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А. Главные источники

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  1. II. Два Бога, источники Добра и Зла
  2. V.2. Источники
  3. V.2. Источники
  4. V.2. Источники
  5. А) источники эпоса и их реализация в тексте
  6. Аудиторские доказательства. Виды. Источники. Оценка доказательств

Allmand С. Т., ed. Society at War: The Experience of England and France During the Hundred Years War. Edinburgh, 1973. (Excerpts from contemporary texts.)

Anonimalle Chronicle (St. Mary’s York). Ed. V. H. Galbraith, Manchester, 1927.

Barnie John. War in Medieval English Society. Cornell University Press, 1974. (Excerpts from contemporary texts.)

Beaurepaire Ch. de. «Complainte sur la Bataille de Poitiers». ВЕС, vol. XII, 1851.

Bell Clair Hayden, ed. Peasant Life in Old German Epics. Columbia University Press, 1968. (Содержит две поэмы в прозе XIII века, «Meier Helbricht» и «Der Arme Heinrich», которые, пусть и не относятся впрямую к Франции столетием позже, открывают многие подробности жизни средневекового крестьянина.)

Berry Due de. The Très Riches Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry. Eds. Jean Longman and Raymond Cazelles, with preface by Millard Meiss. New York, 1969.

Boccaccio Giovanni. The Decameron. Trans. Frances Winwar. New York, 1930.

Bonet Honoré. The Tree of Battles. Trans, and ed. G. W. Coopland. Harvard University Press, 1949.

Boucicaut. См. Godefroy и Livre des faits.

Brians Paul, ed. Bawdy Tales from the Courts of Medieval France, New York, 1972.

Brucker Gene, ed. The Society of Renaissance Florence. New York, 1971. (Отрывки из документов тех лет.)

Brucker Gene, ed. Two Memoirs of Renaissance Florence. New York, 1967. (Приведены отрывки из дневника Бонаккорсо Питта.)

Chandos Herald. Life of the Black Prince. Trans. М. K. Pope and E. C. Lodge. Oxford, 1910.

Chaplais Pierre. «Some Documents Regarding the Fulfillment and Interpretation of the Treaty of Bretigny, 1361–69». Camden Miscellany, vol. XIX (Camden Third Series, vol. LXXX). London, 1952.

Chaucer Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. Ed. Walter Skeat. New York, 1929.

Christine de Pisan. The Book of Fayttes of Armes and of Chyvalrye. Trans. William Caxton. Ed. A. T. P. Byles. Oxford University Press, 1932.

Christine de Pisan. Le Livre des Fais et Bonnes Meurs du Sage Roy Charles V. Ed. S. Solente. 2 vols. Paris, 1936–40.

Chronicle of Jean de Venette. Trans. Jean Birdsall. Ed. Richard A. Newhall. Columbia University Press, 1953.

Chronicon Angliae. See Walsingham.

Chronique du Bon Due Loys de Bourbon. Ed. A. M. Chazaud. Paris, 1876. (Cited in Notes as Chron. Bourbon.)

Chronique de Jean de Bel. Eds. Jules Viard and Eugene Deprez. 2 vols. SHF, Paris, 1904–5.

Chronique normande du XIVe siècle. Eds. A. and E. Molinier. Paris, 1882.

Chronique des quatre premiers Valois, 1327–1393. Ed. Siméon Luce. SHF, Paris, 1862. (Cited as Chron. 4 Valois.)

Chronique des règnes de Jean II et de Charles V. Ed. R. Delachenal. 4 vols. SHF, Paris, 1910–20. (Cited as Chron. J. & C.)

Chronique du Religieux de Saint-Denys: La Règne de Charles VI, de 1380 a 1422. Trans, and ed. M. L. Bellaguet. 6 vols. Paris, 1839. (Cited as Chron. C6.)

Chronographia Regum Francorum (прежнее название – «Бернская хроника»). Ed. Н. Nloranvillé. 3 vols. SHF, Paris, 1891–97.

Cuvelier J. Chronique de Bertrand du Guesclin. Ed. E. Charrière. 2 vols. Paris, 1839.

