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Final module control 3-d year students autumn.

Читайте также:
  1. A final afterword
  2. Air Traffic Control
  3. Answer the questions for self-control
  4. Article Controls


1. What is desmurgy? 1. the science of the rules applying bandages; 2. science of bandaging; 3. Guide to transportation of patients; 4. list of ways to close the wound.  
2. For the Ognev enema production, are used: 1. 10% NaCl solution with 3% peroxide solution hydrogen and glycerin; 2. hot boiled water; 3. vaseline with antibiotics; 4. 10% NaCl solution or 20-30% sodium sulfate  
3. The most versatile transport bus is: 1. Yelansky bus; 2. Dieterichs bus; 3. Cramer's bus; 4. a pneumatic bus.  
4. Creeping is a bandage, in which subsequent rounds: 1. closed prior to 1 / 2; 2. closed prior to 2 / 3; 3. previous close completely; 4. separated from the preceding by the width of the bandage.  
5. Liquefactive necrosis occurs in burns by: 1. boiling water; 2. alkalis; 3. electrocution; 4. Acids.  
6. For cauterization of excess granulation is used solution of: 1. hydrogen peroxide, 10%; 2. iodine 5%; 3. silver nitrate, 5-10%; 4. potassium permanganate, 1%.  
7. What distinguishes bleeding by the time of appearance? 1. primary, early secondary, later secondary; 2. acute, chronic, recurrent; 3. external, internal, hidden; 4. staying, continued.  
8. When Frank index less than 60 forecast the severity of the burn and its likely outcome: 1. favorable; 2. relatively favorable; 3. questionable; 4. nonfavorable.  
9. Transporting a patient with a fracture of the lumbar spine should be in the position: 1. on the abdomen; 2. on the back; 3. on one side; 4. "Frog" position.  
10. Plaster bandage is not used for: 1. approximation of the wound edges; 2. fixation dressings; 3. occlusion of the wounds of the chest; 4. definitive hemostasis.  
11. Intestinal suture tightness is achieved by: 1. connection wound edges through all layers; 2. imposition of serous-muscular sutures; 3. correct choice of suture material; 4. observance of aseptic and antiseptic.  
12. Connect the edges of the wound without the formation of "dead space" allows stitch: 1. Multanovsky; 2. Schmiden; 3. Halstead; 4. Donati.  
13. To perform the anesthesia by Lukashevich-Oberst – is used the novocaine solution at a concentration of: 1. 0,25%; 2. 0,5 %; 3. 1%; 4. 2%.  
14. With an overdose of novocaine patients have: 1. bloating, diarrhea, vomiting "coffee dregs "; 2. back pain, frequent urination, cyanosis of the skin; 3. dizziness, weakness, nausea, pale skin, rapid pulse; 4. high blood pressure, headaches and nosebleeds.  
15. The severity of gunshot wounds injuries caused by: 1. high kinetic energy of the bullet; 2. thermal burns; 3. poison powder gases; 4. size and shape of wounding the subject.  
16. What medicine is most effective in the presence in wound bacillus of blue-green pus (infections of Pseudomonas aeruginosa)? 1. ascorbic acid; 2. boric acid; 3. acetylsalicylic acid; 4. proteolytic enzyme.  
17. What distinguishes bleeding in clinical manifestations? 1. septic, arrozive; 2. arterial, venous, capillary; 3. primary, secondary; 4. external, internal, hidden.  
18. What complications can be the first day after technically correctly performed blood transfusions? 1. thromboembolism; 2. acute renal failure; 3. pyrogenic reactions; 4. acute impairment of cerebral circulation.  
19. What criteria is not the lead in determining the choice of a local anesthetic? 1. body temperature; 2. age of the patient; 3. duration of surgery; 4. blood pressure.  
20. Contraindication to epidural anesthesia is: 1. traumatic brain injury; 2. scoliosis; 3. pulmonary tuberculosis; 4. hypertensive disease.  
21. Suture, in which each stitch impose a separate thread and tie a double knot is called: 1. by knots; 2. twined; 3. furrier's; 4. mattress.  
22. When stitching the muscles dissected transversely, use: 1. U-shaped suture; 2. pouch sutures; 3. twined seams; 4. cosmetic sutures.  
23. For stitching tendons are used: 1. catgut; 2. metal thread; 3. nylon thread; 4. tantalum clips.    
24. Intraosseous anesthesia is a type of: 1. intravenous anesthesia; 2. sheath anesthesia; 3. conduction anesthesia; 4. infiltration anesthesia.    
25. Weakness, double vision, choking when swallowing, dizziness, shortness of breath characteristic: 1. tetanus; 2. pulmonary edema; 3. cardiogenic shock; 4. cholera; 5. botulism  
26. Specify a leading factor in the pathogenesis of frostbite: 1. violation of the rheological properties of blood; 2. freezing of the intracellular fluid; 3. spasm of the arteries cooled tissues; 4. slowing metabolism.  
