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III. Pupils and students

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  1. C.to provide these students with work opportunities for two years after graduating from university as a practice
  2. Colleges nationwide are asking students to pay more for their education.
  3. Criteria for estimation of students’ educational achievements
  4. English for Law Students
  5. Ex 4. Discuss your list with those of other students. Hold a discussion on the major problems facing the young nowadays.
  6. Final module control 3-d year students autumn.




academic degree — научная степень

admission requirements - условия поступления, конкурсные требова­ния Bachelor's Degree (BA - Bachelor of Arts, BS - Bachelor of Science) -

степень бакалавра (гуманитарных/естественных наук)

be accepted by/admitted to an institution - поступить в институт

be awarded a high school diploma - получить диплом об окончании средней школы

be expelled from/flunk sb out of college - быть отчисленным/отчислить кого-либо из вуза

be registered for/enrolled in a course - быть зачисленным на спецсеминар/спецкурс

be rejected by/don't get into an institution - не поступить в институт

caregiver — воспитатель в детском саду

charge fees for tuition - взимать плату за обучение

coed (coeducational) - смешанное обучение (система, при которой лица обоего пола обучаются вместе)

1) Almost all college students live in coed dormitories or in houses
shared with friends.

2) Many coed schools provide excellent education.
educational institution - образовательное учреждение
fee-paying education - платное образование

Since last summer at least 256 teachers had lost their jobs after 10 fee-paying schools folded, said officials.

give a child home schooling — обучать ребенка на дому

graduate — masc. an alumnus/alumni (Jem. an alumna/alumnae) of a uni­versity — выпускник(ки)/ца(цы)

institution of higher learning/college/university -вуз

letter of recommendation — рекомендательное письмо

liberal arts — гуманитарные науки

liberal arts college — гуманитарный институт (колледж)

Although many employers prefer candidates to have a degree in busi­ness or engineering, some companies hire liberal arts graduates.

Master's degree (MA - Master of Arts, MPhil - Master of Philosophy, MS - Master of Science) - степень магистра (гуманитарных/ес­тественных наук)

matriculate — быть принятым в высшее учебное заведение, посту­пить

1) At fifteen, he matriculated at the University of Leipzig, where he
continued his independent approach to knowledge.

2) Donnellan likes to say she matriculated at the University of Mars.
receive technical training for a field (electronic technology, carpentry, etc.)

получить техническую специальность

secondary school curriculum/a — программа(ы) средней школы

take correspondence (= on-line) courses — обучаться на заочном отде­лении

take evening courses — обучаться на вечернем отделении

tuition fee — плата за обучение


(to apply to) a two-year community college/junior college - техникум

(to be enrolled in) a school for gifted children - быть зачисленным в школу для одаренных детей

apply to a vocational school — поступать в ПТУ (профессионально-тех­ническое училище)

attend elementary school (it runs from first to sixth grade) — посещать начальную школу

boarding school - школа-интернат; интернат-пансионат (Note that in Russia школа-интернат is "generally not a prestigious prep school, but rather a school for kids with special needs or for kids whose par­ents can't care for them" (Michele A. Berdy). In America "boarding school" means "any kind of private school in which the students live and study, often in a small town or removed from a city center. They are usually expensive and provide a very good education, and students in these schools are well prepared for most colleges. The term itself is slightly outdated" (Lynn Visson). (Cp. He became the campus wit for a growing contingent of former boarding school chaps who arrived at Harvard the same autumn.) Lynn Visson translates "boarding school" as «интернат-пансионат».

charter school = экспериментальная школа (A school in the US that is privately financed but publicly administered. The school that obtains a charter from the state in which it is located to follow a particular program of study that may differ from the regular state curriculum.)

day (care) center/playgroup = детский сад

1) These included parents, caregivers, children's day centre organis­ers and playgroup organisers.

2) For three mornings a week she went to a playgroup run by a friend who was a trained Froebel teacher.

extended-day group/class — группа продленного дня; продленка

further education (FE) colleges - общее понятие для техникумов, ПТУ, ССУЗов и т.д.

high school (from ninth to twelfth grade) — средняя школа второй ступе­ни, старшая школа

junior high school (= middle school, from seventh to eighth or ninth grade) — средняя школа первой ступени

Cramming is not confined to the junior high school and senior high school years.

kindergarten - детский сад

magnet school — школа с углубленным изучением какого-то предме­та; специализированная школа

1) a math magnet school

2) The plan involved a variation of the magnet school concept.

nursery school/creche - ясли

parochial school — церковно-приходская школа (приблизительный эквивалент)

preparatory school — a private school in Britain for children between the ages of 8 and 13 (Cp. crammer — BrE школа для подготовки выпуск­ника школы к поступлению в вуз.)

preschool — центр подготовки ребенка к школе

1) Eastin is calling for a plan to provide free preschool for all 4-year-

2) The educational program is aimed at preschoolers.
private schools — частные школы

public schools — государственные школы


auditor — слушатель

fee-paying student — студент, обучающийся на платной (коммерче­ской) основе

freshman (a high school ninth-grader or a first-year college student) — де­вятиклассник или первокурсник

graduate school — аспирантура

graduate student — выпускник, аспирант

he is starting first grade — он идет в первый класс (Ср. Не is a first-grader.)

junior (a high school eleventh-grader or a third-year college student) — один­надцатиклассник или третьекурсник

post-graduate student — аспирант

preschoolers — «подготовишки»; дошкольники

senior (a high school twelfth-grader or a fourth-year college student) — две-надцатиклассник или четверокурсник

sophomore (a high school tenth-grader or a second-year college student) -десятиклассник или второкурсник

tenth-grader (to be in the tenth grade) — десятиклассник

undergraduate (= a college student) — студент вуза

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 247 | Нарушение авторских прав

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