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Читайте также:
  1. Злоупотребление вслед за воздержанием
  2. Злоупотребление иноязычными словами. Канцелярит.
  3. Злоупотребление правом на жалобу
  4. Злоупотребление расовой идеейи ее неправильное понимание. Обвинения в адрес нордической идеи
  5. Исторические факты связанные с употреблением алкоголя.
  6. Исторические факты, связанные с употреблением алкоголя.



Утвердительная форма образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола

TO BE в нужной форме и причастия настоящего времени смыслового глагола. Вопросительная форма образуется путём инверсии, отрицательная – при помощи отрицательной частицы NOT.

e.g. I am writing a grammar rule now. Were you studying when the

phone rang? I will not be having a lesson at this time tomorrow.



1 для обозначения действия в момент речи,

e.g. I am copying a new grammar rule.

The teacher is dictating and the students are writing a new rule.

M Unit 1

2 для обозначения действия в процессе (т.е. начавшегося, но ещё не закончившегося) в определённый период в настоящем,

e.g. This year, we are preparing for our exams.

3 для обозначения действия, запланированного на ближайшее будущее,

M Unit 19A

e.g. We are taking many exams this summer.

4 /только с наречием ALWAYS/ для обозначения действия, вызывающего недовольство,

M Unit 3B

e.g. You are always losing things!

Вечно ты что-нибудь теряешь.

B THE PAST CONTINUOUS употребляется для обозначения действия в процессе (т.е. начавшегося, но ещё не закончившегося) в определённый момент или период в прошлом. Этот момент/период может быть обозначен:

1) временем на часах, e.g. I was watching TV at 7 yesterday.

2) другим действием, выраженным глаголом в Past Simple,

e.g. When I met Nick, he was hurrying to school.

Note: Иногда этот определённый момент/период бывает ясен из контекста,

e.g. It was evening. I was doing my homework, Dad was watching

M Unit 6

TV, and Mum … (write a true sentence).


действие полностью произошло в конкретное время в прошлом, e.g. I watched a film on TV last night. It lasted from 10 until 12. (Я просмотрел фильм… /целиком, от начала до конца/) действие находилось в процессе (т.е. началось, но ещё не закончилось) в определённый момент/период в прошлом, e.g. I was watchinga film at 11 o’clock last night. (Я смотрел фильм… /но ещё не весь/)
M Unit 24

C THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS употребляется для обозначения действия, которое будет находиться в процессе (т.е. начнётся, но ещё не закончится) в определённый момент или период в будущем,

e.g. I’ ll be having my English at this time next week.


незапланированное, спонтанное действие e.g. I think I’ll weara red hat with this outfit. действие в процессе или часть плана e.g. You can’t miss me: I’ll be wearinga red hat.



Note 1: Некоторые глаголы в силу своего смысла обычно не употребляются в CONTINUOUS. Запомните некоторые из них:

Verb (1) Verb (2) Verb (3) Verb (4) Verb (5)
to believe to doubt to include to love to remember
to belong to exceed to intend to mean to resemble
to care to forget to involve to need to understand
to concern to hate to know to notice to want
to contain to hear to like to realise
M 4A


Эти глаголы даже для обозначения действия в процессе всегда употребляются в форме SIMPLE /INDEFINITE/.

e.g. I want to tell you something. Do you hear me?

Who did you resemble as a child: your mother or your father?

M Units 3,4

Note 2: Некоторые многозначные глаголы не употребляются в CONTINUOUS в одном значении, но употребляются в другом.

TO BE в значениях «находится», «являться», e.g. We areat the lesson. We arestudents. в значении «вести себя», e.g. You are being very absent-minded today. What’s the matter?
TO HAVE в значении «владеть», e.g. I hada cat a few years ago. в устойчивых словосочетани-ях, обозначающих действие, e.g. We were havinga lesson at 5 pm yesterday.
TO SAY в значении «сообщать», e.g. Nick says in his letter that he is having a time of his life at the seaside. в значении «говорить», e.g. Please, be quiet. I can’t hear what the lecturer is saying.
TO SEE a) в значении «видеть», e.g. Doyou seethe examples well? в)в значении «понимать», e.g. Don’tyou seewhat I mean?   a) в значении «встречаться», e.g. I am seeingmy friends over the weekend. в) в значении «мерещиться», e.g. There’s no one at the window. You are seeingthings.
TO WRITE в значении «сообщать», e.g. What doesthe paper writetoday? в значении «писать», e.g. What areyou writing? – A new rule.
TO THINK в значении «полагать», e.g. Doyou think you should work harder? в значении «размышлять», e.g. What areyou thinking about? Listen to me!
TO WEIGH [tə wei] в значении «весить», e.g. This book weighsa ton. в значении «взвешивать», e.g. Look, the children are weighingthe cat!
TO LOOK TO SMELL TO TASTE как глаголы, обозначающие состояние в значении «выглядеть, пахнуть, быть на вкус», e.g. You lookgreat in this dress. The roses smelllovely. The cucumber tastes bitter. как глаголы, обозначающие действие в значении «смот-реть, нюхать, пробовать», e.g. What areyou looking at? Why areyou smellingthe fish? Look, the chef is tastingthe soup again!


