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Match Russian phrases with English equivalents

Читайте также:
  1. American English
  3. Business English
  4. Card 2. Translate from Russian into English.
  5. Color matching functions
  6. Communicating in English. Expressing opinions.
  7. Complete the sentences with words or phrases from the word bank.

Я действительно имею это в виду in no time

Стоять! I guess

Я отправляюсь на ярмарку I mean

Ну давай же Let's go this way

поедем этой дорогой I am off to the fair

(to be going to) собираться world famous

кусок мусора gonna

запрягать лошадь Let's give a try

я думаю, мне кажется Come on

Давай попробуем Steady!

Проклятье! Good luck!

Удачи! Doggoned!

вмиг hunk of junk

всемирно известный to hitch up a horse

6. Translate from Russian into English:


1) Я вмиг починю эту штуковину; 2) Ты станешь всемирно известным изобретателем; 3) Ты очень грубый и самодовольный; 4) Я отправляюсь на ярмарку. – Удачи! 5) Я полагаю, это – кратчайший путь; 6) Давай попробуем; 7) Мы пропустили поворот; 8) Чего мы ждём?

6. Retell the episode from the point of view of:

a) Belle; b) Maurice.


Episode 4


1. Study the comments:

to intrude – to come in without invitation

welcome – received gladly

incredible – hard to believe

splendid – magnificent, excellent, gorgeous

pitchy – base, nasty

to accomplish – to perform

to mind – to object

a master – an owner

to demand – to claim as one's right

moustache – the hair growing on the human upper lip

to tickle – to touch a body part so as to cause laughter, uneasiness or spasmodic


to lose one's way - to wander or go astray from

to stay for the night – to spend a night at some place

to be in charge – to be responsible for the situation

to warm yourself (up) – to get warm


2. Watch the episode and answer the question:

What was strange about the inhabitants of the castle?


3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new words and expressions:


MAURICE: Hello! Hello!

LUMIERE: Old fellow must have lost his …….. in the woods.

COGSWORTH: ………….. Maybe he'll go away.

MAURICE: Is someone there?

COGSWORTH: Not a word, Lumiere. Not one word.

MAURICE: I don't mean to ………….., but I've lost my horse. And I need a place, to ………. there for the night.

LUMIERE: Cogsworth, ……………. Of course, monsieur. You are ……….. here.

MAURICE: Who said that?

LUMIERE: Over here.



MAURICE: ……………………….

COGSWORTH: Now you've done it, Lumiere. Splendid. Just ………….

MAURICE: How is this accomplished?

COGSWORTH: Put me down. Stop it. Stop it I said. Sir, close that at once, do you mind?

MAURICE: I …………………. It's just that I have never seen a clock that...

LUMIERE: Oh, you are soaked to the ………., monsieur. Come. Warm yourself by the fire.

MAURICE: Thank you.

COGSWORTH: No! No! No! Do you know what the ………….. would do if he finds you here. I ……………. to stop right there. Oh no, not in the master's chair. I am not seeing this. I am not seeing this.

MAURICE: Well, hello there, boy. What service.

COGSWORTH: All right, this has gone ……………. I' m in ……… here, and…

MRS POTTS: How would you like a nice pot of tea, sir? It'll warm you up in no time.

COGSWORTH: No. No. No tea!

CHIP: His ……………….. tickles, mama.

MAURICE: Oh, hello.


4. Answer the questions:

1) What did Maurice ask for in the castle?

2) Was he welcome there? Why?

3) What service was offered for the visitor?


5. Match English phrases with Russian equivalents:

to intrude выполнять

welcome потерять дорогу

incredible желанный

splendid подлый

pitchy невероятный

to accomplish щекотать

to mind усы

a master требовать

to demand остаться с ночевкой

moustache хозяин

to tickle вторгаться

to lose one's way великолепный, чудесный, превосходный

to stay for the night бытьза главного

to be in charge возражать

to warm yourself (up) согреться

6. Match Russian phrases with English equivalents:

Это зашло слишком далеко Кeep quiet

Вы промокли до нитки Have a heart

Тише I beg your pardon

Прошу прощения You are soaked to the bone

Будьте милосердным This has gone far enough

7. Translate from Russian into English:


1) Морис потерялся в лесу; 2) Тише! 3) Да вы промокли до нитки! 4) Как это устроено? Просто невероятно! 5) Если вы не возражаете, я помогу вам; 6) Какое обслуживание! 7) Я здесь за главного; 8) Вы зашли слишком далеко! 9) Хотите чашечку чая?

8. Retell the episode from the point of view of:


a) Maurice; b) Lumiere; c) Cogsworth; d) Mrs Potts.


Episode 5

1. Study the comments:

a stranger – an unknown person

to allow – to let

to be against sth – to object to

to stare at sth – to look at with wide-open eyes for a long time


2. Watch the episode and answer the questions:


1) How did the master of the castle look like?

2) How could you characterize him? (He was furious/kind/hospitable/friendly/evil/cruel/open-hearted?)

3) Why was he angry?

3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new words and expressions:


BEAST: There's a …………….. here.

LUMIERE: Master, …………… me to explain. This gentleman was lost in the

woods. He was cold and wet.

COGSWORTH: Master, I would like to ………………….. to say that I ………

it from the start. It was ………………….. I tried to stop them,

but would they listen to me?

BEAST: Who are you? What are you doing here?

MAURICE: I was lost in the woods and....

BEAST: You are not welcome here.

MAURICE: I'm... I'm sorry.

BEAST: What are you ……………………?

MAURICE: Noth-thing…

BEAST: You have come to stare at the beast, have you?

MAURICE: Please, I …………………... I just needed a placeto stay.

BEAST: I'll give you a place to stay.

MAURICE: Oh, no, please.

4. Answer the questions:


1) What do you think Maurice felt? What would you feel in his place?

2) What do you think the beast was going to do with Maurice?

7. Match English equivalents to the Russian words:


a stranger пялиться, таращиться на ч-л.

to allow посторонний, чужой

to be against sth позволить

to stare at sth быть против ч-л.


8. Match Russian equivalents to the English phrases:

Я не хотел ничего плохого It was all his fault

Это все он виноват from the start

продрогнуть и промокнуть I meant no harm

с самого начала to be cold and wet

Я хотел бы воспользоваться I would like to take this moment to say

моментом, чтобы сказать

7. Translate from Russian into English:


1) Позволь мне объяснить; 2) Он продрог и промок; 3) Это все он виноват; 4) Я не хотел ничего плохогo; 5) На что ты таращишься? 6) Я был против этого с самого начала.

8. Retell the episode from the point of view of:


a) Maurice; b) Lumiere; c) Cogsworth; d) the Beast.


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