27. Reparation is the process of replacement of damaged tissue by: 1. connection; 2. similar; 3. any well supplied with blood; 4. any, substitute the defect.  
28. What is the effect of hydrogen peroxide expressed in the most poorly? 1. mechanical cleansing of the wound; 2. foaming; 3. deodorant; 4. antimicrobial.  
29. Which of listed methods applies to physical antiseptic? 1. primary debridement; 2. washing the wound with antiseptic; 3. drainage of the wound with swab; 4. bandage with ointment containing enzyme.    
30. That belongs to a group of nitrofurans antiseptics? 1. nitroglycerin nitrong; 2. furatsilin, furagin; 3. nystatin; 4. sulfodimezin, sulfodimetoksin.  
31. When the fracture of symphysis the victim is placed: 1. placed in a hammock; 2. give the "frog posture"; 3. placed on a rigid flat surface; 4. impose skeletal traction.  
32. What is blood groupe? 1. leukocyte antigen set; 2. set erythrocyte antigens; 3. range of immune antibodies; 4. a set of acquired antibodies.  
33. Local anesthesia is contraindicated at: 1. cachexia and asthenia; 2. hypotension; 3. respiratory and cardio-pulmonary failure; 4. old age.  
34. Sheath anesthesia is performed in all cases except: 1. operations on the hip; 2. operations on the tibia; 3. operations on the foot; 4. operations on the fingers.    
35. Enter the basic pathogenetic mechanism of frostbite: 1. violation of the neural regulation; 2. violation of the rheological properties of blood; 3. cessation of blood flow; 4. freezing of extracellular fluids.  
36. Lack of awareness and response to pain, dryness of mucous membranes and skin, profuse vomiting and the smell of acetone breath are characteristic: 1. hypoglycemic coma; 2. poisoning with ethyl alcohol; 3. hemorrhagic shock; 4. ketoacidosis coma; 5. mushroom poisoning.  
37. The first phase of resuscitation is: 1. recovery of the heart; 2. recovery of spontaneous breathing; 3. restoration of central nervous system; 4. return to normal temperature.  
38. Underestimation of the self condition, poor rapport, verbal and motor stimulation are characteristic: 1. subagonal state; 2. erectile phase of shock; 3. collapse; 4. torpid phase of shock.  
39. What drugs have osmotic diuretic action? 1. polyglukin, zhelatinol; 2. atsesol, disol, laktosol; 3. mannitol, sorbitol; 4. aminopeptid, aminozol, polyamine.    
40. Period of time for which the patient can hold his breath at maximum inspiration is: 1. Schtange test; 2. Sabraze test; 3. Hennelt sample; 4. Schwartz test.  
41. Before the introduction of drug enema to the patient: 1. 24 prohibited from receiving food and fluids; 2. They give Ognev clyster; 3. rektosigmoidoskopy perform; 4. cleansing clyster.  
42. How shold be done the skeletal traction on stages of evacuation and transportation of the patient? 1. Dieterichs bus; 2. Dezo bandage; 3. Cramer's bus; 4. gypsum bus.  
43. The support tools are 1. scissors, a scalpel; 2. forceps, a hook; 3. wire saw, wire cutters; 4. proctoscope, the colonoscope.    
44. Main causes of the termination of cardiac activity are: 1. disruption of the central nervous system; 2. hypoxia, hypercapnia, metabolic acidosis; 3. hypercoagulability, hypoglycemia, alkalosis; 4. physical and mental stress.  
45. What should be done if the wound site with limited necrosis of the skin edges? 1. assign the UHF to the wound; 2. excise lifeless skin area; 3. bandage with hypertonic solution; 4. bandage with ointment Vishnevsky.  
46. The complete absence of exudation from pleural cavity drainage in the first day after surgery indicates: 1. the absence of complications; 2. a violation of cross-drainage; 3. of clotted hemothorax; 4. of pneumothorax; 5. of pleural effusion.  
47. The great advantage of the method of hand sterilizing by Spasokukotsky-Kochergin is: 1. minimum used water volume; 2. thorough scrubbing stage care; 3. your skin remains soft; 4. effective dissolution of fat; 5. rapid sterilization of the hands.  
48. For parenteral type of introduction of drugs include: 1. sublingual; 2. inhalation; 3. transrectal; 4. through the probe  
49. When drained abscess is in the lung creates conditions for the independent discharging of content: the body is placed below the level of the basin, such drainage is called: 1. self-sufficient; 2. hydrostatic; 3. postural; 4. position; 5. adequate; 6. natural.  
50. Trendelenburg position - is: 1. horizontal on the back; 2. horizontal on his belly; 3. with lowered head end; 4. squatting; 5. on one side with those given to the stomach with your knees.  
