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Active Vocabulary

Читайте также:
  3. Exercise 7. Read the dialogues, find the topical vocabulary. Make similar dialogues of your own.
  4. Neutral, common literary and common colloquial vocabulary.
  6. Reading and Vocabulary



ability n способность

alongwithprep наряду с

confined а ограниченный

destroyv разрушать

die out v затухать

escape n утечка

namelyadv. а именно

smotherv тушить пожар (прекращением

доступа кислорода к пламени)

smoulderv тлеть

solventn растворитель

starvationn голодание

sustainv поддерживать

techniquen техника исполнения


Word Combinations


chain reaction цепнаяреакция

extinguishing agent огнетушащеевещество

ignition temperature температуравоспламенения

seatoffire зона наибольшего развития




Onсе помимо своего основного значения «один раз», «однажды», «некогда» служит для усиления.

Once the cause of fire is determined -Еслитолькоопределенапричинапожара...

Стоит только определить причину пожара...

I.Practise the following for pronunciation:

tetrahedron, inhibit, graphite, attainment, maintenance, shield,starvation, smother, escape, radiant, smolder, sustain

II. Read the international words:

reaction, result, reduction, production, area, physically, practical, technique, action,mix, atmosphere, percentage, stop, formation, base, attack, absorber, effective, radiant, chemicals, molecular, structure, form, extremely, automatic, system, millisecond, spray, metal, problem, graphite, salt, type, metallic, fact, essential, minimum, temperature, limitation, factor, classify


III. Read and translate the pairs of nouns and verbs:

heat-to heat, chain- tochain, fire- to fire, result- to result, spread- to spread, break- to break, level- to level, air- to air, use-to use, stop- to stop, base -to base, attack- to attack, form- to form, flash- to flash, offer- to offer, water- to water, paint- to paint, foam-to foam,spray- to spray, escape-to escape


IV. Give three forms of the verbs:

destroy, remove, die out, break, drag, be, attack, form, have, cool, present, spread, apply, underline


V. Read and translate the words of the same root:

practise- practice- practical-impractical, conclude- conclusion, remove- removal- removable-removed, gas-gaseous, able- ability- unable, absorb- absorption- absorber, conclude- conclusion-conclusive, violent- violence, various- variety, add- addition- additional

VI. Put the adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees:

impractical, good, possible, dry, low, many, various, open, rapid, suitable, several, different,effective, combustible


VII. Choose the translation of the underlined words:

liquid 1 связь

2 жидкость

3 ликвидация

chain 1 вызов

2 цепь

3 палата

compound 1 сжатие


3 соединение

contain 1 содержать в себе

2 установить контакт

3 бороться

inhibit 1 вдыхать


3 сдерживать, подавлять

spread 1 обрызгивать

2 ссориться

3 распространяться

nearby 1 нуждающийся

2 аккуратный

3 близлежащий

enclosing 1 ограничивающий

2 ободряющий

3 окружающий

various 1 различный

2 обширный

3 парообразный

пролом 1 brevity

2 break

3 breast

пространство 1 spark

2 spectrum

3 space

заключение 1 concern

2 condition

3 conclusion

удалять 1 remove 2 remind

3 remain

разрушать 1 detect 2 destroy

3 determine

мешать 1 depress

2 descend

3 deprive

лучистый 1 radical

2 racial

3 radiant

определенный 1 conclusive 2 certain

3 celebrated

частый 1 frightened

2 frequent

3 free


VIII. Arrange the synonyms in pairs:

space, ability, must, nearby, extremely, drag out, enter, instance, hazard, type,

attainment, die out, remove, technique, suitable, sustain, commonly, reduce, underline, extinguishment

method, usually, support, move away, wreck, example, near, go in, extinction, area, danger, have to, capacity, wreck, pull out, proper, stress, lower, kind, extraordinarily

IX. Match the antonyms:

die out, practical, possible, in front of, reduce, above, warm, ability, effective, dry, directly, rapid, high,suitable, good, certain, presence, difficult

below, disability, easy, widen, wet, ineffective, indirectly, impractical, catch fire, cool, low, bad, uncertain, absence, impossible, behind, slow, unsuitable

X. Read and translate the noun groups:

fire tetrahedron, chain reaction, heat production, firefighting technique, fuel removal, fire break, forest fire, oxygen level, gas fire, water spray, gas escaping, heat shields, fire extinction, minimum temperature

