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Tasks and exercises

Читайте также:
  3. Additional Language Exercises
  4. Additional Language Exercises
  5. Additional Vocabulary Exercises
  6. After reading tasks
  7. After reading tasks.

Ex. 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

a wide variety of work; to form attitude to smth.; symbol of education process; to discover smb's interests; infinite patience; to depend on; primary condition; purpose of education; to take part in; to hold the attention and interest of one's audience; to be a clear speaker; to sit motionless; qualities of heart and head; to control one's temper; to praise the answers of one's pupils; to change one's job; continuous demands; intellectual development.


Ex. 2. Give English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

вчити когось писати, читати та рахувати; пам'ятати ім'я свого першого вчителя; повне розчарування; постійно навчатися; звертати увагу на здібності учнів; тактовний; заохочувати дітей до розвитку їх здібностей; характер особистих стосунків: створювати гарну атмосферу; знання та вміння; реальні життєві ситуації; розумовий розвиток; повага до ідеалів; формування характеру дитини; пояснення; зміст та методи навчальної роботи: батьківське піклування; уникати сарказму та образ; суттєві відмінності; вивчити щось напам'ять; слова та дії; розуміти потреби своєї аудиторії.


Ех. 3. Give full answers to the questions paying special attention to the usage of the verbs to study, to learn and to teach.

1. Where did you begin to study English?

2. Who taught you English at school?

3. How long have you been learning English?

4. Do you always learn your lessons?

5. What topics have you learnt at your English lessons this year?

6. Is it more efficient to study in the morning or in the evening?

7. Is it possible to learn a foreign language without a teacher?

8. What subject will you teach on graduating from the university?


Ex. 4. Insert to learn, to study or to teach in the required form:

1. He... to swim.

2. He... boys to swim.

3. He...his dog to do tricks.

4. My eldest brother...at the Medical University.

5. Have you...your lessons?

6. I was sorry to...the sad news of his death.

7. I want to...all about the country.

8. She...the part by heart.

9. He...the map before we started.

10. I've...all the literature on the subject.

11 You will have to...me how to run this machine.

12. He is very busy now. He is....

13. Would you...me something about the customs of your country?


Ex. 5. Form all possible sentences from the table: Model; A professor is a teacher of high rank. A literate person all that is or can be known.

School a person who is able to read and write.

Knowledge a group of persons learning together.

A class is to give a person knowledge or skill.

To teach an institution for teaching and learning.

Education a school in which children live.

A boarding school the teaching and training of the young;

systematic instruction. A headmaster working with care and not wasting time.

Diligence the chief master in a school.


Ex. 6. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The education of children in their formative years is a difficult and important trust, which places a burden of responsibility on the teacher. 2. It is natural that the students should be asking a lot of questions concerning their future profession. 3. The young men and women who go to teach have to be responsible not only for small children, but for the whole community. 4. Each child has a different character and the teacher has to discover and direct the best qualities in his children. 5. It is necessary for a teacher to know his pupils' abilities and aptitudes. 6. Ushinsky believed that the fostering of a feeling of patriotism in children was most essential in a primary school. 7. A child starts perceiving environment from the moment of his birth. 8. The Dutch scholar Erasmus of Rotterdam noted that the "innate capacity" of the child could be developed through instruction. 9. Shaping a child's character is a difficult job which calls for patience and persistence on the part of the teacher. 10. To make his work more successful a teacher should discover his pupils' interests. 11. In kindergartens children learn to communicate with each other. 12. Thanks to his industry he could prepare for examinations in a short period of time. 13. Psychologists say that there is no limit to the possibilities of our memory. 14. Human creatures are so constructed that they are learning all the time, learning new patterns of thought, feeling and behaviour or learning the reinforcement of old ones. 15. The child comes to school psychologically prepared for learning new things. 16. Teaching is an exacting job, but those who are well equipped for it will have a happy and satisfying life.


