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We may postpone our work.
1. Perhaps we shall see our professor tomorrow.
2. Perhaps he will ask us to find our mistake.
3. The conference will, probably, take place next week.
4. Perhaps someone will tell him what has happened.
5. Perhaps somebody else will check the results.
V. Speaking
1. What are heart diseases?
2. Do you know people with such diseases?
3. How can they prevent these diseases?
4. Student A and Student B are waiting for their turn in the Studen Clinic, To kill the time they watch other patients and try to guess what the trouble is.
Student A: The man on the right keeps sneezing.
Student B: It may/might be a cold.
Now you supply Student B's conclusions:
A: The girl in blue jeans has red eyes.
B: …...........................(conjunctivitis)
A: The boy in red sweater wants to see the doctor immediately.
B:...............................(something serious)
A: The girl in the middle is coughing all the time.
A: I think I'm running a temperature.
B:...............................(some sort of infection)
A: The man in the corner has a rash on his face and hands.
B:...............................(some allegry)
A: The man by the door is sweating heavily.
Complete the dialogue with the words and word combinations from list below and act it out.
Trouble, shortness of breath, the work, digitalis, free diet, arteries
Dr. Young. Good morning, Mr. Hollister, How are you getting on?
Mr. Hollister: I've not been feeling well for the last week. I've had some..., and as you can see my legs are swollen now.
Dr. Y.: Are you still taking your digitalis? Did you put any... in your t food?
Mr. H.: Well, Doctor, I've been out of... for the last week. And it is hard for me to eat completely without salt. Doctor, could you tell me what my problem is?
Dr. Y: I believe you have hardening of... with the involvement of the heart. Now your heart is not able to perform... it is supposed to. Regarding your treatment, I think you should continue to take one tablet of digitalis a day on a salt.... Otherwise you'll get in....
Mr. H.: When shall I come back?
Dr. V.: Three weeks from today. Good-bye now and be careful.
Mr. H: Bye. See you in three weeks.
In a gastroenterology separation.
Тема 20. У гастроентерологічному відділенні.
I. Active vocabulary.
digestion - травления
pharynx - глотка, зоб
salivary gland - слинна залоза
pancreas - підшлункова залоза
larynx - гортань
gastric juice - шлунковий ciк
bile - жовч
duodenum - дванадцятипала кишка
hollow - порожнистий
particle - частинка
tumor - пухлина
lye - луг
ulcer - виразка
pernicious - згубний; злоякісний
adjacent - прилеглий
sore - рана, виразка
consumption - споживання
amebic - Амебний
II. Leadin work with the vocabulary.
Read the text.
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Read and say what disease it is. | | | Peritonitis |