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Market segmentation

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The market consists of many types of customers,products,ad need,and the marketer has to determine which segments offer the best opportunity for achieveing company objectives;geographic,demographic,psychographic,behavioral factors.

Market targeting involves evaluating each market segments attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter.

Market positioning A product position is the place the product occupies relative to competitors in consumers minds.if a product is perceived to be exactly like another product on the market,consumer would have no reason to buy it



3. Product – Definition


a. Anything offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a need or want.











13. De


1. Describe the ways of using database marketing?

2. The marketing research process consists of a number of successive stages that have been jumbled up. These jumbled up stages that have each been numbered are as follows: 1. planning the research design; 2. data collection; 3. sample selection; 4. problem definition; 5. data analysis; 6. follow-up; 7. report preparation. Make the right order.

3. Answer;problem definition,




Сулейман Демирел атындағы колледж
Арнайы экономикалық пәндер және осы саланың өндірістік оқыту шеберлерінің әдістемелік комиссия отырысында қаралды ПӘК төрағасы: Прназаров Б.С. _____________________________ «___» _______________2014ж. № 7 емтихан нұсқасы 6 семестр Топ: Маркетинг 3-09 Бекітемін Директордың оқу ісі жөніндегі орынбасары Органова С.Т _____________ «___» 2014ж.



What is the characteristics of Question marks (SBU)?

Question marks - are low-share business units in high-growth markets. They require а lot of cash to hold their share. Management has to think hard about which question marks it should try to build into stars and which should be phased out.


From what fruit is prepared apricots?

1. List out the steps in developing effective communication.

2. If there are 100 million buyers of compact discs each year, the average buyer buys six discs a year, and the average price is $14, then the total market demand for discs is how much?



Сулейман Демирел атындағы колледж
Арнайы экономикалық пәндер және осы саланың өндірістік оқыту шеберлерінің әдістемелік комиссия отырысында қаралды ПӘК төрағасы: Прназаров Б.С. _____________________________ «___» _______________2014ж. № 8 емтихан нұсқасы 6 семестр Топ: Маркетинг 3-09 Бекітемін Директордың оқу ісі жөніндегі орынбасары Органова С.Т _____________ «___» 2014ж.



1. Explain Environmental Scanning.

2. ENVIRONMENTAL SCANNING -the process of monitoring and analysing the marketing environment of a company


3. What is Product features?

Product Features are a competitive tool for differentiating the company's product from competitors' products e.g. if customers value little costs should be dropped; if the value high cost should be added


4. Write down the four common methods used to set the total budget for advertising in international companies?

5. If there are 100 million buyers of compact discs each year, the average buyer buys six discs a year, and the average price is $14, then the total market demand for discs is how much?



Сулейман Демирел атындағы колледж
Арнайы экономикалық пәндер және осы саланың өндірістік оқыту шеберлерінің әдістемелік комиссия отырысында қаралды ПӘК төрағасы: Прназаров Б.С. _____________________________ «___» _______________2014ж. № 9 емтихан нұсқасы 6 семестр Топ: Маркетинг 3-09 Бекітемін Директордың оқу ісі жөніндегі орынбасары Органова С.Т _____________ «___» 2014ж.


1What is the characteristics of Dogs (SBU)?

Дата добавления: 2015-07-26; просмотров: 126 | Нарушение авторских прав

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