1 Choose the right answer to each question.

1 В каком из предложений надо употребить The Present Continuous?

a Quiet, please! I ___ a test. (write)

b We ___ a test at every lesson. (write)

2 В каком предложении не надо употреблять The Present Simple?

a Bill ___ with friends when he is in Moscow. (stay)

b Bill ___ with friends because his flat was flooded last week. (stay)

3 В каком из предложений надо употребить The Past Continuous?

a Jim ___ bright clothes when we met him. (wear)

b Jim ___ bright clothes when he was young.(wear)

4 В каком предложении не надо употреблять The Past Continuous?

a When I got home, I found that the water ___ down the kitchen wall. (run)

b Explorers believe that in those days the rivers ___ into the Atlantic. (run)

5 В каком из предложений надо употребить The Future Continuous?

a Wait a moment! I ___ what I can do. (see)

b I ___ Emma at the weekend and I’ll pass your message. (see)

6 В каком предложении ошибка?

a Look! It begins to rain. b Hurry! The lesson begins in a minute.

7 Какое предложение правильное?

a The orange tastes sour. b Why do you taste the salad again?

8 Какое время надо выбрать для следующего предложения?

The climate (TO GET) warmer?

a The Present Simple b The Present Continuous

9 Какое время надо употребить при переводе следующего предложения?

Когда я пришла домой, мама жарила котлеты.

а The Past Simple b The Past Simple, the Past Continuous

10 В какой форме надо употребить глаголы в следующем предложении?

We (TO INTERRUPT) our programmes the moment we (TO HAVE) any

further news on the situation.

a The Future Simple b The Future Continuous, The Present Simple

2 Choose the right answer (1 or 2) to complete each sentence.

1 How quickly you (1 grow/2 are growing)!

2 It (1 didn’t rain/2 wasn’t raining) when we went out.

3 How much (1 does this book weigh/2 is this book weighing)?

4 Quiet, children! You (1 are/2 are being) very noisy today.

5 What type of exercise (1 do you like/2 are you liking) best?

6 What (1 will you do/2 will you be doing) at 5 o’clock tomorrow?

7 Meg can’t talk to you now. She (1 has/2 is having) a music lesson.

8 Nick (1 was/2 was being) at home. He (1 watched/2 was watching) TV.

9 When I (1 come/ 2 will come) home, my young sisters (1 will already sleep/

2 will already be sleeping).

10 How (1 will I recognize/2 will I be recognizing) you? – I (1 ’ll wear/

2 ’ll be wearing) a red jacket.

3 Instructions as above

1 Don’t phone us between 7 and 8 tonight. We (1 will have/2 will be having)


2 How fast (1 did you drive/2 were you driving) when the police (1 stopped/

2 were stopping you)?

3 I (1 had/2 was having) a nice holiday. – Oh, where (1 did you go/2 were you

going)? - To the seaside.

4 (1 Do you realise/2 Are you realizing) that you (1 stand/2 are standing) on

my foot? – Oh, I’m sorry.

5 When the planes (1 arrive/2 will arrive) fires (1 will burn/2 will be

burning) for them to land safely.

6 My friend (1 writes/2 is writing) that he (1 has/2 is having) lots of

new friends at the international camp.

7 My sister (1 did not have/2 was not having) a real holiday last year as she

(1 prepared/2 was preparing) for her exams.

8 If I (1 am sleeping/2 will be sleeping) when you (1 get/2 will get) back,

look in the fridge for something to eat.

9 The monument (1 stands/2 is standing) on a hill overlooking the town.

You (1 see/2 are seeing) it from every corner.

10 Jack (1 is/2 is being) disgusting. He (1 always causes/2 is always

causing) trouble. I (1 hate/2 am hating) him.

4 Write the correct tense form that can complete each sentence. Mind the

word order and the place of adverbs.


1Listen! The phone (TO RING).

2 What you (TO INTEND) to do now?

3 I (NOT TO CARE) for this shade of red.

4 Mary and Alan (TO GET) married next week.

5 What you (TO DO)? – I (TO WRITE) novels.

6 What you (TO DO)? – I (TO WRITE) an email.

7 The examination (TO BEGIN) at 9 sharp. Don’t be late.

8 The Ivanovs (TO BUILD) a new country house this summer.

9 Where’s Tony? – He (TO PLAY) football with some friends.

10 You always (TO LEAVE) your dirty socks on the floor. It (TO BE) disgusting!

5 Instructions as above

1 I (TO NEED) an umbrella because it (TO RAIN).

2 I (TO GROW) older, and I (TO FEEL) I (TO GET) wiser.

3 I just (TO SMELL) your roses. They (TO SMELL) lovely.

4 I (TO AVOID) people who always (TO COMPLAIN) about their life.

5 Mr Twister always (TO STAY) at the Ritz when he (TO GO) to New York?

6 I (TO STAY) with friends because some workers (TO DECORATE) my flat.

7 My father (TO THINK) that I (TO SEE) too much of my boyfriend these days.

8 Look, Wan-Ning! It (TO SNOW). – Oh, how beautiful! It (NOT TO SNOW) in my


9 I (TO TAKE) five courses this semester because I (TO WANT) to prepare for

my exams well.