XI. Choose the suitable word and translate the sentences:

1. The method used to put out a fire... upon its nature

depend - dependence - dependent

2. Class "D" combustibles are... difficult to extinguish

extreme - extremely - extremist

3. The fire -fighting... is influenced greatly by the fire equipment

effect - effective - effectiveness

4. Dry chemicals are... for small fires

use - used- user - useful

5. Water spray... some of the toxic gases

absorb - absorbing – absorption


XII. Read and translate the text "Fire Extinguishment"


XIII. Fill in the blanks with one of the following words:

gas, absorber, extinguishing, a fire, the fuel, essential, chemicals, destroying, foam, extremely, combustible, certain, explosion, present

1. A fire can be extinguished by... the fire tetrahedron.

2. One way to remove... from the fire is to drag it physically away.

3.... can be extinguished by removing its oxygen.

4. The most commonly used method of... fire is to remove the heat.

5. Cooling the material will stop the formation of... vapours.

6. Water is a very effective heat...

7. The extinguishing agents used to attack chain reactions are dry...

8. The attack is... rapid.

9. In the case of paint extinguishment..must be used.

10... can be extinguished with dry chemicals.

11. Carbon dioxide can extinguish... gas fires.

12. Fires involving most metals... a problem to firefighters.

13. A violent reaction with water may result in...

14. So, three factors are... for combustion.


XIV. Match the nouns from the right column with the adjectives from the left column in accordance with the text:

confined heat

violent system

automatic headings

impractical types

gaseous shields

radiant agents

nearby hazard

following chemicals

good space

combustible technique

dry minimum

certain reaction

different fires

metallic area

molecule fuels

effective vapours

open structure


XV. Put general questions to the following sentences:

1. A fire can be extinguished by destroying the fire tetrahedron.

2. In a confined space carbon dioxide enters the space.

3. The percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere is reduced below 16%.

4. Cooling the material will stop the formation of combustible vapours.

5. Water is a very effective heat absorber.

6. Carbon dioxide may extinguish certain gas fires.

7. Dry chemicals and water spray offer good heat shields from the radiant heat.


XVI. Choose the proper variant:

1. One way to remove the fuel from the fire is

a) to drag it physically away

b) to break the fuel in parts

2. The method of extinguishment by removing oxygen is difficult to use in

a) a confined space

b) open area

3. Cooling the material will

a) stop the formation of combustible vapours

b) not destroy the ability of the fire to sustain itself

4. Once a chain reaction is broken, a fire

a) will not be extinguished yet

b) can be extinguished rapidly

5. To extinguish liquid paint

a) foam must be used

b) water must be used

6. Gas fires can be extinguished with

a) sand, graphite and so on

b) dry chemicals

7. Fires involving most metals present

a) an extinguishment problem

b) easy type of fires

XVII. Answer the following questions:

1. When will fire die out?

2. How is it possible to remove fuels from the fire?

3. What method of extinguishment is difficult to use in an open area?

4. What is the most commonly used method of fire extinction?

5. How do dry chemicals attack the fire?

6. When must foam be used?

7. How can gas fires be extinguished?

8. What fires present an extinguishment problem to firefighters?

9. What extinguishing agents are applied to metallic fires?

10. What three factors are essential to combustion?

11. What headings may fire extinction be classified under?


XVIII. Find in the text the sentences describing:

1. the necessity of destroying the fire tetrahedron

2. removing the fuel

3. removing the oxygen

4. removing the heat

5. breaking the chain reaction

6. extinguishment of paints

7. extinguishment of gas fire

8. extinguishment of metals

9. three factors essential to combustion

10. classification of fire extinction methods


XIX. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

цепная реакция, пар, тушить пожар, в большинстве случаев, однако, топливо, поблизости, удаление топлива, пролом, лесной пожар, уровень кислорода, лишать, открытое пространство, двуокись углерода, ограниченное пространство, процентное содержание, удаление теплоты, охлаждение, горючие пары, чрезвычайно, через 50 -60 миллисекунд, тлеющий, краски, подходящий, в этом случае, суровый, сухие химикалии, часто, бурная реакция, взрыв, в заключение, следует подчеркнуть, существенный, а именно, вещество, достижение, поддержка, минимальная температура, ограничение кислорода


XX. Learn and retell the microtext:


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