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Disorders of the Nervous System

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Consideration of disorders of the nervous system is the province of neurology; psychiatry deals with behavioral disturbances of a functional nature. The division between these two medical specialties cannot be sharply defined, because neurological disorders often manifest both organic and mental symptoms.

Diseases of the nervous system include genetic malformations, poisonings, metabolic defects, vascular disorders, inflammations, degeneration, and tumors, and they involve either nerve cells or their supporting elements. Vascular disorders, such as cerebral hemorrhage or other forms of stroke, are among the most common causes of paralysis and other neurologic complications. Some diseases exhibit peculiar geographic and age distribution. In temperate zones, multiple sclerosis is a common degenerative disease of the nervous system, but it is rare in the Tropics.

The nervous system is subject to infection by a great variety of bacteria, parasites, and viruses. For example, meningitis, or infection of the meninges investing the brain and spinal cord, can be caused by many different agents. On the other hand, one specific virus causes rabies. Some viruses causing neurological ills affect only certain parts of the nervous system. For example, the virus causing poliomyelitis commonly affects the spinal cord; viruses causing encephalitis attack the brain.

Inflammations of the nervous system are named according to the part affected. Myelitis is an inflammation of the spinal cord; neuritis is an inflammation of a nerve. It may be caused not only by infection but also by poisoning, alcoholism, or injury. Tumors originating in the nervous system usually are composed of meningeal tissue or neuroglia (supporting tissue cells), depending on the specific part of the nervous system affected, but other types of tumor may metastasize to or invade the nervous system. In certain disorders of the nervous system, such as neuralgia, migraine, and epilepsy, no evidence may exist of organic damage. Another disorder, cerebral palsy, is associated with birth defects.


Exercise 7. Translate into English.

Акомодаційний рефлекс; біла речовина; блювальний рефлекс; велика важливість для виживання; виходити з спинного мозку; відділ; вставний нейрон; ганглій; гліальні клітини; дендрит; допоміжні елементи; енцефаліт; запалення периферичних нерва; запальні явища; колінний рефлекс; контакт аксона з дендритами; локалізації ураження; метастазувати; мимовільна реакція; мієліт; мозкового інсульту; набутий рефлекс; невралгія; неврит; нести нервові імпульси; органічні симптоми; передавати відчуття; передавати імпульси; периферійні структури; подразник; позіхальний рефлекс; природжений рефлекс; притаманні певній віковій групі; простий рефлекс; райдужна оболонка; рефлекс чихання; рефлекторна дія; рогівковий рефлекс; розумові прояви; рухові/ еферентні нейрони; сенсорна соматична нервова система; синапс; смоктальний рефлекс; соматична нервова система; спинномозкові нерви; сукупність клітин; тіло клітини; травний сік; функції яких не залежать від свідомості; хватальний рефлекс; центральна нервова система; церебральний параліч; чутливі рецептори; які не лежать в межах ЦНС.



Exercise 8. Translate into Ukrainian.

Actions of which usually oppose each other; activities of structures in the head and neck; as part of other peripheral nerves; autonomic nerve fibers; autonomic nervous system; be chemically stimulated; body response; bundle of nerve fibers; cluster of nerve cell bodies; coccygeal nerves; conduct impulses; coronary vessels of the heart; cranial nerves; divide and subdivide; epilepsy; exit from the CNS; extend from the cell body; generate impulses; geographic distribution; gray matter; hand-to-mouth reflex; have one’s origin in the brain; higher brain centers; invade the nervous system; involuntary response; major coordinating organ; migraine; motor innervation; multiple sclerosis; myelinated axons; nerve cell body; nerve center; neuron; neuroreflex action; outgrowth; parasympathetic nervous system; peripheral nerves; peripheral nervous system; peristalsis; plexus; poliomyelitis; reflexive response; sacral nerve; salivation; sense organ; sensory (afferent) nerve fibers; sensory innervation; somatic motor system; spinal cord; subsidiary system; sympathetic nervous system; tendon reflex; threadlike structures; unmyelinated dendrites; viscera; withdrawal reflex.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 149 | Нарушение авторских прав

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