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В каких из следующих слов звуки, передаваемые

Читайте также:
  1. XII. Поставьте прилагательные в следующих предложениях в сравнительную или превосходную степень и переведите данные предложения.
  2. В каких двух ситуациях судно должно подавать 5 коротких гудков в море согласно правилам, чтобы напомнитьуступающему судну о его обязанности пропустить?
  3. В каких случаях производится ограждение поезда, остановившегося на перегоне?
  4. В следующих заданиях необходимо установить соответствие
  5. В следующих заданиях несколько ответов (больше одного) являются правильными
  6. Герундий может употребляться после следующих глаголов c предлогом

Заданными буквами или буквосочетаниями,

отлича­ются от остальных?


1) phone 2) know 3) sorry 4) zero 5) no 6) stone 7) goal


1) six 2) mist 3) bus 4) house 5) busy 6) seem 7) sense

8) houses


1) thin 2) thick 3) thing 4) path 5) bath 6) bathe 7) maths


1) thirst 2) fire 3) birth 4) girl 5) bird 6) skirt 7) first


1) state 2) age 3) late 4) tap 5) tape 6) date 7) lake


1) fifth 2) five 3) right 4) write 5) I 6) kite 7) nine


1) busy 2) city 3) pity 4) Tony 5) apply 6) sunny 7) many


1) dead 2) head 3) bread 4)breath 5) neat 6) great 7)instead


1) small 2) fall 3) calm 4) wall 5) all 6) hall 7) ball


1) pushed 2) remembered 3) finished 4) hoped 5) walked 6)missed 7) stopped


1) down 2) slow 3) glow 4) follow 5) thrown 6) town

7) show


1) troop 2) blood 3)roof 4) room 5) flood 6)too 7) soon


1) cart 2) coast 3) cry 4)centre 5) city 6) could 7) cloud


7. ~ Прочитайте и переведите предложения:

Seven evil devils versus a vigorous village vicar.

Every evening Victor and Vivian visit Eve.

Both vow to love Eve forever.

Sue likes unique New York.


8. ~ Выучите скороговорку:

Betty Botta bought some butter.

“But”, she said, “this butter’s bitter.

But a bit of better butter

Will make my batter better.”

So she bought a bit of butter

Better than the bitter butter,

And it made her batter better.

So it was better Betty Botta

Bought a bit of better butter.


9. ~ Выучите пословицы:

Far from eye, far from heart.

No sweet without sweat.

Speech is silver, but silence is gold.


10. ~ Выучите стихотворения наизусть:

I can think of six things.

Six thin things, can you?

Yes, I can think of six thin things

And of six thick things too.


In winter I get up at night

And dress by yellow candle light.

In summer quite the other way I have to go to bed by day.


11.Выучите диалоги наизусть:

А. I feel tired and I need a holiday.

В. What are you going to do?

А. I want to go away. A holiday in spring…Fine! I want to go to Australia.

В. Or to Italy. Italy is very beautiful!


А. Why aren’t you going on holiday?

В. I am waiting until I can afford it.