51. Normally Vital Capacity of lungs is: 1. 1500 – 2500 ml.; 2. 2500 – 3500 ml.; 3. 3500 – 4500 ml.; 4. 4500 – 5500 ml.  
52. The optimal amount of primary debridement of poisoned wounds is: 1. drainage of the wound; 2. excision wounds within healthy tissue; 3. suturing wounds; 4. infiltration of tissues with antibiotics.    
53. The optimal amount of primary debridement of bite wounds is: 1. excision wounds within healthy tissue; 2. washing the wound with alkali solutions; 3. washing the wound with solutions of antibiotics; 4. wound treatment with alcohol.  
54. For the first time the gauze was made: 1. in England; 2. in France; 3. in Germany; 4. in Russia.  
55. Cleansing clyster indications: 1. with abdominal pain unclarified nature; 2. before X-rays lungs; 3. before X-rays of kidneys; 4. with decaying tumors of the rectum.  
56. Rubber gloves for surgical procedures was first put into practice: 1. Spasokukotsky; 2. Pirogov; 3. Galen; 4. Tsege-Manteuffel.  
57. The disadvantages of catgut are: 1. good handling properties; 2. ability to withstand the considerable strain; 3. formation of stable knots; 4. pronounced absorption capacity.  
58. Contraindications to laparoscopy are: 1. old age; 2. adhesions of the abdominal cavity; 3. intra-abdominal bleeding; 4. tumors of the colon.  
59. Indicate the early symptoms of complications caused by transfusion of incompatible blood: 1. feeling of warmth, backaches, stomach, for the sternum; 2. loss of consciousness, heavy sweating, rapid decrease in blood pressure; 3. Hypothermia, abdominal pain, lethargy, and diarrhea; 4. anuria, pain, and tachycardia.  
60. The sterilization of linen and a dressing in special metal boxes was first put into practice by: 1. Semmelweis; 2. Lister; 3. Schimmelbusch; 4. Pirogov.  
61. Coagulation necrosis of tissue occurs with burns: 1. acids; 2. boiling water; 3. electrocution; 4. alkalis.  
62. Regeneration is the process of replacement of damaged tissue by: 1. any well supplied with blood; 2. similar; 3. any, substitute the defect; 4. the connection.  
63. Indicate late complications after blood transfusion: 1. transfusion shock; 2. acute renal failure; 3. anaphylactic shock; 4. angioedema.  
64. Pathways of exogenous infection in surgery are: 1. hematogenous; 2. contact; 3. lymphogenous; 4. nutritional  
65. Specific bandaging is: 1. turtle; 2. spikelike; 3. bridle; 4. Neapolitan.  
66. Optimal level of puncture in epidural anesthesia for appendectomy is: 1. 6-7 cervical vertebrae; 2. 11-12 thoracic vertebrae; 3. 2-3 lumbar vertebra; 4. any level.  
67. Drug with antishock action is: 1. polivinol; 2. polyglukin; 3. zhelatinol; 4. albumin.  
68. To stimulate self-defecation in the postoperative period is used: 1. cleansing enema; 2. wash-out enema; 3. lubricating enema; 4. medicinal enema  
69. Which of the following does not apply to the prevention of airborne infection? 1. wearing a mask; 2. room ventilation; 3. ultraviolet irradiation of air; 4. sterilizing of the surgical field.  
70. By vapors of formalin should be sterilized: 1. cutting tools; 2. syringes; 3. instruments with optical systems; 4. rubber gloves.  
71. A condition in which air enters the subcutaneous fat, is called: 1. lipopnevmatoz; 2. emphysema; 3. empyema; 4. pnevmocelullitis.  
72. What is a surgical procedure? 1. blood pressure measurement; 2. reduction of dislocation; 3. appointment of diet; 4. performance of appendectomy.  
73. Local anesthetic drug is: 1. promedoli; 2. ether; 3. hydroxybutyrate sodium; 4. Trimecaine.  
74. Cutting tools are sterilized by: 1. immersion in ethyl alcohol; 2. immersion in formalin; 3. boiling; 4. autoclaving.  
75. To make it easier to remove the gypsum cast, the line of incision soften by wetting: 1. castor oil; 2. alcohol; 3. ether; 4. hypertonic saline NaCl.  
76. Physical antisepsis is carried out using: 1. UV rays; 2. wash the wound; 3. excision wounds; 4. of antibiotics.  
77. X-rays to colon is called: 1. colonoscopy; 2. irrigoskopy; 3. laparoscopy; 4. sigmoidoscopy.  
78. The disadvantage of kollodiumnoy dressings: 1. technical complexity of the overlay; 2. toxicity; 3. irritating to the skin; 4. high consumption of dressing  
79. Indicate expiration date of the native plasma and leukocyte mass: 1. 1 day; 2. 3 days; 3. 14 days; 4. 21 days.  
80. Indicate expiration date of fresh frozen plasma: 1. 3 days; 2. 1 month; 3. 3 munths; 4. 1 year; 5. 5 years.  


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