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I. Make a summary of the text.

Читайте также:
  1. Answer the following questions on the text.
  2. Answer the following questions on the text.
  3. Answer the following questions on the text.
  4. Answer the following questions on the text.
  5. Answer the following questions on the text.
  6. Ex.3 Make up 10 questions to the text.

Use the following phrases

The article is headlined…. – Статья называется…
The headline of the article I have read is… – Название статьи, которую я прочитал…
The author of the article is… – Автор статьи…
The article is written by…. – Статья написана…
It's published in… – Она опубликована…
It's printed in… – Она опубликована…
It's printed in… – Она напечатана…
The main idea of the article is… – Основная мысль этой статьи…
The article is about… – Статья о…
The article is devoted to… – Статья посвящена…
The article deals with…. – Статья связана с …
The article touches upon…. – Статья затрагивает…
The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on… – Цель статьи – ознакомить читателя с …
The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material (data) on…. – Цель статьи ознакомить читателя с материалами/данными о…
The author starts by telling the reader that – В начале статьи автор пишет …
The author writes (states, stresses, thinks, points out) that … – Автор пишет, (утверждает, подчеркивает, полагает, выделяет), что…
The article describes … – Статья описывает …
According to the text... – Согласно тексту…
Further the author reports (says)… – Далее автор сообщает…
It is important to note (stress, underline)… – Важно отметить, (подчеркнуть)…
In conclusion…. – В заключение…
The author comes to the conclusion that… – Автор приходит к заключению, что…


Discuss the following

1. Should parents restrict their children freedom? Do you think teenagers have too much freedom in our country?

2. in Russia you may see many teenagers in the streets late at nights? What are they doing there? Is it safe?

3. Sometimes teenagers find it difficult to communicate with their parents. Why? Who should help teenagers to solve the problems? Could parents be helpful? How should parents communicate with their teenage children? Should they try to share their interests, pop music for instance?

4. Would you agree that these are some of the important problems of teenagers? “Who am I”, “I’m bored”, “They don’t understand me”, “People are laughing at me”, “I don’t know what to do”, “I haven’t any good friends”.

5. Some teenagers try hard to distinguish themselves by wearing unusual clothes, or having unusual habits. On the other hand, some teenagers tend to unification wearing similar clothes; having similar, following similar behavioural patterns habits. Give examples.

6. Many teenagers are ready to take part in different protest actions. Why? Are they really interested in politics? What are they protesting against?

7. Are there any political organizations for teenagers in Russia?

Project work.

Surf the Internet to find material about youth organizations in Russia and abroad. Make presentations.

The problem of self-realization

Lead in

Ø What is self-realization? What is necessary for a person to realize him/herself? Is it possible to realize oneself nowadays?

Ø Do you know any institutions that might help young peoples to develop their talents and make good use of their spare time?

Ø Did you attend any vocational classes (musical, sport, dancing, chess, etc.) when you were at school?


I. Scan the text and point out the activities teenagers are engaged in.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-28; просмотров: 83 | Нарушение авторских прав

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