Delisle Leopold. Les Collections de Bastard d’Estang it la Bibliothèque nationale. Nogent-le-Rotrin, 1886. (Summaries of the contents of contemporary documents. Very valuable.)

Delisle M. L., ed. «Un Pamphlet politique au XIVe Siècle» (the Tragicum Argumentum). Bull. historique et philologique, 1886. Paris, 1887.

Demay Germain. Inventaire des sceaux de la collection Clairembault, vol. II. Paris, 1886.

Demay Germain. Inventaire des sceaux de la Flandre, vol I. Paris, 1883.

Deshamps Eustache. Oeuvres complètes. Eds. Marquis de Queux de Saint-Hilaire and G. Raynaud. 11 vols. Paris, 1878–1901.

Diaz de Gómez Gutierre. El Victorial: The Unconquered Knight, A Chronicle of the Deeds of Don Pero Niño, Count of Buelna. Trans, and ed. Joan Evans. London, 1928.

Douet-D’Arco Louis, ed. Choix de Pièces inedites relatives au régne de Charles VI. 2 vols. Paris, 1863.

Duckett, Sir George Floyd, ed. Original Documents Relating to Hostages for John, King of France, and the Treaty of Brétigny in 1360. London, 1890.

Egbert Viginia Wylie, ed. On the Bridges of Medieval Paris; A Record of Early Fourteenth Century Life, Princeton, 1974. (Отличный подбор иллюстраций с комментарием.)

Froissart Jean. Chronicles of England, France and Spain. Trans. Thomas Johnes, 2nd ed. in 2 vols. London, 1806.

Froissart Jean. The Chronicle of Froissart. Trans. Lord Berners, 1523–25. Ed. W. P. Ker. 6 vols. London, 1902.

Froissart Jean. Chroniques, Ed. Siméon Luce et al. 14 vols. Paris, 1869–1966.

Froissart Jean. Oeuvres. Ed. Baron Kervyn de Lettenhove. 25 vols. Brussels, 1870–75.

Froissart Jean. «Le Trettie du Joli Buisson de Jonece». Collection des chroniques nationales francaises, vol. X. Ed. J. A. Buchon. Paris, 1829.

Germain A. Projet de descente en Angleterre… pour la délivrance du Roi Jean: Extrait de documents originaux inedits. Montpellier, 1858.

Gilles li Muises (Abbé de St. Martin de Toumai). Chronique et annales. Ed. H. Lemaitre. SHF. Paris, 1906.

Godefroy Theodore, ed. Histoire de Maréchal de Boucicaut. Paris, 1620. (Первая публикация Livre des faits… de Boucicaut по рукописи, сохранилась только копия.)

Godefrey le Baker. Chronicon. Ed. Edwin M. Thompson. Oxford, 1889.

Grander Chroniques de France, vol. IX (to 1350). Ed. Jules Viard, Paris, 1937.

Grander Chroniques de France, vol. VI (to 1380). Ed. Paulin Paris. Paris, 1838.

Gray, Sir Thomas. Scalacronica. Trans. Sir Herbert Maxwell. Glasgow, 1905-7.

Guibert, Abbot of Nogent. Memoirs. Trans. John L. Benton, New York, 1970.

Heilman Robert, Richard О’Gorman, eds. Fabliaux: Ribald Tales from the Old French. New York, 1965.

Herlihy David, ed. Medieval Culture and Society. New York, 1968. (Антология текстов тех лет.)

Jean le Fevre, Evêque de Chartres. Journal de lean le Fevre, vol. I. Ed. H. Moranville. Paris, 1887.

Jean Juvenal des Ursins, Archevêque de Reims. Histoire de Charles VI. Ed. Th. Godefroy. Paris, 1614. Also in Nouvelle Collection des mémoires relatifs à l’histoire de France, vol. II. Eds. J. F. Michaud and J. J. F. Poujoulat. Paris, 1881.

John of Reading. Chronica. Ed. James Tait. Manchester, 1914.

Koenigshofen Jacob von. Elsassiche und Strassburgische chronicke (C. 1400). Ed. J. Schilter. Strasburg, 1698.

