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Читайте также:
  1. A The basic vocabulary
  2. Enrich Your Vocabulary
  3. Enrich Your Vocabulary
  4. Enrich Your Vocabulary: What Does It Really Mean?
  5. III. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises
  6. The foreign component in the English vocabulary
  7. The vocabulary entry

A: a, able, about, above, abroad, accept, accident, ache, acquaintance, across, active, actor, actress, addict, address, adult, advertisement, aero­plane, affair, afford, afraid, Africa,after, afternoon, afterwards, again, against, age, ago, agree, ahem, air, airforce, airline, airmail, airport, alcohol, alive, all, all right, allow, allowed, allowance, ally, almost, along, already, also, always, a. m., ambassador, ambulance, America, among, and, animal, another, answer, antique, any, anybody, anything, anywhere, apartment, apologize, apple, apply, appointment, approve, April, area, arithmetic, arm, army, arrest, arrival, arrive, art, article, as, as...as, as well as, ashtray, Asia, ask, at, at all, at least, attack, attention, August, aunt, Australia, autumn, away.

B: baby, back, back, bad, badly, bag, baggage, bake, baker, balcony, ball, ballet, ball-pen, ball-point, banana, bandage, bank, bank-note, bar, baseball, basement, bath, bathroom, battle, be, beach, beans, because, become, bed, bedroom, beef, beer, before, beg, begin, behind, believe, belong, below, belt, benefit, beside, best, better, between, bicycle, big, bike, bill, billion, biography, bird, biro, birthday, bit, bitter, black, blan­ket, blouse, blue, board, board, boarding-pass, boat, boil, bomb, book, book, booking office, bookshop, booth, border, bored, boring, born, boss, both, bottle, bottom, box,-boy, boy-friend, brake, bread, break, break, breakfast, bridge, (in) brief, bright, bring, brother, brown, brush, bu­ilding, bullet, bureau, burglar, burglary, burn, bus, business, business­man, businesswoman, but, butcher, butter, button, buy, by, by all means, bye-bye.

C: cab, cabaret, cabbage, cabin, cable, cafe, cake, call, call-box, camera, camp, camp-site, can, canal, cancel, cannot (can't), canteen, car, card, care, careful, carpentry, carrot, carry, cash, cassette, cassette re­corder, castle, cat, cathedral, cauliflower, CD, cellar, centimetre, central, centre, century, certain, certainly, certificate, chair, chair (person), cha­irman, change, charge, charter, cheap, check, check in, check out, cheerio, cheers, cheese, chemist, cheque, chess, chest, chicken, child, chips, chocola­te, choose, church, cigar, cigarette, cinema, circus, city, class, classical, clean, clear, clerk, climate, cloakroom, close, closed, closing-time, clothes, club, coach, coat, cod, coffee, coffee-shop, coin, cold, cold, colleague, col­lect, collection, college, comb, come, come and see, come in, comedy, com­fortable, commercial, common, Common Market, communist, compact, company, computer, concert, conclusion, congratulations, connection, con­servative, consul, consulate, control, cool, corner, correct, correspond, cost, cotton, could, country, course, of course, court, cousin, cow, cream, credit, credit card, cricket, crime, criminal, cross, crossing, cup, cupboard, cur­rency, current, customs, cut, cyclist.

D: daily, damp, dance, dancer, dangerous, dark, date, daughter, day, dead, dear, December, decide, declare, deep, defeat, defence, defend, degree, delay, delayed, delighted, dentist, department, departure, desk.

dessert, detective, dial, dictionary, die, diet, differ, difference, different, difficult, difficulty, dinner, diploma, dirty, disarmament, disc, disc jockey disco (theque), discount, disease, dish, distance, dizzy, do, doctor, docu­ment, documentary, dog, don't, door, double, doubt, down, downstairs,- drama, draw, dress, dressed, dressing, drink, drive, driver, driving, lice­nce, drugs, dry, dull, during, duty, duty-free.

E: each, early, earn, east, easy, eat, economics, education, EEC, egg, eight, eighth, eighty, either, elect, election, electricity, eleven, eleventh, else, embassy, emergency, employer, empty, end, enemy, engine, English, enjoy, enough, enquiry, entrance, envelope, er, especially, Europe, even, evening, ever, every, everywhere, exactly, examination, example, excellent,1 except, excuse, exhibition, exist, exit, expect, expensive, explain.

F: fact, factory, fail, failure, faithfully, fall, false, family, fancy, far, fare, farm, farmer, farmland, fast, fasten, father, fax, February, feel, female, ferry, fever, few, field, fifth, fifty, fight, fill, film, final, finally, find, fine, fine, finish, fire, firm, first, first, fish, five, flat, flat, flight, floor, floor-show, flow, flower, fly, fly, fog, foggy, folk, follow, foot, football, for, forbid, force, foreign, foreigner, forest, forget, forgive, fork, form, former­ly, fortnight, forty, four, fourth, free, freeze, fresh (ly), fridge, Friday, friend, frightened, from, front, frontier, frost, fruit, fruit-juice, fry, full, furnished, furniture.