10 My mother probably (TO COME) back home from work at the moment. She usually

(TO COME) at this time.

6 Instructions as above.


1 When I (TO WAKE) up this morning, the sun (TO SHINE).

2 I (TO TRY) a bit of the cake to see how it (TO TASTE).

3I (TO GO) home. Suddenly I (TO HEAR) footsteps behind me.

4 As I (TO WALK) down the road, I (TO SEE) Bill with my girlfriend.

5We all (TO DISLIKE) Aunt Lucy as she always (TO TURN UP) without warning.

6 Where you (TO BE) an hour ago? I (TO RING) you upbut you (TO BE)


7 Mr Bodkin (TO TRY) to convince his wife he’d been fishing but she (TO

DOUBT) that (TO TELL) the truth.

8 While the guests (TO DANCE), the thieves (TO BREAK) into the house and

(TO STEAL) a lot of fur coats.

9 Jack (TO SING) a serenade outside Liz’s block of flats when someone

(TO OPEN) the window and (TO THROW) out a bucket of water.

10 The boys (TO PLAY) cardswhen they (TO NOTICE) their father’s car. They

immediately (TO HIDE) the cards and (TO TAKE) out their lesson books.

7 Instructions as above.


1 What nice apples! I (TO TAKE) one.

2 This time next week I (TO LIE) on the beach.

3 Good luck with the exam. I (TO THINK) of you.

4 I can give your letter to Nick – I (TO SEE) him later.

5 Don’t phone too early because we (TO PUT) the baby to bed.

6 You can’t get lost: I (TO WAIT) for you outside the station.

7 You (TO FIND) me waiting for you outside the station at 8 sharp.

8 Whatever shall we do? - Don’t panic. We (TO THINK) of something.

9 What your sister (TO DO) when she comes home from school?

10 What your parents (TO DO) when you get home from school? They (TO BE) very


8 Instructions as above. ALL TENSE FORMS.

1 What’s that noise? – Some teenagers (TO TRY) to make music.


3 What do you think you (TO DO) in five years’ time?

4 Nick (TO GET ON) very well in his new job, when he suddenly (TO FALL) ill.

5 As soon as I (TO GET UP), I (TO GIVE) you a ring.

6 Please, stop it! You always (TO COMPLAIN) about the weather.

7 In twenty-four hours’ time I (TO RELAX) on my yacht.

8 His finest hour (TO COME) in 2008 when his film (TO WIN) several Oscars.

9 I (TO WANT) totell you a secret. – Oh, I (TO BE) all ears.

10 Don’t marry him. He (NOT TO LOVE) you. He (TO BE) after your money.

9 Instructions as above

1 The thieves (TO MANAGE) to get away although the police (TO LOOK FOR) them.

2 Please come round about 11. I (TO PAINT) the kitchen and you (TO HELP) me.

3 I really (TO HAVE) the time of my life – this (TO BE) a wonderful holiday.

4 The children (TO BE) all eyes – they (NOT TO WANT) to miss a thing in the


5 I’msurprised you (NOT TO FEEL) your ears burning last night because we

(TO TALK) about you.

6 Look! The pupil next to me (TO SEEM) to be day-dreaming, but perhaps he

(TO THINK) hard about verb tenses.

7 You (TO DISAPPOINT) granny if you (NOT TO GO). Now that you’ve promised,

she (TO EXPECT) you on her birthday.

8 I (TO OVERHEAR) an extraordinary conversation the other day. Two men

(TO PLAN) to kidnap the President and the Prime Minister!

9 Right now I (TO LOOK) at Janet. She (NOT TO LOOK) very happy. – That’s

because Janet (NOT TO LIKE) to be disturbed when she (TO WORK).

10 Ann says she (NOT TO COME) if Tom is driving. She (NOT TO WANT) to die

yet. – Tell her Tom (NOT TO DRIVE) – he’s had his license suspended.

10 Use the words IN CAPITALS to form correct tenses

a) (1) The President’s motorcade ___ slowly MOVEMENT

(2) through Central Square. The crowds ___ CHEERFUL

(3) Photographers ___ each other for the best position. JOSTLE

(4) Suddenly, a woman ___. SCREAMING

(5) The security guards immediately ___ in that direction but … RUSH

b) (6) We ___to a fancy dress party this weekend, dear. – Really? Well, GO

my new dinner jacket… – But you can’t go to a fancy dress party

(7) in a dinner jacket! – Why not? – Because everybody ___ fancy WEAR

(8) dress, that’s why. – All right. I ___thedoormat round me WRAPPER

(9) and ___ as a caveman. GO

(10) – Oh, you always ___ fun of me. MAKE



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