. В США люди работают не только потому, что им надо работать, но потому, что работа - это хорошо. Люди работают даже тогда, когда они не нуждаются в деньгах. Предполагается, что работа - это благо.

2/. Значение практичности.

Американцы гордятся своими успехами в технике и технологии, своей готовностью пожертвовать традициями ради разумных решений.

Самое ужасное для американца - если его обзовут старо­модным или отсталым. Таким образом, американцы неизменно считают, что изменения в их жизни связаны с развитием и прогрессом.

3/. Важность успеха.

Американцы меряют себя не по абсолютному уровню жизни, а по своим достижениям в сравнении с другими людьми. Плохо, когда люди остаются довольными тем, что имеют. Хорошо, когда они стремятся к чему-то лучшему и недовольны своим сегодняшним.

4/. Важность соблюдения нравственных норм.

Американцы высоко ценят нормы морали. Они говорят о справедливости, равноправии, милосердии и хотят, чтобы их считали справедливой, либеральной нацией. Например, они не могут оправдать войну как средство защиты своих экономических интересов - это шокировало бы их представление о самих себе. В то же время оправданием всех их войн было то, что эти войны велись против тирании для защиты простых людей. Для американцев очень важно, чтобы их считали добрыми, высоконравственными и великодушными людьми.

Упражнение 14

A. Сформулируйте основную идею текста в упражнении 11.

B. Напишите по-английски аннотацию текста из упражнения 11.

Упражнение 15

Сделайте письменный перевод.


by L. R. Kohle

In the American mind, change is seen as an indisputably good condition. Change is strongly linked to development, improvement, progress, and growth.

Many older, more traditional cultures consider change as a disruptive, destructive force, to be avoided if at all possible. Instead of change, such societies value stability, continuity, tradition, and a rich and ancient heritage - none of which are valued very much in the United States.

The two values - the belief that we can do anything and the belief that any change is good - together with an American belief in the virtue of hard work and the belief that each individual has a responsibility to do the best he or she can do have helped Americans to achieve some great accomplishments. So whether these beliefs are "true" is really irrelevant; what is important is 1 that Americans hav W e f c o > n sidered them to be true and have acted as if they were, thus, in effect, causing them to happen.

The two values - the belief that we can do anything and the belief that any change is good - together with an American belief in the virtue of hard work and the belief that each individual has a responsibility to do the best he or she can do have helped Americans to achieve some great accomplishments.

So whether these beliefs are "true" is really irrelevant; what is important is that Americans have considered them to be true and have acted as if they were, thus, in effect, causing them to happen.


Individualism And Privacy

The individualism which has been developed in the Western world since the Renaissance, beginning in the late 15th century, has taken its most exaggerated form in 20n century United States. Here, each individual is seen as completely and marvelously unique, that is, totally different from all other individuals and, therefore, particularly precious and wonderful.

Americans think they are more individualistic in their thoughts and actions than, in fact they, are. They resist being thought of as representatives of a homogeneous group, whatever the group. They may, and do, join groups - in fact many groups - but somehow believe they're just a little different, just a little unique, just a little special, from other members of the same group. And they tend to leave groups as easily as they enter them.

Privacy, the ultimate result of individualism, is perhaps even more difficult for the foreigner to comprehend. The word "privacy" does not even exist in many languages. If it does, it is likely to have a strongly negative connotation, suggesting loneliness or isolation from the group. In the United States, privacy is not only seen as a very positive condition, but it is also viewed as a requirement which all humans would find equally necessary, desirable and satisfying. It is not uncommon for Americans to say - and believe - such statements as "If I don't have at least an hour a day to myself, I will go stark raving mad!"

Individualism, as it exists in the United States, does mean that you will find a much greater variety of opinions (along with the_absolute freedom to express them anywhere and anytime) here. Yet, in spite of this wide range of personal opinion, almost all Americans will ultimately vote for one of the two major political parties.

Action/Work Orientation

"Don't just stand there," goes a typical bit of American advice, "do something!" This expression is normally used in a crisis situation, yet, in a sense, it describes most Americans' entire waking life, where action - any action - is seen to be superior to inaction.

Americans routinely plan and schedule an extremely active day. Any relaxation must be limited in time, preplanned, and aimed, at "recreating" their ability to work harder and more productively once the recreation is over. Americans believe leisure activities should assume a relatively small portion of one's total life. People think that it is "sinful" to "waste one's time," "to sit around doing nothing," or just to "daydream."

Such a "no-nonsense" attitude towards life has created many people who have come to be known as "workaholics," or people who are addicted to their work, who think constantly about their jobs and who are frustrated if they are kept away from them, even during their evening hours and weekends.

America may be one of the few countries in the world where it seems reasonable to speak about the "dignity of human labor," meaning by that, hard, physical labor. In America, even corporation presidents will engage in physical labor from time to time and gain, rather than lose, respect from others for such action.

Упражнение 16

Переведите письменно:

А. В 1968 г. в составе Института социологических исследований АН СССР (ИСИ АН СССР) был создан сектор общественного мнения, который в 1985 г. преобразован в Центр по изучению общественного мнения. На этот Центр возложены функции разработки теоретико-методологических проблем, проведения конкретных социологических исследований в области общественного мнения и использования для этих целей средств массовой информации, а также координации исследований по данной проблематике и обеспечения обмена опытом и информацией о проводимых опросах общественного мнения различными организациями.

Б. В 1935 г. в Принстоне, штат Нью-Джерси, Джордж Гэллап, старший, в партнерстве с X. Андерсеном и синдикатом издателей газет (Publishers-Hall Syndicate) основал американский Институт общественного мнения. Первый отчет Гэллапа, выпущенный на страницах финансирующих его газет, был разослан 35 постоянным покупателям газет 20 октября 1935 г. С этого времени опросы Гэллапа еженедельно фиксируют результаты изучения общественного мнения в стране по разнообразным политическим, социальным и экономическим проблемам. Опросы проводятся дважды в неделю и рассылаются в газеты для публикации.

С каждым годом происходит все большее усовершенствование методики опросов общественного мнения, результаты которого становятся все более точными. Это особенно видно на примере прогнозов президентских выборов. Если средняя ошибка в отношении президентских выборов в 1936 г. составила 3,6%, то в 1984 г. отклонение составили лишь 0,2%.

Упражнение 17

Озаглавьте тексты из упражнения 15.

Упражнение 18

Напишите по-английски реферат из упражнения 15.

Упражнение 19

Используя переводческую скоропись, запишите ключевые слова из следующих высказываний. После этого восстановите исходное высказывание по этим ключевым словам и переведите его.

People often think of the U.S. as a very materialistic possession- oriented country.

2. In 1981, a Harris poll was taken surveying 1,200 adults nationwide.

3. The poll asked respondents to reflect on what was important to them in their lives.

4. The top thing on the list was to have a good family life.

5. The majority of the people said that using their mind and abilities was. the most important goal for them.

6. The next thing down the line was to be physically fit.

7. Lots of people are fond of jogging.

8. The priority of good close friends indicates that, as a nation, Americans have become highly people-dependent.

9. Having a good self-image means feeling that one is conducting one's day-to-day life in a manner that makes one proud and satisfied.

10. It is interesting that in a country that has a high standard of living for a majority of its people, the desire for economic security is still important.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-13; просмотров: 166 | Нарушение авторских прав

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