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Lesson 2. Water pollution

Читайте также:
  1. A- The no. of water molecules
  3. Air Pollution
  5. Air Pollution
  6. B) People use great amounts of water for their needs.
  7. By good fortune Hunter pulled a good oar. We made the water fly; and the boat was soon alongside, and I aboard the schooner.

Unit 2. Environmental protection

Lesson 1. Nature is our mother.

Exercise 1. Read the quotation of Dalai Lama and say if you agree or not agree.

"Mother planet is showing us the red warning light - "be careful" – she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house. "

Exercise 2. Fill in the petals of the flower.



Exercise 3. Read the text and give a title to it.

Vocabulary work

To serve




To destroy

To suffer from

To increase

Ozone holes

Our Earth is a wonderful planet. Since ancient times Nature has served Man. Nature is a source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with the environment. But nowadays they say the Earth is in danger.

There was no ecological problem until people built lots of plants and factories which sent wastes into the air, water and land. These chemical substances do not disappear but last forever in one form or another. Modern people live only according to their wants, they ignore the laws of nature. And such a situation is dramatic.

People are slowly destroying the nature environment around them. Every year world industry throws out into atmosphere about 1 000 million tons of dust, smoke and other harmful substances. And these substances cause different problems and diseases. Millions of people throughout the world suffer from allergy which is called an epidemic of the 21 century. We are troubled about of the air we breathe because people of many cities suffer from smog.
Speaking about atmosphere we should mention ozone holes. They are a result of air pollution. If they increase it can lead to the destruction of the whole great chain of life of our planet.

Exercise 4. Choose the right answer.

1. This text is mainly about:

a)air pollution

b)nature pollution

c)chemical substances


2.Nowadays a Modern Man

a) lives in harmony with nature

b) ignores the laws of the nature

c) pollutes only air.


3. The plants and factories throughout the world

a)throw every year millions of tons of useful substances

b)throw harmful substances

c)pollute the air throwing harmful substances.


4. If the ozone holes continue to increase

a) it can lead to epidemic

b) it will pollute the air

c) it will ruin the whole chain of life



Exercise 4. Brain ring. Group work. Put as many questions as possible.


Exercise 5. Agree or disagree.

1. The Earth is our Mother and we must protect it.

2. For many centuries a Man lived in harmony with nature.

3. Some chemical substances will never disappear and they will last forever.

4. Air pollution is very dangerous for people.

5. Epidemic of the future is allergy.

6. We must keep the whole chain of life on our planet.


Exercise 6. Grammar corner




1. Дієслова can та may мають форми теперішнього і минулого часу (could і might), дієслова must, ought і need мають тільки одну форму – теперішнього часу


У такому випадку замість них використовують дублюючі конструкції.


Must = have to = to be to

Can = to be able to

May = to be allowed to

2. Модальні дієслова не мають неособистої форми – інфінітиву, герундія і дієприкметника.

3. Модальні дієслова не мають закінчення -s в 3-й особі однини:

He can do it. He must do it.He may do it.He ought to do it.


4. Питальна і заперечна форми модальних дієслів в Present і Past Indefinite утворюються без допоміжного дієслова to do. У питальній формі модальне дієслово ставиться перед підметом:

Can you do it?

Need he do it?

May you do it?

Ought she to do it?

Must you do it?


5. У заперечній формі частка not ставиться відразу ж після модального дієслова. Дієслово can і заперечна частка not у теперішньому часі пишуться разом: cannot.

He cannot do it. Він не може цього зробити.

6. Модальні дієслова мають такі скорочені заперечні форми: can’t, mayn’t, couldn’t, mightn’t, needn’t, mustn’t.



Can, could – можливість, дозвіл, ймовірність, навичка

Can you go there and help them? It could be a trap

(Ти можеш поїхати туди і допомогти їм? Це може бути пастка)



Exercise 7. Complete the sentences using the verbs in the brackets in the right form.

1. I can (to help) my friends in a few days.

2. Can the Earth (to be) in danger nowadays?

3. Can chemical substances (to disappear in some time)?

4. They say the ozone halls can (to be ruined)

5. Could you (to pass) me salt?

6. My mother can (to listen) to music for hours.


Lesson 2. Water pollution

Exercise 1. Read the poem and translate it. Do you agree to the author? Why?

