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Irregular verbs

Читайте также:
  1. A Where do adverbs go?
  2. A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
  3. Action and state verbs
  4. Adjective or Adverb after special verbs
  5. Adjectives and adverbs
  6. Adjectives made from verbs
  7. Auxiliary verbs and questions
be become begin break bring build buy can catch choose come cost cut do drink drive eat fall feel fight find fly forget get give go grow have hear hit keep know learn leave lose make meet pay put read ride run was/were became began broke brought built bought could caught chose came cost cut did drank drove ate fell felt fought found flew forgot got gave went grew had heard hit kept knew learnt left lost made met paid put read rode ran been become begun broken brought built bought could caught chosen come cost cut done drunk driven eaten fallen felt fought found flown forgotten got given gone grown had heard hit kept known learnt left lost made met paid put read ridden run say see sell send shut sing sit sleep speak spend stand steal swim take tell think understand wake wear win write said saw sold sent shut sang sat slept spoke spent stood stole swam took told thought understood woke wore won wrote   said seen sold sent shut sung sat slept spoken spent stood stolen swum taken told thought understood woken worn won written  


Do you remember?

ex. 8 a) 4, 12; b) 9; c) 3, 8; d)10; e)7; f) 1,2,5; g) 11; h) 6.

Unit 1 “People”



ex1. 1) Madonna 2) Diaz


ex1. cat



ex.2 300, 206, 27, 14, strong, long, wider, 20.

Unit 2. “Shopping”

«Just 18 Mistakes» Referee’s answers:

1. How much milk have you got? 2. How much rice have you got? I have a little. 3. How many apples have you got? I have got a few. 4. I’d like a glass of tomato juice. 5. How much does this dress cost? 6. Our teacher always gives us much homework. 7. Madonna and Aguilera are famous singers. 8. He has some eggs for breakfast 9. It is Ann’s handbag. Give it to her. 10. I have a few cucumbers, should I put them in the salad? 11. Jane goes skiing every evening. 12. It is the best cheese in the area. 13. How much time do you watch TV a day? 14. …It takes me a few minutes. 15. Tom, what are you doing now? 16. Are you a dentist? 17. Jane doesn’t drink coffee in the morning. 18. You are a winner!

Unit3 Sports



ex.1 1 person.



ex1. b) sympathy c) thanks d) asking for information e) ordering goods f) congratulations g) job application

“Olympic Quiz”

1)a 2)b 3)c 4)a 5) b 6)c 7)b 8)c 9)a



ex3 1) about, at, to, -; 2) to; 3)for; 4)for; 5)to; 6) for; 7) on.

ex4 practiced, try, bodies, are going down, gave up, better, younger.

Unit 4. Tourism



Ex1. 1) 7.5 million; 2) 9 million 3) b; 4) 1509 – 50000, 1600- 200000, 1665 – 100000, 1881 – 3 million.



ex2. 1) When answering the questions, write everything from write to left - words, letters and numbers. Lean the page with registration form against a window and check your spelling. 2) When answering question 2 and 4, the Muslim calendar must be used. According to the Muslim calendar it is now the year 1428. Now you know how frustrated non-English speaking people from Arab or Asian countries must feel when they come to Russia or an English speaking country.


Ex 4“Brain of Britain Quiz”

1)a, 2)b, 3)c, 4)c, 5)b, 6)a, 7)a, 8)a, 9)b, 10)b, 11)b, 12)a

Unit 6 Hunting A Job



Down: 1) general practitioner.

Across: 1) gardener; 2) resume; 3) manager; 4) builder; 5) work; 6) accountant; 7)sell; 8) policeman; 9) worker; 10) architect; 11) mechanic; 12) teacher; 13)carpenter; 14) pilot; 15) sailor; 16) nurse; 17) electrician; 18) plumber.



ex1. d

ex2. 1)f 2)a 3)h 4)g 5)b



1. Большой русско-английский словарь с приложением кратких сведений по английской грамматике и орфоэпии / по общ. ред.: А.И. Смерницкого. – 24-е изд. – М.: Рус. Яз., 2001. – 768 с.

2. Качалова К.Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка / К.Н. Качалова, Е.Е. Израилевич. – М.: «ЮНВЕС», 1997. – 718 с.

