Читайте также:
-ty, -er, -ous, -ity, -al, -(t)ion, -able, -ive |
Noun | Adjective | Verb/adjective | Noun |
1 explosion 2 flame 3 chemistry 4 hazard | 1 radiate 2 electrical 3 extinguish 4 save |
16 Compare the pictures (A and B, C and D). What is common among them and what is different while working in a chemistry lab?
17 Tell your partner about a lab accident that has recently happened. Mention the following:
· what exactly has happened
· who was injured; if the injury was serious or not
· what was done to prevent an accident
· what was done to avoid another accident
A) In pairs, prepare a description the situation of a lab accident, or you may use the situation you have discussed in activity 17.
b) Now you are going to make an accident investigation of another pair. Find out all necessary facts for making a brief report of an accident (minimum information for your report you can find in activity 8 ‘Reading’).
c) After investigation you must prepare a brief report of an accident. Use activity 9 as a model.
19 In pairs, discuss the following situations. In the lab, what you should do if you:
· feel dizzy/sick
· catch on fire
· mix wrong chemicals
· break a mercury thermometer/spill mercury
Work in groups. In each group, the two of you will be performers and the rest are the audience.
Performers Imagine you work in a lab or workshop. So you know the safety rules quite well. That’s why you were asked to give a short lecture for younger employees. In pair, prepare a mini lecture on the base of the leaflets (A and B) below. Use Imperative and modal verbs must, should, etc. during your talking. | Audience Imagine you are young employees. You are to start working in a lab or workshop. But you don’t know the safety rules very well. So, as an audience you should listen to the performers carefully and ask questions on the topic. |
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“Safety at my workplace”
21 Prepare a short presentation and design a Power Point slide following a plan:
· type of activity provided;
· necessary warnings (for example safety signs);
· necessary means of personal protection;
· additional instructions
22 In order to avoid any accidents design a safety leaflet for your future laboratory (on your specialty). You can use the leaflet below for writing safety rules as a model. You should provide the following information:
· type of activity provided in this lab
· necessary warnings (for example safety signs)
· necessary means of personal protection
· additional instructions
Assess your progress in this unit. Tick (ü) the statements which are true.
I can recognize and name different safety signs. | |
I know chemistry lab safety rules. | |
I can talk about personal means of protection at the lab. |
Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 200 | Нарушение авторских прав
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Match safety equipment with those in pictures. | | | Scan the article and find answers for the questions. |