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The structure of a company

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Рег. № _________________

Методичні рекомендації

за темою “ Structure and hierarchy in a company ”

Для проведення практичних занять

з дисципліни “ Іноземна мова ”

для студентів 2 курсу

для спеціальності 0306 Менеджмент і адміністрування

напряму підготовки 6.030601 Менеджмент

факультету економіки

Херсон 2010

Методичні рекомендації для проведення практичних занятьз дисципліни „Іноземна мова” для студентів 2 курсу факультету економіки спеціальності „Менеджмент і адміністрування” за темою „Structure and hierarchy in a company ”.

Укладач: викл. Якушенко І.О., кількість сторінок 16.



Рецензент: доц.Фоменко Н.С.




на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов

протокол № від

Зав.кафедри ____________доц.Фоменко Н.С.


Методичні рекомендації для проведення практичних занятьз дисципліни „Іноземна мова” для студентів 2 курсу факультету економіки спеціальності „ Менеджмент і адміністрування ” за темою „ Structure and hierarchy in a company ”складені відповідно до вимог діючої програми з англійської мови для студентів технічних вузів.



- формувати навички і вміння вивчаючого читання на основі тексту “Structure and hierarchy in a company”

- формувати навички і вміння монологічного мовлення за темою заняття

- формувати навички і вміння аудіювання за темою заняття

- формувати навички і вміння ознайомлювального читання на основі запропонованого тексту

- формувати навички і вміння діалогічного мовлення за темою заняття

Розвиваюча: розвивати пізнавальну та творчу активність студентів

Освітня: сприяти розширенню світогляду студентів

Виховна: виховувати почуття поваги до майбутньої спеціальності

Структура заняття:

I. Організаційний момент


II. Активізація і закріплення лексичного мінімуму заняття.

1. Give Ukrainian/English equivalents of the following

2.Match the items in columns


III. Формування навичок і вмінь вивчаючого читання тексту „ Structure and hierarchy in a company ”

1. Find the sentences in the text describing

2. Agree or disagree with the following statements

3. Answer the following questions to the text


IV. Формування навичок і вмінь монологічного мовлення по темі “ Structure and hierarchy in a company ”

1.. Tell about structure and hierarchy in a company. Use the following chart


V. Формування навичок і вмінь аудіювання


1.Listen to a short dialogue.

Look at the structural chart of the company discussed in the

conversation. Fill in the missing information.

Identify which information in the chart was not mentioned in the

conversation you heard.



VI. Формування навичок і вмінь ознайомлювального читання на основі тексту


1. Look through text B for 8 min without dictionary

2. Explain what you understand about the following:

3. Summarize the main idea of the text in one sentence


VII. Формування навичок і вмінь діалогічного мовлення по темі: “ Structure and hierarchy in a company ”


1. Work in pairs. Make up the dialogues of your own on the following situations.

Dramatize them.


VIII. Заключний етап уроку.

1. Пояснення домашнього завдання

2. Підведення підсумків уроку


I. Vocabulary.

Exercise 1.Read and memorize the following words and words combinations.

proprietor - власник syn. owner to be at the head of – очолювати syn. to head
to hold a meeting – проводити збори to be responsible for - бути відповідальним за syn. to be in charge of    
a stockholder – акціонер syn. a shareholder to ensure - гарантувати
annual stockholders’ meeting - щорічні збори акціонерів the chain of command – службові інстанції
to take into account – приймати до уваги parent company – головна компанія
executive body – виконавчий орган commodities –товари вжитку syn. goods
to be accountable to – бути підзвітним operation – діяльність syn. activity
nominal – формальний Production Department – відділ виробництва
running - управління The Board of Directors (the Executive Board in the USA)- виконавча рада
subsidiary – дочірнє підприємство, філія syn. affiliate Chairperson (President in the USA)- голова
day-to-day - щоденний Managing Director (The Senior Vice -President)- директор - розпорядник
to preside - головувати The Chief Executive Officer – керуючий вищого рангу
to subdivide - підрозділяти Research and Development (R&D) Department – відділ дослідження та розвитку
peculiar - особливий Chief Accountant – головний бухгалтер
to maintain - підтримувати Public Relations Manager – менеджер зі зв’язків з громадськістю
division - розподіл Human Resources (Personnel) Department – відділ кадрів
to facilitate – полегшувати, робити можливим, допомагати Accounting sector – сектор (сфера) обліку
to make report – пред’являти звіт Sales sector –сектор(сфера) продажу
efficient - ефективний hierarchy - ієрархія


