Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the thin membrane that lines the abdominal cavity. It is an illness that can cause death. The peritoneum may become inflamed if it is attacked by bacteria or irritated by a foreign substance.
Dysentery is a disease involving inflammation of the lining of the large intestine. The inflammation, which is caused by microscope organisms, produces abdominal pain and diarrhea. The bowel move ments may contain mucus and blood. Some cases of dysentery includ fever or vomiting.
III. Language development.
Match the Ukrainian words/word combinations with the English equivalents. | |
1. жовчний Mixyp | a. jejunum |
2. кишивнж | b. pharynx |
3. глотка | с. gall bladder |
4. голодна кишка | d. oesophagus |
5. стравохщ | e. bowels |
6. пгдшлункова залоза | f. starch |
7. ободова кишка | g. pancreas |
8. крохмаль | h. breaking up |
9. живлення | i. colon |
10. розщеплення | j. nourishment |
Fоrm sentences. | |||
The patients The injection The temperature chart The operation The thoracic cavity Anatomy Digestive juice | is being are being | secreted examined filled in given examined taught performed | by the pancreas. during practical classes. by the nurse. by the doctor. by the surgeon. by the teacher. by X-rays. |
Match the English and Ukrainian words. | |
1. digestion | а. протока |
2. alimentary canal | b. пілорус |
3. gastric juice | с. виділяти жовч |
4. duodenum | d. cлинні залози |
5. rectum | e. горло |
6. salivary | f. язик |
7. to secrete bile | g. пряма кишка |
8. larynx | h. дванадцятипала кишка |
9. tongue | i. травлення |
10. throat | j. шлунковий ciк |
11. duct | k. травний канал |
12. pylorus | l. гортань |
Write as many words as possible under the following headings.
Alimentary Canal Accessory Organs Juices
Match the definitions and the terms.
1. It serves to collect and temporarily store the wastes before they are finally excreted. | a. pyloric sphincter |
2. Here the food is taken, bitten and chewed. | b. large intestine |
3. It serves as a valve to regulate the passage of food from the stomach. | с. pancreas |
4. It secretes the juice acting on all classes of food. | d. mouth |
5. Here the process of digestion is completed. | e. rectum |
6. The movements produced by the muscles of the esophagus. | f. bile duct |
7. This tube serves to conduct the bile into duodenum. | g. teeth |
8. The function of this organ is to produce an acid to digest proteins and fats. | h. water absorption |
9. The food is crushed by means of these bony structures. | i. stomach |
10. The terminal part of digestion. | j. peristalsis |
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