Langland William. The Vision of Piers Plowman. Ed. Henry W. Wells. New York, 1935.

Langlois Charles Victor. La Connaissance de la nature et du monde an moyen age d’après quelques écrits français à l’usage des laics. Paris, 1911. (Contains Image du monde, Roman de Sidrach, and other encyclopedists. This is vol. III of what was later published as La Vie en France au moyen age, 4vols., Paris, 1924–28. (Сборник средневековых текстов на различные темы, отличный способ проникнуть в сознание человека той эпохи.)

La Tour Landry Geoffrey. The Book of the Knight of La Tour Landry. Trans. G. S. Taylor. London, 1930.

Livre des faits du Mareschal de Boucicaut, in Nouvelle Collection des mémoires relatifs à l’histoire de France, vol. II. Eds. J. F. Michaud and J. J. F. Poujoulat. Paris, 1881. См. также Godefroy.

Machaut Guillaume de. Les Oeuvres. Ed. Prosper Tarbé. Reims, 1849.

Ménagier de Paris, Le. The Goodman of Paris. Ed. and trans. Eileen Power. London, 1928.

Mézieres Philippe de. Le Songe du Vieil Pèlerin. Ed. with synopsis and commentary by G. W. Coopland. 2 vols. Cambridge University Press, 1969.

Muratori L. A., ed. Rerum Italicamm Scriptores. Milan, 1723–51.

Nohl Johannes. The Black Death: A Chronicle of the Plague Compiled from Contemporary Sources. Trans. С. H. Clarke. London, 1971.

Orléans H. D., ed. Notes et documents relatifs à Jean, Roi de France et à sa captivité en Angleterre, vol. II. London, 1855–56.

Owst Gerald R., ed. Literature and Pulpit in Medieval England. Cambridge University Press, 1933. (Тексты проповедей.)

Petrarch..A Selection from His Correspondence. Eds. James Harvey Robinson and H. W. Rolfe. New York, 1898.

Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden. Ed. Joseph R. Lumby. Vol. VIII. London,1882.

Prost B., ed. Inventaires mobiliers et extraits des comptes des dues de Bourgogne, vol, II. Paris, 1908–13.

Putnam’s Dark and Middle Ages Reader. Ed. Harry E. Wedeck. New York, 1965.

Robinson James Harvey, ed. Readings in European History, vol. I. Boston, 1904.

The Rohan Master, eds. Millard Meiss and Marcel Thomas, New York, 1973.

Ross J. В., М. M. McLaughlin, eds. The Portable Medieval Reader. New York, 1973.

Rymer Thomas. Foedera Litterae et Acta Publica, vol. III, part II, 1367–77. London, 1830.

Schilling Diebold. Berner Chronik. Eds. H. Blesch and P. Hilber. Vol. I. Bern, 1943. (Включает в себя хронику Конрада Юстингера.)

Schiltberger Johann. The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger. Trans. J. Burden Telfer. Notes by P. Bruun. Hakluyt Society, 1879.

Secousse D., ed. Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de Charles II, roi de Navarre et comte d’Evreux. 2 vols. Paris, 1755–58.

Servion Jehan. Gestez et Croniques de la Mayson de Savoye. Ed. F. E. Bollati. 2 vols. Turin, 1879.

Songe du Vergier, in Pierre Dupuy, ed., Traitez des droits et libertez de l’église gallicane, vol. II. Paris, 1731.

Villani Giovanni. Chronicle of Florence. Trans. Rose Salfe. London, 1906.

Walsingham Thomas. Chronicon Angliae, 1328–1388. Ed. Sir Edward Maunde Thompson. London, 1874

Ward Charles Frederick, ed. The Epistles on the Romance of the Rose and Other Documents in the Debate. Chicago, 1911.

The Visconti Hours, eds. Millard Meiss and Edith Kirsch, New York, 1972.

Wavrin Jehan de. Anehiennes Cranicques d’Engleterre. Ed. Dupont. Vol. II. Paris, 1859.

Wright Thomas, ed. Political Songs and Poems Relating to English History (1327–1483). 2 vols. London, 1859.

Wright Thomas, ed. A Volume of Vocabularies. London, 1857.


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