G: gale, gallery, gallon, game, garage, garden, gardening, gas, gate, gentleman, geography, get, get up, girl, girl-friend, give, glad, elass, glasses, go, go for, go on, go out, goat, god, (be) going to, gold, good, goodbye, govern, government, gramme, grammophone, grandchild, gran­dfather, grandmother, grant, grape, grateful, great, greatly, green, gre­engrocer, grey, grill, grocer, ground, group, guest, guest-house, guide, guitar, gun.

H: hair, half, hall, hallo/hello, hamburger, hand, handbag, happen happy, harbour, hard, hardly, hat, hate, have, have got, have to, he, head,: health, hear, heart, heat, heating, heavy, help, help-yourself, her, here, her high, hi-jack, hi-jacker, hill, him, hire, his, history, hobby, hockey, hold,, holiday, home, hope, horrible, horse, hospital, hostel, hostess, hot, hotel, hour, house, how, how do you do, how much, hundred, hunger, hungry, hurry, hurt, hurt, husband.

I: I, ice, ice cream, idea, if, ill, illness, immigration, import, important, impossible, in, inch, included, income, incorrect, indeed, industry, informa­tion, inn, insect, inside, instance, insurance, insure, intelligent, intend, interest, interesting, interpret, interval, into, introduce, invitation, invite, island, issue, it, its.

J: jacket, jam, January, jar, jazz, jewellry, job, join, journalist, jour­ney, judge, jug, juice, July, June, jury, just.

K: keep, key, kidnap, kidnapper, kill, killed, killer, kilo (gramme), kilometre, kind, kind, kindly, king, kitchen, knife, knit, knitting, know.

L: labourer, lady, lake, lamb, lamp, land, language, large, last, last, late, lately, later, laugh, laundry, lavatory, law, lawn, lawyer, lazy, leader, learn, leather, leave, lecture, left, leg, leisure, lemon, lesson, let, let's, letter, letter-box, level, level crossing, liberal, library, licence, lie down, lift, light, light, lightning, like, like, likely, limit, line, listen. litre, (a) lit­tle, live, living, living-room, lock, locker, long, look, lorry, lose, lost proper­ty office, lot, a lot, lounge, love, lovely, lover, low, luggage, lunch, lung.

M: Madam, magazine, mail, main, make, male, man, manage, many, map, March, market, married, master, match, matches, mathematics, matinee, matter, matter, May, may, me, meal, mean, means, meat, medici­ne, meet, meeting, member, menu, message, metal, metre, midnight, might, mild, mile, milk, millimetre, million, mineral, mineral water, mind, mind, mine, minister, minute, miserable, Miss, missile, mist, mistake, mix, modern, moist, moment, Monday, money, month, monthly, more, morning, most, mother, motor, motor cycle, motorway, mountain, move, Mr, Mrs, Ms, much, mug, murder, murderer, museum, mushroom, musical, musici­an, music, must, mustard, mutton, my.

N: name, narrow, nasty, nationality, NATO, navy, near, necessarily, necessary, neck, need, neighbourhood, network, never, new, news, newspa­per, next, next (to), nice, night, night-club, nine, ninety, ninth, no, nobody, noise, noon,normal, north, not, not at all, note, note-paper, nothing, novel, November, now, nowhere, nuclear, number, nurse, nut, nylon.

0: occupation, o'clock, October, odour, of, of course, off, office, often, oh, oh dear, oil, old, omelette, on, once, one, one, one-way, only, open, opening-hours, opera, operation, operate, operator, opinion, opposite, or, orange, orange, order, ordinary, other, ought, ounce, our, ours, out, out of, out of order, outside, over, own, owner.

P: packet, page, pain, painting, pair, paper, parcel, pardon, parents, park, parking, parliament, part, partner, party, pass, passenger, passport, past, pastry, patient, pay, pea, peace, peanut, pear, pedestrian, peel, pen, pen-friend, pence, pencil, penny, pension, people, pepper, per, performan­ce, perfume, permitted, pet, petrol, phone, photography, physician, phy­sics, picture, pie, piece, pig, pill, pillow, pint, pipe, pity, place, plaice, plane, plant, plastic, plate, platform, play, player, playing-cards, plea­sant, please, pleased, pleasure, p. т., pocket, poem, police, policeman, policewoman, political, politics, pollution, pool, poor, pop(ular), pork, porter, possible, possibly, post, post office, postage, postcard, poste- restante, postman, pot, potato, poultry, pound, pound, poverty, prefer, prescription, present, President, press, price, primary, prime, Prime Minister, prince, princess, prison, probable, probably, prob­lem, professor, profession, programme, pronounce, property, pub, pull, punish, punishment, pupil, purpose, purse, push, put, put on, put through.