Ex. 7. Complete the following sentences from the text:

1. During our school-years...

2. Teaching is...

3. A teacher dies...

4. Communicating with children a teacher...

5. He should never mock...

6. An environment should be...

7. Teacher's authority...

8. School becomes...

9. To be a good teacher...

10. Qualities of heart and head...

11. He must control...

12. There are many teachers...

13. It is also important...

14. A teacher shouldn't...

15. When the expression of his face...


Ex. 8. Answer the following questions:

1. Who meets children when they first come to school?

2. Why are teachers always with us?

3. What kind of profession is teaching?

4. What does a teacher form?

5. Why should a teacher study all the time?

6. What does a teacher discover in his pupils?

7. A teacher should never mock the pupils, should he?

8. What does "climate" of a classroom depend on?

9. What will teacher's authority be ensured by?

10. What traits of character does a teacher foster in the pupils?

11. You need some of the gifts of the good actor in order to be a good teacher, don't you?

12. Why doesn't a good teacher sit motionless before his class?

13. What must a teacher do to keep abreast of new developments and ideas?

14. What can you say about teacher's work as compared to the actor's one?

15. Why is it necessary to be well equipped for teaching?


Ex. 9. Explain the meanings of:

a born teacher; a symbol of education process; to temper one's teaching methods to children's capacities; climate of a classroom; to be a clear speaker; to be tidy and modest; to be a fine actor in class; to be free from vice; familiarity breeds contempt; neither grudging nor over-generous; a tactful and patient teacher.

Ex. 10. Translate into English in writing:

1. Ольга Петрівна - природжений вчитель, вона обрала собі цю професію, навчаючись в школі. 2. Минулого року вони закінчили Ніжинський педуніверситет імені Миколи Гоголя. 3. Гарний вчитель має бути носієм знань, чесною та справедливою людиною. А. На уроках він завжди намагається виявити інтереси дітей, їх сильні та слабкі сторони, потреби та здібності. 5. Кожний вчитель мусить мати дружні особисті стосунки із учнями і тому його завдання - створити гарний мікроклімат у класі. 6. Щоб створити гарну атмосферу у класі, вам слід заохотити дітей до розвитку їх здібностей та задоволення інтересів. 7. Сучасний вчитель мусить іти в ногу із останніми досягненнями та ідеями, і тому йому необхідно постійно вдосконалювати зміст та методи навчальної роботи. 8. Для того щоб підтримати увагу та інтерес своєї аудиторії, вам необхідно її зацікавити. 9. їй дуже подобається працювати із дітьми, вона завжди рада поділитися з ними їх запалом до нових відкриттів. 10. Якщо ви справжній вчитель, ваші вихованці завжди будуть вам вдячні за цю важливу та благородну справу.


Ех. 11. Be ready to speak on the following:

1. Teaching is a noble profession.

2. The main qualities of a good teacher.

3. Teacher's work as compared to the actor's one.

4. Talk on your future profession. Prove that it is the right road for you to choose.

5. My favourite school teacher.

6. My ideal of a modern teacher.


Ex. 12. Read and translate the text. Characterize Miss Dove as a person and teacher.


Miss Dove was a strict teacher. If a pupil wanted to leave the classroom to get a drink of water, Miss Dove just looked at him and said nothing. They were afraid of that look and they called her "the terrible Miss Dove" though she never shouted at them or scolded them.

On that day forty children were sitting in her class at the geography lesson. They heard the bell but they did not move, they did not talk, they all waited in silence and looked at Miss Dove. Only after she had told them to close their books and go they left the classroom quietly without shouting or running. A boy who had talked during the lesson was left in the room and had to write twenty times "I must f not talk during the lessons"

The next lesson began. The pupils came into the classroom and took their places. Miss Dove gave them written work to do, because it was Tuesday, and on Tuesdays they always had some written work.

One of the boys pushed the girl who was sitting next to him. Miss Dove looked at him and he stopped moving though she did not scold him. Miss Dove looked at the boy but she did not see him. Instead of him she saw his elder brother, Thomas Baker, who had sat in that place some six or seven years before. The war had brought the children she had taught to different parts of the world. One was in Germany, another in the jungle of new Guinea, a third one somewhere in Africa. She did not know where all of them were. Though all of them had finished school many years ago she now saw them as they had been at seven, at ten, at twelve.

The pupil, she thought about most often was Thomas Baker. The German planes had bombed his ship and for many days he had lain on a raft without anything to eat and very little to drink. When they found him he was almost dying. The newspapers wrote much about him in those days.

