The Sole Shareholder’s aims, mission and vision of NC “KazMunayGas” JSC
The Shareholder’s aims:
- Value growth.
- Formation of efficient investment portfolio
- Management efficiency increase.
- Providing maximum profits for the Republic of Kazakhstan from development of the national petroleum industry
- Increasing the company value, its profitability and ensuring safe production
- Becoming a competitive petroleum company integrated in the international market
- Support for domestic suppliers of goods, works and services, local staff development.
NC KazMunayGas JSC is a highly efficient and competitive integrated oil-and-gas company meeting the highest standards of production safety.
Strategic Aim
Entering the thirty largest oil and gas companies of the world.
Strategic priorities
- NC KazMunayGas JSC will be developing as an integrated oil and gas company and will be engaged in non-core activities
- The growth will be ensured through oil and gas exploration operations, and expansion and diversification of export routes of oil and gas.
- In other sectors, JSC KazMunayGas will focus on sustaining strong positions by upgrading the production and increasing the efficiency of the operations.
- The strategy will be implemented through introduction of transparent and simplified organizational structure, and development of efficiency management in all groups of companies of KazMunayGas.
- In 2015, NC KazMunayGas JSC will be able to act as projects operator.
KazMunayGas is focused on the core activities to create the value of petroleum industry
- Oil and gas upstream
- Projects operator in Kazakhstan.
- Large projects co-operator in Kazakhstan and abroad.
- Oil transportation
- Pipeline network operator in Kazakhstan.
- Shareholding partner in international pipelines and export routes
- Tanker fleet operator in the Caspian sea
- Sales and marketing
- Oil export and import.
- International oil trade
- Refining
- Refining operator in Kazakhstan.
- Refining operator abroad.
- Petrochemistry
- Projects implementation within the state program Retail
- Retail network operator in Kazakhstan
- Owner/retail network operator abroad
- Export /import, transportation and sales, gas transit
- Sole operator of gas transportation system of Kazakhstan
- Sole importer of gas to Kazakhstani market
- Sole exporter of Kazakhstan gas and gas exchange operator
- Operator of regional gas transportation systems and gas distribution network
- Owner and operator of thermal power plants
Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 141 | Нарушение авторских прав - 2015-2025 год. (0.005 сек.)