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Test II


1. Divide into groups and transcribe these words:

Cinema, never, crying, stupid, numeral, uncle, Monday, figure-skating, war, river, panic, staff, hunting, transport.


primary alphabetical meaning primary short meaning secondary meaning

2. Find the odd word:

a) doing, hunting, uncle, cinema, magic

b) stupid, trying, Friday, April, silly

c) student, numeral, never, crying, being


3. Transcribe the words:

Fibre, April, going, render, family, avid, cavity, facet, lady, fever, over, funeral, fencing.

4. Reading of Stressed Vowels in Combination with Letter ”r”


vowel + “r” + vowel + vowel + ”r” + vowel + ”l/n” + “r” + consonant + final “r”
Aa [εə] fair, fare [α:] farm, far
Ee [ıə] here, hero, neon [3:] herbal, her
Ii [aıə] liar, fire, giant [3:] firm, fir
Oo [ :] boar, more [ :] north, for
Uu [(j)υə] pure, sure, fuel [3:] surf, fur
Yy [aıə] tyrant [3:] byrd


a) Name the stressed sound of every line:

1. share, rare, care, compare, prepare, hare.

2. here, mere, sphere, material, serial, period.

3. fire, lyre, hire, tired, wire, satire.

4. pure, cure, lure, curious, during, secure.

5. more, shore, explore, before, store.


b) Read these words according to the rules:

Letter “A” (primary short and long meanings):

farce arch scarf market alarm jar fare Mary daring sharing snare care


Letter “E” (primary short and long meanings):

germ perch mercy verse concern German hero mere inhere era severe zero

Letters “I/Y” (primary short and long meanings):

thirty birch smirch shirk circle quirt fire lyre tyre require wire quire

Letter “U” (primary short and long meanings):

turn further lurch Thursday curtains turkey endure cure pure obscure fury curious


Letter “O” (primary short and long meanings):

storm mort orchard pork force thorn core shore score wore oral forehead



a) Make words with these beginnings and write them in the correct part of the table:

Beginnings ba fa ra da sta squa ca ha cha Endings r re lf ir rd rt lm



Words with the vowel [α:] Words with the vowel [εə]
bar bare


b) Divide the words into groups according to the sounds:

Air, bear, deer, square, tour, real, giant, your, near, ear, pair, oar, more, secure, cure, fire, lure, lyre, pure, satire, board, fair, hair, hear, dear, tire, fuel, sore, our, area, near, pier, hour, fire, mere, real, diamond, ear, fierce, science, vary, zero, theory, fuel, ore, millionaire, lair, mere, where, trial, work, earn, sergeant, warm, worm, heart, world, merry, persuade, nurse, harp, early, scarcely, clerk, form, target, learn, hurry, bird, persue, war, firm, circus, turn, farm, earth, word, market, girl, fir, bargain, turkey, mortar, swirl, sword, order, urgently, orchid, appear, observe, persue, surface, disregard, perm, sardines, require, depart, quarrel.


Ex.4.3 Read as quickly as possible:

1. Hares, rare hares, take care of rare hares; my parents take care of rare hares. My parents rarely take care of rare hares and canaries.

2. Football, more than football, basketballs more than football, adore basketball more than football, boys adore basketball more than football, tall boys adore basketball more than football. Almost all tall boys adore basketball more than football.

3. The theory, the theory of this experienced engineer is clear, the theory of this experienced engineer is really clear. My dear! The theory of this experienced engineer is really clear.

4. Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear.

5. Cheers, dear! Cheers! Here’s to the bearded mountaineer!

6. Charming, large and charming, farms are large and charming, gardens and farms are large and charming. The parks, gardens and farms are large and charming.

7. A girl, a circus girl, Pearl is a circus girl, Pearl is a circus girl who works, Pearl is a circus girl who works with birds.

8. Her work, her work in workshop, her work in a dirty workshop, her work in a dirty workshop was the worst. Her work in a dirty workshop was the worst in the world.


Ex.4.4 Pick out the odd word:

1. term, clerk, serve, perfect.

2. target, farm, warm, market.

3. learn, earth, pearl, heart.

4. Vernon, terrible, merry, hurry.

5. word, work, world, war.

6. first, fur, far, turn.

7. girl, shirk, wire, birch, birth.

8. earn, learn, heart, early.

9. worm, worn, world, work.

10. nurse, lurk, hurry, hurt, suburb.

11. advertisement, university, reserved, western.



Ex.4.5 Put the words into three columns:

[ɑ:] [ɔ:] [з:]


Tardy, sort, purge, war, heart, dormant, world, port, darling, warm, earn, lord, work, partake, furbish, learn, mortify, clerk, purblind, portly, sergeant, dart, further, partner.

Ex.4.6 Read and transcribe the following sentences:

1. I’d like to reserve a seat on the ten-thirty flight to Birmingham, on Thursday. My name is Vernon.

2. I’ll search under the fir trees and the birches, I’ll circle the earth – and I’ll return with a superb firm earthworm for my perfect turtledove.

3. Pearl will be thirty next birthday. Her perfume from Germany is perfect.

4. Gregory reported about this story with sarcasm, then he asked rhetorical question.

5. I always think about misfortune with a horror.

6. Barbara’s government had a very bad reputation.

7. Sorry, but I don’t like horror films, I prefer going to the theatre.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-05; просмотров: 103 | Нарушение авторских прав

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