Q: qualify, quality, quarter, quay, queen, question, quick, quickly, quiet, quite, quiz.

R: race, racing, radio, railway, rain, raincoat, rainy, raisin, rank, rape, rarely, rather, razor, read, reading, ready, real, really, reason, rece­ipt, reception, receive, recently, recommend, record, recorder, red, ref­reshments, register, registration, religion, remain, remember, rent, repair, repeat, reporter, request, reservation, rest, restaurant, result, return, revise, rich, ride, right, right, right, ring, river, road, rob, robber, robbery, (bread) roll, room, rough, round, round, roundabout, row, rugby, ruins.

S: safe, safety, sail, salary, sale, salesman, saleswoman, salt, salty, same, sandwich, sanitary, satisfied, Saturday, saucer, sausage, say, scho-. ol, science, scissors, scooter, sculpture, sea, seaside, season, seat, second, secondary, secretary, security, see, seldom, self-service, sell, send, sender, September, serve, service, seven, seventh, seventy, several, sex, sh, shade, shall, shame, sharp, shave, she, sheep, sheet, shine, ship, shirt, shoe, shoot, shop, shop assistant, shopping, short, should, show, shower, shut, sick, side, sign, signature, signpost, sight, silence, silver, since, sincerely, sing, singer, single, sir, sister, site, six, sixty, size, ski, skirt, sleep, sleepy, slice, slow, slowly, small, smell, smoke, smoking, smooth, snack, snooker, snow snowstorm, so, so-so, soap, social, socialist, sock, soft, soldier, sole, som somebody, someone, something, sometimes, somewhere, song, soon, sorry sort, soup, soup, sour, south, spare, speak, specialist, speed, spell, spend spinach, spoon, sport, spring, spy, square, stadium, stair, stamp, stand, star, start, state, statement, station, stay, steal, steering, stewardess still, still, stocking, stomach, stop, stop, store, storm, story, straigh"' strange, stranger, strawberry, street, stress, strike, string, strong, stu dent, study, subject, succeed, success, successful, such, suddenly, sugar, suit, suitcase, sum, summer, sun, Sunday, sunshine, sunny, supermarket, supper, suppose, supposed, sure, surprise, surprised, surprising, sweet, sweet, swim. *

T: table, tablet, take, take away, take off, talk, tall, tape, tart, tasted tax, taxi, tea, teach, teacher, team, telegram, telegraph, telephone, telepho ne, television, tell, temperature, ten, tennis, tent, tenth, terminal, terrorist, terrorist, test, than, thank, thank you, thanks, that, that, that, the, theatre, theft, their, theirs, them, then, there, therefore, these, they, thick, thief, thin, thing, thingummyjig, think, third, third-party, thirst, thirsty, thirte­en, thirty, this, those, thousand, three, thriller, through, throw, thunder-, storm, Thursday, ticket, tie, tights, till, time, timetable, tip, tired, to, toast, tobacco, tobacconist, today, together, toilet, tomorrow, ton(ne), tonight, too, tooth, toothbrush, toothpaste, top, tour, tourist, towards, towel, town, tradesman, traffic, train, train, tram, translate, translation, travel, tra­veller, tree, trip, trouble, trousers, true, try, trv on, Tuesday, turkey, turn, turn, tut-tut, twelve, twelfth, twenty, twice, two, typist, tyre.

U: ugh, uh-huh, unable, uncle, under, underground, understand, underwent, undo, undressed, unemployment, unfortunately, unhappy, uni- important, unintelligent, university, unleaded, unpleasant, unsuccessful, until, up, upstairs, us, use, useful, useless, usually.

V: valley, van, vanilla, veal, vegetable, very, victim, victory, video recorder, videotape, view, village, visa, visit, vote.

W: wages, wait, waiter, waiting-room, waitress, wake, walk, walks- man, wall, wallet, want, war, ward, warm, wash, wash up, washing ma­chine, watch, watch, water, way, W. C., we, weak, weapon, wear, weather, Wednesday, week, weekday, weekend, weekly, weigh, weight, welfare, well, well, well done, were, west, wet, what, when, where, which, while, white, who, whom, whose, why, wide, wife, will, win, wind, window, wine, wind, winter, wish, with, without, witness, woman, wonder, wonderful, wood, wool, word, work, work, workinghours, worried, worry, worse, worst, would, wound, wrap, write, wrong.


Y: yard, year, yellow, yes, yesterday, yet, you, you know, young, your, yours, youth.

Z: zero, zone, zoo.

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