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Phonetic reading. Learn the following words and their combinations. Read and translate them.

Читайте также:
  1. A Email is electronic mail.You cansend an emailto someone, oremailthem. They willreplyto youremail or email you back.
  2. A model of cultural learning
  3. A) Match the words with the definitions.
  4. Answer the following questions
  5. Answer the following questions
  6. Answer the following questions.
  7. Answer the following questions.

Clothes: You put your clothes on when you get up in the morning and take your clothes off when you go to bed at night.

Wear: Do you always wear a hat in summer? In winter we like to wear warm clothes.

Moon: The Moon is a planet. The Moon moves round the Earth. We can see the moon at night.

Paper: Paper is a material which we can use for writing, for covering things. It means also a report, a scientific report or an article.

Shoes: Shoes are part of clothes which we wear on our feet.

Food: Food is the material which can be eaten by people or animals. Food includes various materials, for example, we like to drink milk, eat meat and butter. Milk, meat and butter are animal products. They include vitamins as well.

Spend: Students spend much time in libraries and reading halls.

A few-few: Few means not many, a few means a small number. Many people read Einstein's book, but few understood it. A few compounds were produced.

Trouble: To be in trouble means to be in an unhappy state or condition. I have much trouble with the children.


Read and learn the following words.

potato - картопля vitamin - вітамін

beetroot - буряк metabolism - обмін речовин

carrot - морква catalysts - каталізатори

cabbage - капуста tissue - тканина (жива)

onion - цибуля influence - впливати

tomato - помідор participate - брати участь

vegetable - овоч identify - ідентифікувати, ототожнювати

fruit - фрукт erythrocytes - еритроцити

grapes - виноград scurvy - цинга

lemon - лимон avitaminosis - (pi. avitaminoses) авітаміноз

pepper - перець overdosage - передозування

salt - сіль yeast - дріжджі

sugar - цукор soya - соя (боби)

juice – сік

3.Learn the following word combinations .

to be indispensable for -бути необхідним для

plastic materials -пластичні матеріали

the first to establish -перший, хто встановив

chemical composition -хімічний склад

physiological role -фізіологічна роль

soluble only in fats -розчинні лише в жирах

enough vitamins -досить вітамінів

night vision -нічне бачення (видимість уночі)

citrus fruits -цитрусові

prevent rickets -запобігати розвиткові рахіту

lead to infertility -призводити до безпліддя

incorrect development -неправильний розвиток

retarded growth -заторможений, пригнічений ріст


Make up sentences.

Vitamins The dose Overdosage Avitaminoses may be play are normal. an important role in human health, harmful for the organism, indispensable for the organism, deficiency of vitamins.

Ask your fellow student why vitamins are necessary for our organism and where they are present.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-13; просмотров: 128 | Нарушение авторских прав

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