Word-formation of the English language. Conversion
Suffix derived nouns, adjectives, verbs.Prefix derived adjectives and verbs. | |origin |tive |ant | ||-ness |L. |n. |adj. |alertness, goodness, ||-ity |L. |n. |adj. |darkness. || | | | |convertibility, humidity, ||-ism |L. |n. |n. |banality, activity || | |n. |adj. | || | | | |Leninism, Platonism ||-ship |E. |n. |n. |pacifism, Americanism, || | | | |newspaperism ||-dom |L. |n. |n. |friendship, ladyship, || | | | |horsemanship, partenship ||-ment |L. |n. |v. |earldom, sheriffdom, || | | | |savagedom, boydom ||-ation |Gr. |n. |v. |denotement, astonishment, ||-ery |L. |n. |n. |pavement ||-acy |R. |n. |adj. |indication, realization, || | | |n. |activation, expectation ||-age |R. |n. |n. |peasantry, scenery, cattery|| | | |v. | ||-ed |E. |adj. |n. | ||-y |L. |adj. |n. |profligacy, retiracy || | | |v. |delegacy, piracy || | | |adj. |readerage, spindleage, ||-ish |E. |adj. |n. |footage || | | |adj. |fosterage, breakage, ||-en(-n) |E. |adj. |n. |standage || |E. |adj. |n. |feathered, minded, ||-less |Gr. | |v. |passioned ||-ly |E. |adj. |n. |bony, furry ||-ful | |adj. |n. |sleeply, chattly || |E. | |v. |blacky, paly, plumpy ||-some | |adj. |n. | || | | |adj. |maidish, Irish, dampish || |E. | |v. |coldish, blackish, baddish || |E. |adj. |num. |flaxen, wooden, silken ||-fold |E. |adj. |n. |homeless, brotherless ||-worthy |L. | |v. |changeless || |L. |adj. |n. | ||-like |L. |adj. |v. |brotherly, yearly, lively ||-able |E. |adj. |n. |beautiful, chearful, topful||-ous |E. |adj. |n. | ||-an(ean, ian) |E. |adj. |adj. |wakeful, forgeful ||un- |E. |adj. |adj. |brothersome, venturesome ||in- |E. |adj. |adj. |gaysome, darksome ||non- |E. |adj. |adj. | ||a- |L. |adj. |adj. |troublesome, quarrelsome ||self- | |adj. |adj. |fivefold, tenfold ||well- |L. |adj. |adj. |loveworthy, shameworthy, ||ill- |L. |v. |n. |readworthy ||-ize | | |adj. |showworthy || |E. |v. |n. |deathlike, wifelike ||-fy(-ify) |E. | |adj. |drinkable, actable || |L. |v. |n. |envious, villainios ||-ate |L. | |adj. |European, African, || |E. |v. |adj. |Darwinian ||-en |E. |v. |v. |unreasonable, unpracticed, ||un- |E. |v. |v. |unimportant, unintentional ||de- | |v. |v. |inartistic ||dis- |E. |v. |v. |non-human ||mis- |L. |v. |v. |achromatic, anhydrous || |E. |v. |v. |self-acting, self-recording||under- | | | | ||over- | | | |well-aged, well-born || | |v. |v. |ill-advised, ill-disposed ||up- | |v. |v. | ||re- | |v. |v. |characterize, vaporize || | | |n. |specialize, realize ||be- | | |adj. |electrify, testify, damnify|| | | | | || | | | |acidify, humidify, || | | | |pacificify || | | | |vaccinate, fossilate || | | | |activate, syllabicate || | | | |gladden, soften, redden || | | | | || | | | |unbend, unshoe, uncork, || | | | |undeceive || | | | |decode, deforest, deplume || | | | |disagree, disjoin, dishouse|| | | | | || | | | |mistake, mishear, mislike || | | | | || | | | |underline, underwork, || | | | |underact || | | | |overbuild, overpass, || | | | |overdrink, overlive || | | | | || | | | |uphold, uprise || | | | |recline, reread, || | | | |repaganize, repaper || | | | | || | | | |beset, bekiss, bespeak, || | | | |becrowd || | | | |belimb, becloud, || | | | |bedim, befool |
14) Word composition (compound words which are built up from 2 routes; criteria of a compound word, peculiarities of English compounds, different types of classification of compound words)+examples!
Ways of forming words (according to A.I. Smirnitskiy):
Word-formation is the system of derivative types of words and the process of creating new words from the material available in the language after certain structural and semantic formulas and patterns.
As a subject of study English word-formation is that branch of English lexicology which studies the derivative structure of words and the patterns on which the English language builds new words. Like any other linguistic phenomenon, word-formation may be studied synchronically and diachronically.
There are 2 typesof word-formation in Modern English:
1. word-derivation being of 2 kinds like affixation and conversion
Дата добавления: 2015-07-18; просмотров: 176 | Нарушение авторских прав
Читайте в этой же книге: Word definition (Arnold, Smirnitskiy). The difference between the word and a morpheme and a phoneme. | The development of the English vocabulary in the course of time | The classification of borrowings (aliens,denisans, morphological borrowings). The role of the borrowings and native words | BORROWINGS | CLASSIFICATION OF BORROWINGS ACCORDING TO THE BORROWED ASPECT | CLASSIFICATION OF BORROWINGS ACCORDING TO THE DEGREE OF ASSIMILATION | Morphemic Analysis | Word structure | Classification of morphemes (free, bound, semi-bound, pseudo morphemes, unique morphemes) | Homographs |
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