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Translate into English

Читайте также:
  2. A. Read and translate the text.
  3. A. The article below describes the lives of two Russian teachers of English, Anya and Olga. Read the article and find out whether they are satisfied with their jobs.
  4. Act as an interpreter. Translate the description of N-type and P-type- semiconductors given by your group mates from English into Russian.
  5. Airport English
  6. Airport English
  7. American and British English

Церемонія посвяти в студенти.

30 серпня всіх першокурсників зібрали на церемонію посвяти в студенти. Там я зустрілась зі студентами своєї групи та деякими студентами старших курсів. Я дізналась, що більшість студентів приїжджі, та що в університеті дуже мало хлопців. декан та заступники розповіли багато чого цікавого про навчання, а потім ми отримали студентські квитки.

І з першого вересня я розпочала здобувати кваліфікацію перекладача. Я стараюсь, щоб стати висококваліфікованим перекладачем і відповідати вимогам часу.


& Reading

Six rules for coping with exam stress.

Read the text and describe how you revise for the exams.

1. In the weeks to come before the beginning of exams, give yourself plenty of time to revise. Most students perform best by revising over the longer period, rather than just ‘cramming’ a few days before the exam. Whatever time you’ve got now – use it. Don’t wait until the night before.

2. Plan your revision. Work out how many days there are before the exam, and mark down how many hours you will spend on revision, homework and projects. Stick to these hours, revise all areas properly – not just the things you are good at. In the case of your English exams, revise areas of grammar and vocabulary (particularly areas you’re weak at), practise listening and reading comprehension and practise writing timed compositions. Be methodical – plan what you are going to revise and revise it thoroughly. Don’t jump about in a panic from one area to another.

3. Don’t revise one area too much, at the expense of others, just because it interests you. For example, don’t get carried away with revising vocabulary for your English exam. That’s only one aspect of the language!

4. Keep your working area neat and simple. Just have the notes and books you need around you – not untidy piles that just remind you of how much work there is to do!

5. Take breaks. Don’t work hour after hour without stopping – you just won’t be concentrating properly. Work for twenty-minute stretches, then have a short break, or change your activity. But remember that exams can be long. The exam papers are up to two hours long – so make sure you are able to concentrate for this long as well.

6. Work on what you need to remember. Don’t just read and re-read notes or books. Do something with the information. Re-write notes as diagrams, summarise information on cards, and put these where you can look at them frequently. In the case of revising for an English exam, of course – use the language: write in it, practise speaking in it.

Exercise 3

What questions could you ask to get these answers?

1. No, they have to finance their own studies.

2. There isn't much difference; it's just that the courses are more practical in a polytechnic instead of being very academic.

3. Well, they learn one or two things, like recognising a few numbers, but most of the time they play around.

4. Because I wanted to be a teacher, no other reason.

5. It's sixteen, but a lot of kids stay on until eighteen.

6. Well, I've been up all night revising for an exam.

7. No, ours are given in grades, you know, B+, A, that sort of thing.

8. No, I was ill. I didn't miss it deliberately.


Exercise 4

Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions.

When my grandmother was at school, she had to learn everything (a)................heart, and even years later she could recite countless poems (b)…....... memory. She was discouraged (c)................... thinking (d).............. herself, and concentrated simply (e).......................... learning facts. The teachers were very strict (f)........................ pupils in those days. My grandfather confided (g)...................... me that he was expelled (h)...........school (i)....................... playing truant just once.

It is always worthwhile for governments to invest (j)...................... education. Nobody should be deprived (k).....................education, and everybody should benefit (l)................... it. Nothing can compensate (m)............... a bad start in life. Pupils (n).................... public schools still account (o)......................... many of the students at Oxford and Cambridge University. Until quite recently these universities seemed to be prejudiced (p)..................... pupils from state schools. Many people objected very strongly (q).................... this at last things are changing.

I had no intention (r)..................... staying (s)............... at University after I had finished my first degree. I finally succumbed (t).................. parental pressure, but only (u).................... protest, and carried out research (v).............. the life of Baudelaire.


Exercise 5

Translate into English.

Екзаменаційний стрес

(Поради психолога)

Коли б не приходив час іспитів я завжди стаю нервовою. Мені стає важко заснути і я навіть інколи не можу змусити себе готуватись до екзаменів. Я опиняюсь у стані пригнічення. Як можна цьому зарадити?

Джейн Сміт, США, штат Колумбія.

Ви можете почувати себе трохи збудженим. Англійці кажуть відчувати “метеликів у животі”. Стрес – це нормально. Психологи кажуть, що трохи стресу необхідно для гарної відповіді на екзамені.

Але якщо ви дійсно переживаєте глибокий стрес, він аж ніяк вам не допоможе. Деякі люди від стресу просто впадають у стан депресії – вони не можуть нічого вчити або повторювати. Деякі люди навіть втрачають сон і не можуть їсти.

Як правило люди, яким характерні такі сильні переживання не ті, що бояться “завалити” екзамен, а ті, хто знають багато і бояться здати екзамен гірше ніж вони можуть.

Важливо пам’ятати, що глибокий стрес може завадити вам гарно відповісти на екзамені. Якщо ви відчуваєте, що занадто сильно хвилюєтесь, спробуйте (намагайтесь) заспокоїтись. Поговоріть з людиною, якій довіряєте про те, як ви почуваєтесь, можливо він або вона допоможе вам відволіктись від переживань та зібратись з силами і думками.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 146 | Нарушение авторских прав

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