Randy Baker put his hand up. "Yes, Baker?" Miss Dove asked. "I got a letter from Tom yesterday," - the boy explained. "May I read it to the class?" "Yes, certainly". "But it's a long one". "I'm sure it will be useful for everyone to hear the letter of such a brave man," explained the teacher.

Randy looked around and began to read. Tom told his younger brother what he had seen from the plane in which he was brought back to England. He wrote that the land below looked like the map they had used at the geography lessons at school. Then he wrote how he had suffered on the raft with almost no water to drink. "Do you know who I was thinking about then? It wasn't a boy or girl," he explained. "I was thinking about Miss Dove, and out there in the open ocean I played a game. No, I am not joking. And it helped me to stay alive. I imagined that I was back again in the geography class; I remembered the look Miss Dove gave us when we wanted to leave the classroom for a drink of water. So I imagined that I was at her lesson and kept thinking all the time, "The bell will go in a few minutes. You can wait a little longer. You must wait for the bell". And it made everything easier. It was almost as difficult there in the ocean as it had been at school. Tell that to the boys, will you?

Randy stopped suddenly.

"Is that all?" Miss Dove asked.

"No", said Randy. His face became very red. It says here, "Please thank Miss Dove and give her a kiss for me". Miss Dove went up to the boy. "Well, Randy," she said. "I'm waiting."

In the silence that followed little Randy kissed "the terrible Miss Dove". Nobody in the class laughed or even joked about it; everybody was silent except one girl who suddenly spoke.

"It's like a medal," she said. "It's just like a medal he has given to Miss Dove".


Ex. 13. Read and translate these humourous short stories:



Tommy: Teacher kept me in because I didn't know where the Caucasus is. His little brother: Serves you right. Perhaps next time you'll remember where you put it.

(serves you right - так тобі й треба)


Heat and Cold

At a lesson of physics at school. The teacher, "Now, who can tell me anything about heat?" A small boy raised his hand, "Heat makes things larger, sir, and cold makes things smaller." "All right, give an example."

"In summer days are longer because it is hot, in winter they are shorter because it is cold".

He Meant to be Right

Jack and Tom when they first went to school, were asked what their names were. Tom, who was first, replied, "Tom, Sir". "You must not say that, my boy! You should say Thomas". Jack decided that he would not make that mistake, and when he was asked, proudly replied, "Jack-ass".

At the Lesson

"What is an abstract noun, Jennie?" asked a teacher of a little girl. "I don't know, madam".

"What! You don't know! Well, it is the name of a thing you can think of but which you cannot touch. Now give me an example." "A red hot poker," replied the little girl quickly.

(poker- кочерга)

Very Much Alike

Teacher: You have named all the domestic animals but one. It has bristly hates a bath, and is fond of mud. Well, Tom? Tom, (smiling): That's me.

(but one - за виняткои одного)

Socrates' Telephone Number

The teacher asked, "When did Socrates live?" After the silence had become too long, she ordered, "Open your history book. What does it say there?" A boy answered, "Socrates, born 469 B.C." "Now", said the teacher, "why didn't you know when Socrates lived?" "Well", answered the boy, "I thought 469 B.C. was his telephone number".

(B.C. - before Christ - до нашої ери)

What a Memory!

A school teacher who had been telling a class of small pupils the story of the discovery of America by Columbus, ended with,

"And all this happened more than 400 years ago." A little boy, his eyes wide open with wonder, said after a moment's thought,

"Oh! What a memory you have got!"



Two of a Kind

The teacher had been reading through his pupils' compositions. Soon he came to Johnny Jackson's work. After reading it he smiled to himself and called Johnny up to his desk.

"Your composition is excellent, Jackson, "he said", but strangely enough, it is word for word the same as Wilson's. What conclusion shall I draw from it?" Johnny's face brightened. "Why, sir", he replied, "that Wilson's is excellent, too".

His Teacher Has Spoken to Him

Tommy had just returned from his first day at school. He proudly announced that the master had spoken to him.

"Well," said his father, "What did he say to you?" "He told me to keep quiet, "replied Tommy.


"Now, in order to subtract," the teacher explained, "things have always to bi of the same kind. For instance, we cannot take three apples from four pears, nor si horses from nine dogs." "But we can take four bottles of milk from three cows shouted a small boy.

(to take... from - 1. відняти; 2. одержати).

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