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Study vocabulary

Читайте также:
  2. Active Vocabulary
  4. Case study 2: толерантность и интолерантность в казахстанской прессе
  5. Exercise 7. Read the dialogues, find the topical vocabulary. Make similar dialogues of your own.
  6. Neutral, common literary and common colloquial vocabulary.

Clerk – клерк, служащий, кассир в билетной кассе и т.п.

Reserve – оставить за собой, зарезервировать

Syn. to book – забронировать, заказать заранее

to reserve a seat (a table in a restaurant, a room in a hotel)

reservation – предварительный заказ

My travel agents have made all the reservations for my journey.

Single – один, отдельный, одинокий, одиночный

There isn't a single ticket left – Не осталось ни одного билета

He's single = He's unmarried

a single room – Номер на одного в гостинице

a double room – Номер на двоих в гостинице

bath – ванна

quiet – тихий, спокойный

a quiet child (street, part, place, etc.)

overlook зд. выходить на..., с видом на...

Syn. to face

a room overlooking (facing) the sea – комната с видом на море

unfortunately -к сожалению

Unfortunately, there was nobody to consult.



You are a guest at the same hotel and have made the following list of complaints:


Hot coffee was spilt all over my trousers in the bar. The waiter shouted at me in front of everyone, saying it was all my fault. I have rarely felt so embarrassed! Then I had to find someone to clean my trousers.


I bought tickets to the dinner and dance in the ballroom. I didn't realise at the time how awful it would be. The musicians were so bad they caused people to throw the bread rolls at them! The food was tasteless plus it was under-cooked!


There is a rock star staying in the room next to me. I had just got into bed and switched the light off when the music started. It was extremely loud and it went on until 4 a.m. When I went to complain, beer was thrown at me and I was told I was too old! I have never been so insulted before.


We waited over an hour to be served in the restaurant. No one came to our table until I mentioned it to the head waiter. Then the waiter brought us the wrong order so I had to find someone else to serve us. I have rarely experienced such bad service.


When I switched on the TV in my room, I could only get the children's channel. We couldn't get it working properly until the porter came with the operating instructions. Then, just as I settled down to watch the match, it exploded!


The brochure said there were breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. I didn't realise when I booked the room. This included a power station and an oil refinery.


When I arrived, I couldn't find anyone to help me with my luggage so I had to drag it to the lift myself. Just as I stepped into the lift the fire alarm went off. This caused everyone to rush around in a panic. Someone came to help me only when I started shouting.

Express these complaints and any others you can think of to the management using inversions from the box below and structures with have and get. The guest with the most complaints will get a refund!

Only when... Not since... Never before...

Little did I

Hardly / No sooner... Not until... Rarely...

Not only...



Make a complaint

If you want to make a complaint in English,

it's easier if you plan how to explain the problem and its consequences, and ask for action if necessary.

vocabulary everyday problems

1 Look at the problems you might have in a rented holiday villa. With a partner, match the problems 1 to 7 with the pictures, and with consequences a to g.

1. I'm having problems with the bathroom taps.

2 The TV isn't working properly...

3. The phone's out of order...

4 The washing machine's leaking...

5 The fan isn't working...


6 I'm having problems locking the front door.

7 There's something wrong with the iron.

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