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Study the extracts from a book. Provide summary titles for each paragraph.

Читайте также:
  1. Case study 2: толерантность и интолерантность в казахстанской прессе
  2. I. Make a summary of the text.
  3. Read the text once again. Find the key sentence in each paragraph. Make a summary.
  4. Read. Make a brief summary.
  5. Study the descriptions. Match them with the names of educational establishments.
  6. Study the table below. Go to Grammar Focus. Study the theory in detail. Find the examples of various parts of speech in the texts above.


(A) The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy in northwestern Europe, officially known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain is the largest island in the cluster of islands, or archipelago, known as the British Isles. England is the largest and most populous division of the island of Great Britain, making up the south and east. Wales is on the west and Scotland is to the north. Northern Ireland is located in the northeast corner of Ireland, the second largest island in the British Isles. The capital of the United Kingdom is the city of London, situated near the southeastern tip of England.


(B) People often confuse the names for this country, and frequently make mistakes in using them. United Kingdom, UK, and Britain are all proper terms for the entire nation. When talking about the island of Great Britain, the term Britain is also often used. The use of the term Great Britain to refer to the entire nation is now outdated; the term Great Britain, properly used, refers only to the island of Great Britain, which does not include Northern Ireland. The term England should never be used when describing Britain, because England is only one part of the island. It is always correct to call people from England, Scotland, or Wales British.


(C) The United Kingdom is a small nation in physical size. At 244,110 sq km, the United Kingdom is roughly the size of Oregon or Colorado, or twice the size of New York State. It is located as far north in latitude as Labrador in North America, but, like the rest of northern Europe, it is warmed by the Gulf Stream flowing out of the North Atlantic Ocean. The climate, in general, is mild, chilly, and often wet. Rain or overcast skies can be expected for up to 300 days per year. These conditions make Britain lush and green, with rolling plains in the south and east and rough hills and mountains to the west and north.


(D) Despite its relatively small size, Britain is highly populated, with an estimated population density of 250 persons per sq km in 2004. It is highly developed economically, preeminent in the arts and sciences, sophisticated in technology, and highly prosperous and peaceful. In general, British subjects belong to one of the more affluent states of Europe and enjoy a high standard of living compared to the rest of the world. Many nations around the world have been influenced by British history and culture. With each passing year, English comes closer to being a world language for all educated people, as Latin once was.


(E) Many nations have adopted the British system of parliamentary government. Originally a vehicle for royal authority, this system gradually evolved into a representative government and finally became a means through which democracy could be exercised. Today legislative power comes from the lower house of Parliament, known as the House of Commons. The freely elected members of the House of Commons select the nation’s chief executive, the prime minister. He or she in turn appoints members of the House of Commons to the Cabinet, a body of advisers. Because the executive is not separated from the legislature, the government is efficient as well as responsive to the electorate.


Titles to choose from (two are extras):

1. British Parliamentary Model

2. Britain’s Scientific Potential

3. The United Kingdom and Its Parts

4. Population and Living Standards

5. The Names to Use Properly

6. Small and Lush and Green

7. What the Country Achieved


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