3. ABBYY Lingvo 8.0 [Электронный ресурс]: Англо-русский, русско-английский словарь. (400 МБ). – М.: ABBYY Software House, 2002. – электрон. опт. Диск (CD-ROM).

4. Bell J. Matters Elementary: Students’ Book / J. Bell, R. Gower. – Edinburgh Gate, Harlow: Person Education Limited, 1999. – 144 p.

5. Bell J. Matters Intermediate: Students’ Book / J. Bell, R. Gower. – Edinburgh Gate, Harlow: Person Education Limited, 1999. – 168 p.

6. Bell J. Matters Upper - Intermediate: Students’ Book / J. Bell, R. Gower. Edinburgh Gate, Harlow: Person Education Limited, 1999. – 158 p.

7. Big Ben // English Learners’ Digest. – 2005. - №21. P. 16.

8. Choose your own story // English Learners’ Digest. – 2004. - №21.P. 16.

9. City of London // English Learners’ Digest. – 2005. -№18. P.1-3.

10. Communication in the Modern Languages Classroom. Council of Europe Press, 1993.

11. Describing Friends // Первое сентября. – 2007. - № 14. С.36.

12. Description Test // English Learners’ Digest. – 2004. - №4. P. 16.

13. Harris M. Opportunities Pre-Intermediate: Students’ Book / M. Harris, D.Mower, A.Sikorzynska. – Harlow, Edinburgh Gate: Person Education Limited, 2000. – 128p.

14. Kay S., Jones V., Kerr P. Inside Out Pre-intermediate: Student’s Book / S. Kay, V. Jones, P. Kerr. – Oxford: Macmillan Education, 2002.

15. Kay S., Jones V., Kerr P. Inside Out Pre-intermediate: Workbook / S. Kay, V. Jones, P. Kerr. – Oxford: Macmillan Education, 2002.

16. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. – Harlow, Edinburgh Gate: Person Education Limited, 2001. – 1754 p.

17. Naylor H. Essential Grammar In Use Supplementary Exercises / H. Naylor, R. Murphy. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. – 106 p.

18. Redman S. English Vocabulary In Use / S. Redman. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. – 263 p.

19. Soars L, Soars J Headway Pre-intermediate: Students’ book / L Soars, J Soars. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

20. Soars L, Soars J Headway Pre-intermediate: Workbook / L Soars, J Soars. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

21. Savignon S.J. Communicative Competence: Theory and Classroom Practice. Addition Wesley Publishing Company, 1983.

22. The Statue of Liberty // English. - Издательский дом «Первое сентября». - 2004. - № 21

23. This is London // English Learners’ Digest. – 2002. - №2. P.4-5

24. http: // From http://www.fotosearch.com

25. http: // from http:/www.jenniferlopez.com

26. http: // www.beststyle.ru

27. http: // www.britishcouncil.org

28. http: // www.fepo.ru

29. http: // www.fotosearch.com

30. http: // www.newfriends4u.com

31. http://jobsearch.about.com

32.. http://en.wikipedia.org

33. http://www.sergeev.org

34. http://www.summoning.ru




Предисловие.......................................................................................................... 3

Test “Do you remember?”...................................................................................... 5


Grammar: The Present Simple Tense; Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives.......... 7



Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense; Indefinite Pronouns............................ 19


Grammar: The Past Simple Tense; The Past Continuous Tense............................ 32


Grammar: The Future Simple Tense...................................................................... 46


Grammar: Modal Verbs......................................................................................... 58



Grammar: Interrogative Sentences......................................................................... 72


TEST CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE................................................................. 82

Language Support.............................................................................................. 102

Extra Time!......................................................................................................... 103

Writing Help....................................................................................................... 104

Grammar Summary........................................................................................... 107

Irregular Verbs................................................................................................... 118

Key...................................................................................................................... 119

Литература........................................................................................................ 121

Apple Pie: учеб.-метод. пособие
по английскому языку для студентов неязыковых факультетов


Черняева Анна Юрьевна
Бутова Анна Владимировна




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Читайте в этой же книге: THIS IS LONDON! | Filling up the Disembarkation/Embarkation card | Weddings in Indonesia | Feel free to write your own. | Holidays and festivals in the UK. | Holidays and festivals in the USA. | Grammar Focus | Women's Interview Attire | Your Contact Information First Last Name Street Address City, State, Zip Phone (Cell/Home) Email Address | Present Continuous |
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