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Continuous Tense

Читайте также:
  1. Choose the correct tense.
  2. Past Continuous Tense (Past Progressive Tense)
  3. Present Continuous, Present Simple,
  4. Present Perfect, Present Continuous,
  5. Present, Past Continuous
  6. Sunlounger Sessions (Full Continuous DJ Mix) (CBR 320 kbps)


C с [s] перед i, e, y capa ci ty, ce ll, bi cy cle
[k] перед усіма іншими голосними та приголосними c ome, exa c t, dire c tion
[C] у сполученнях ch, tch ch arge, wa tch
[S] перед сполученнями ial, ient spe cial, effi cient викл. ch emistry[k],te ch nique [k],ma ch ine[ʃ]

Exercise 1 Practice the following sounds.

[s] [k] [tʃ] [ʃ]
saucer once certain cinema centimetre December dance can cat come close cake describe correct watch fetch catch match patch chain chess special efficient especially commercial crucial sufficient ancient

Exercise 2 Read the following words and explain the rules of reading.

Chalk, picture, chair, mechanic, machinery, French, teacher, exercise, pencil, clean, nice, ceiling, chemistry, mathematics, actual, black, cent, dance, colour, certainly, clock, watch, catch, children, circular, can, ice, nice, neck, space, pact, face, chin, chest, match, catch, cell, chick, chill, watch, charge, patch, snatch, place, chain, cheap, cigarette, cigar, class, species, specialize, specific, cycle.


Continuous Tense

(Часи групи Continuous)

  Active be+Present Participle(-ing) Passive be+being+Past Participle(-ed)
Present I am discussinga new plan now. He isstilldiscussing a new plan. They are discussing a new plan. A new plan is being discussed. New plans are being discussed.
Past Hewas discussing a new plan when the manager came. Theywere discussing a new plan during the meeting. A new plan was being discussed whenwe came. New plans were being discussedduring the meeting.
Future Wewill be discussing a new plan tomorrow at 5. -



1. argu e – arguing, hat e – hating, lov e – loving (але: ag e – ag e ing, dy e - dy e ing, agr ee – agr ee ing, s ee – s ee ing)

2. hit – hi tt ing, run – ru nn ing, stop – sto pp ing

3. ad'mit – admi tt ing, be'gin – begi nn ing, pre'fer – prefe rr ing ( але: 'budget – budgeting, 'enter – entering)

4. signa l – signa ll ing, trave l – travelling (AmE.: signaling, traveling)

5. carr y – carr y ing, enjo y – enjo y ing, hurr y – hurr y ing

6. d ie – d y ing, l ie – l y ing

Present Continuous Tense

1. Подовжені дії, що здійснюються під час говоріння (still, now, at 11 o’clock, from 5 to 9 o’clock), або в теперішній період часу (today, this week, this season).

Please, don’t make so much noise. I am studying. ( not I study)

Tom and Ann are talking and drinking in a café. Tom says, ‘I’ mreading an interesting book at the moment.’

‘You are working hard today.’ ‘Yes, I have a lot to do.’

2. Ситуації, які швидко змінюються:

The population of the world is rising very fast. ( not rises).

3. Майбутні дії, якщо виказується намір їх здійснення або впевненість у їх виконанні.

What are you doing tomorrow evening?

I am going to the theatre.

Примітка 1. Present Continuous Tense також може використовуватися:

- для висловлення меншої впевненості та офіціальності:

I am hoping you can lend me $100.

I’m afraid we must be going;

- для висловлення незадоволення, скарги, тощо:

He is continually borrowing money from me.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-05; просмотров: 174 | Нарушение авторских прав

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