A. How long will that be?

B. Several months, I think.





b bt debt, doubt, subtle
mb bomb, comb, catacomb, crumb, dumb, numb, plumb, thumb, climb, limb, lamb But: timber, lumber, bombard, number, amber, sombre, humble, mumble, rhombus
c sc scene, scent, science, scientist, scientific, descend, adolescent, discipline, fasci­nate, miscellaneous, muscle
ct indict, indictment, victual, Connecticut But: muscular, sceptic
cq acquaint, acquire, acquit, acquisition
xc except, excite, excess, excel, exceed, exchange
cz czar, czarevna, czarina, czarevitch
ch yacht
d nd sandwich, handsome, handful, handcuff, handkerchief, grandma, grandpa, grand­child
dn Wednesday
f -- halfpenny
g gn gnome, gnaw, gnat, gnarl, sovereign, foreign, sign, assign, design, designer, resign, campaign, reign, malign, cham­pagne, signor (a), cognac, poignant But: signature, malignant, resignation, signify, signal, agnostic, recognize, di­agnosis, dignity, cognitive, magnet, magnificent, stagnation
gm phlegm, paradigm, diaphragm But: pragmatic, phlegmatic
h ho hour, honour, honest, honesty
exh exhibit, exhibition, exhaust, exhilarate, exhort
gh ghastly, ghost, ghetto, burgher
kh khan, Khartum, Sakhalin
th Thomas, Theresa, Mathilda, Esther, Anthony, Thomson, Thames, Thyme
rh Rhodesia, Rhone, Rhine, rheumatism, rhythm, rhyme, rhapsody, rhetoric, rhombus
wh what, why, when, which, where, while, whale, wheat, wheel, wharf, whence, white, whelm, whim, whine, whisper, whimper, whiskey, whiff, whit, whether,whistle, whip, whirl But: who, whom, whose, whole
h annihilate, vehicle, vehement, burgher, spaghetti, saccharine, Fahrenheit, bah, ah, eh, oh, hurrah
ham Birmingham, Tottenham, Durham, Buckingham, Graham


k kn knit, knot, knob, know, knew, known, knave, knee, kneel, knife, knight, knuckle
l alf half, calf, halfpenny, halfpence
alv halves, calves
alm almond, calm, balm, palm, napalm, psalm, salmon
olk folk, yolk, Norfolk, Suffolk, Folkner
oln Lincoln
olm Holm, Holmes, Stockholm
ld could, should, would
n mn column, autumn, solemn, solemnly, damn, hymn, condemn But: autumnal, solemnity, condemna­tion, condemnatory
p pn pneumonia, pneumatic
ps pseudo, psycho, psalm
pt Ptolemy, receipt
p raspberry, coup, cupboard, corps
t stl castle, Newcastle, rustle, wrestle, bristle, nestle, thistle, whistle
stm Christmas
st (en) fasten, hasten, listen, moisten, christen But: haste, pistol, soft, hostel, crystal, Christ
ft soften, often
et ballet, buffet, bouquet
w wr wrestle, wrinkle, wriggle, wrist, wrap, wreck, wry, write, wrote, written, wrong, wring
wh who, whose, whole, whoop, whop, whore
w two, twopence, answer, sword, Green­wich, Norwich, Berwick, Warwick
aw awe, awful, awkward, shawl, crawl


1. Вставьте пропущенные согласные:

…onest, …hose, bom…, g…ost, …nocking, …nowledge, …our, …neumonia, …rapping, …not, de…t, thum…, s…ene, s…ience, adoles…ent, dis…ipline, mus…le, indi…t, a…quit, yac…t, san…wich, han…ful, gran…ma, We…nesday, …nome, soverei…n, …eir, …han, T…omas, T…emes, w…iskey, w…ether, Birming…am, …neel, ha…f, pa…m, sa…mon, ta…k, yo…k, wou…d, shou…d, ras…berry, sof…en, a…ful


2. Выпишите слова с непроизносимыми согласными:


subtle, subtract, debt, crumble, limb, numb, plumb, somber,

plumber, tomb, thumb, amber, bombard, doubt, number,

mumble, jamb


autumn, autumnal, column, condemn, condemnation,

con­demning, hymn, hymnology, solemn,

solemnize, solemnity, solemnly


Kremlin, knitting, kleptomania, knighthood, knobby, kvass,

krona, knuckle-joint, knock-down, knee, kneel, knelt

p, d, f:

symptom, psychology, stump, pneumonia, Psalter,

cupboard, recipe, receipt, complement, glimpse, coupe,

coup, prompt, raspberry, couplet, corpse, corps, corpus,

concept, complain, pseudo, pneumatic,

pneumonia, landscape, landslide, landlord, landmark,

landlady, handle, handwriting, pancake, handsome,

handbook, handkerchief, handful, sandwich,

sandstone, Wednesday, grandma, half, half-witted,

halfpenny, halfprice, calf, draft, leaflet


islet, lisp, aisle, chamois, corps, corpse, rendezvous, alas,

psyche, Illinois, chassis, scheme, lisle, sparse

c, ch:

Cecil, corpuscle, scholastic, miscellaneous, excuse, cliché,

skeptic, indict, Scylla, muscle, muscular, scheme, yacht,

excessive, adolescent, victual, scanty, discipline, acquit


Christmas, Christine, Christopher, pastry, pastel, listless,

postal, listen, glisten, fasten, haste, hasten, christen, soften,

moist, moisten, thistle, bristle, Bristol, pistol, Priestley,

whistle, nestle, nestling, wrestle, rustle, rustling, bust, jostle,

apostle, monstrous, ballot, ballet, buffet, restaurant, debut


3. ~ Прочитайте слова с непроизносимыми соглас­


doubt, campaign, design, foreign, sign, hour, vehicle,

honest, honour, exhibit, exhibition, know, knew, known,

knee, knife, knock, knight, autumn, column, hymn, bomb,

climb, comb, thumb, coup, corps, cup, board, receipt,

pneumonia, psyche, raspberry, pneumatic, pseudonym,

island, isle, aisle, often, listen, mortgage, castle, postpone,

whistle, ballet, fasten, hasten, waltz, wrestle


4. ~ Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Thomas White lives in West London with his wife Bess and their three children – two sons and a daughter. Tom is an economist with a big company and earns to keep such a big family. Tom is always very busy on weekdays. He stays at his office till half past six and only gets home at seven o’clock.

Perhaps his wife Bess isn’t a very beautiful woman, but she is a kind person, an excellent mother and a good wife to her husband. And she always makes the difficult decisions in the family. Tom finds this very convenient. Bess is an excellent cook, too. She just loves to cook! It’s her hobby.

There are a lot of nice cafes, restaurants, pubs and snack bars nearby, but the Whites like to have their meals at home.


5. ~ Прочитайте и переведите без словаря:

medicine, clinic, hospital, sanatorium, service, ambulance,

doctor, dentist, oculist, patient, epidemic, symptom, nerve,

vein, analysis, temperature, pulse, diagnosis, crisis,

operation, diet, instruction, tablet, pill, capsule, container,

mixture, iodine, plaster, thermometer, bandage, injection,

compress, antiseptic, recreation, relaxation, pneumonia,

tuberculosis, bronchitis, abscess


6. ~ Прочитайте, переведите и выучите наизусть:

Four things a woman should know:

How to look like a girl,

How to act like a lady,

How to think like a man,

How to work like a horse.


7. ~ Выучите скороговорку:

William wants to know whether the weather will be wet.


8. ~ Выучите пословицы:

Custom is the second nature.

Time brings wisdom.

Eat at pleasure, drink for measure.


9. ~ Выучите стихотворение наизусть:

A right-handed fellow named Wright

In writing “ write” always wrote “right”

Where he meant to write “right”,

If he’d written “ write” right,

Wright would not have wrought “rot” writing “ rite”.


10. ~ ² Выучите диалоги наизусть:

А. You know, I am hungry. Have we got any cold meat in the house?

В. No, but we have some bread, butter and milk.

А. Can you cook a cake?

В. Of course, I can.

A. Oh, good.


B. Are all your children grown up, Alice?

A. Oh, yes. Laura is the cleverest one. She is an economist.

B. Very interesting. And what about Betty?

A. She is a secretary. She works for a big firm.

B. And what about Tom?

A. Tom is a student of the University. He is going to be a psychologist.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 236 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Unit 12. ЧТЕНИЕ БУКВ | Unit 16. РАЗЛИЧИЯ В АНГЛИЙСКОМ И АМЕРИКАНСКОМ ПРАВОПИСАНИИ | Ударение в составных словах | Unit 18. РИТМИЧЕСКИЕ ГРУППЫ. ИНТОНАЦИЯ | Разбейте предложения на синтагмы, расставьте | Unit 19. ЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ УДАРЕНИЕ | Unit 20. ТЕКСТЫ И ДИАЛОГИ ДЛЯ |
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