Only when all the rivers have run dry

and all the fish in the sea have died

Only when all the rainforests

have been burnt down

and there is no food for the animals

Only when all the blue skies have been

killed with smoke

And the cities of the world have choked

Will the white man understand

that it's too late to save the earth.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. Is the nature a source of life? Can you prove your opinion?

2. Why is the Earth in danger?

3. What does it mean to live in harmony with nature?

4. Do the plants and factories send wastes into the air and water?

5. What ecological problems the citizens of the cities face to?

6. Is it dangerous to breathe smog?

7. Why do the ozone holes increase?

8. Can this process lead to global catastrophe? Can you illustrate your answer with a bright example?

Exercise 3. Look at the picture and describe it.

1. Is there crystal clear water in the picture?

2. Is it a river or a pond?

3. Do plants use rivers as a rubbish bucket?

4. What does it lead to?

Exercise 4. Listen to the text and give a title to it.

Vocabulary work.

Effluent outfall







To support

1. We all need clean water. People need it to grow crops, to operate factories, to drink and to rest. All living creatures depend on it.

2. The effects of water pollution are varied. They include poisonous drinking water, poisonous food animals, unbalanced river and lake ecosystems, deforestation from acid rain, and many other effects. These effects are, of course, specific to the various contaminants.


3. Many countries nowadays face a great shortage of clean water. There are many causes for water pollution: effluent outfalls from factories, using fertilizers, pesticides. Many different pollutants can harm our rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans. The three most common are soil, nutrients, and bacteria. Rain washes soil into streams and rivers. The soil can kill tiny animals and fish eggs. It can block light, causing plants to die. Nutrients, often from fertilizers, cause problems in lakes and ponds. Nitrogen and phosphorus make algae grow and can turn water green. Pollution from sinking ships and tankers with oil ruin the sea life. A great number of plants get used to poisonous chemical wastes and it kills fish life.



There are some things everyone can do to preserve water. Among them are:

· conserve water whenever possible.

· do not deposit any harmful chemicals or medications down the drain.

· use environmentally-friendly household cleaning products and personal products.

· recycle and dispose household waste properly.

· support organic farmers by purchasing organic food and other products, since these farms are against using pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers.

· properly dispose toxic products such as; paint, oil

· install water filters to help clean the water in your home.

Exercise 5. Put the questions in the correct order.

A) What are water pollution solutions?

B) What are the sources of water pollution?

C) What are the effects of water pollution?

D)What is the role of water in our life?

Exercise 6. True-false test.

1. Water is very important for all living creatures in the world.

2. Nowadays many people feel shortage of clean water.

3. One can name not so many causes of water pollution.

4. Deforestation does not cause water shortage.

5. Oil from sinking ships cause ruination of the sea life.

6. Recycling is one of the water pollution solution.

Exercise 7. Write an essay to this text? What is your opinion to this problem?



Lesson 3. Water pollution solution.

Exercise. 1 Look at the picture and describe it. How would you call it? Why? Is there any symbolic meaning?

Exercise 2. Explain words.

Water pollution

The Earth


Organic food

Harmful substances


Exercise 3. Complete the sentences, using the words in the box.

1. The Earth is in … nowadays.

2. Human activity …to a global catastrophe.

3. The Man ruins ecological…

4. One can notice that many countries face … of clean water.

5. Water is … with different harmful substances.

6. It is important to… different materials.

Leads, balance, shortage, in danger, to recycle, polluted


Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

1. Is water necessary for people?

2. What for do people need water?

3. Is water pollution a dangerous thing?

4. Are there many pollutants of the water?

5. What are they?

6. Why do fish die in the water?

7. Is oil from sinking ships dangerous?

8. What are the ways to keep our water clean?

9. Are you ecologically friendly?

10. How can you support organic farmers?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 144 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Global warming | Exercise 3. Explain in English. | Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with the words and combinations. | Exercise 1. Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B. Make up your own sentences with these words. | Air Pollution | Lesson 6. Our Planet is huge rubbish | Lesson 7. Alternate energy sources | USE RECHARGABLE BATTERIES |
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Exercise 1. Answer the following questions. Be ready to persist your opinion.| Lesson 4. Deforestation is a threatening thing.

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