Exercise 2. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following:

to hold a meeting

a stockholder


to make report

to maintain


to be at the head of

to subdivide

Sales sector


Exercise 3. Give English equivalents of the following:

бути відповідальним за

виконавчий орган


відділ дослідження та розвитку

директор - розпорядник


службові інстанції

сфера обліку

виконавча рада


Exercise 4. Match the items in columns:

1. Production Department   2. Marketing Department   3. Research and Development (R&D) Department   4.Board of Directors   5.Human Resources (Personnel) Department   6.Finance Department   7.The meeting of stockholders     a). is the highest executive body of the company responsible for its functioning in the interval between annual stockholders’ meetings b). is in charge of manufacturing the commodities that the company sells c). recruits the personnel and trains them d). is responsible for financing e). elects the Chairperson and votes the most important issues f). is engaged in research connected with new product development g). is engaged in marketing research, is often responsible for advertising the company’s products


II. Reading.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text A.

Text A. Structure and hierarchy in a company.

Most companies are made up of three groups of people: the shareholders (who provide the capital), the management and the workforce.

The highest executive body in a company is the Board of Directors (the Executive Board in the USA). It is accountable to stockholders, and the Board reports to them at the annual stockholders’ meetings. The Board is responsible for policy decisions and strategy. The Chairperson of the company (the President in the USA) usually makes the report. The Chairperson is the nominal head of the company, and is elected at the annual stockholders’ meeting. But the Chairperson does not supervise the day-to-day running of the company. A Managing Director (Chief Executive Officer or the Senior Vice-President in the USA) is responsible for running the company. He or she has the real executive power, though the Chairperson presides in the Board of Directors. The other members of this board are the following directors (vice-presidents in the USA): Production Director(a Vice-President for Production), Marketing Director(a Vice –President for Marketing), Financial Director(a Vice-President for Finance and Administration) and Transportation Director(a Vice-President for Shipping).

Every Director is responsible for the operation of one or more departments. Executive departments may vary, depending on the company and its activity, but some that are found most frequently are Production, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources (Personnel), and Research and Development (R&D). The Personnel Department is usually under the supervision of the Financial Director, while the R&D Department is under the Production Director. Departments heads are called managers, and they are supervised by directors. Departments, in their turn, may be subdivided into sections or sectors. For instance, the Marketing Department may have a Market Research Sector, a Sales Sector, and an Advertising and Promotions Sector. The Finance Department may be divided into Financial Management Sector and Accounting Sector, with the Chief Accountant at the head of the latter.

There are some peculiar positions in a company’s hierarchy. One of them is a Public Relations(PR) Manager who either belongs to the Marketing Department or heads a special sector. PR Manager’s job is creating and maintaining the best possible image for the company in the eyes of the public.

A big company may also have divisions. This happens when the goods produced by the company are quite different. Many companies are also divided geographically. There are special departments, managers, directors responsible for operations in certain geographical territories, countries, continents. Geographical division facilitates management and allows taking local peculiarities into account.

Finally, companies often have subsidiaries (affiliates) that are more or less autonomous. An affiliate is another company owned by a parent company. An affiliate appears when a parent company becomes the owner of more than 50% of its capital.

The structure and hierarchy of a company is quite complicated. This structure and hierarchy is called “ the chain of command ” and ensures the company’s efficient functioning.


III language.

Exercise 6. Find and translate the sentences with –ing forms in Ukrainian. Define their functions.

  1. The Chairperson does not supervise the day-to-day running of the company.
  2. A Managing Director is responsible for running the company.
  3. PR Manager’s job is creating and maintaining the best possible image for the company in the eyes of the public.
  4. Geographical division facilitates management and allows takin g local peculiarities into account.
  5. Executive departments may vary, depending on the company and its activity.


Exercise 7. Match the verbs in A with a suitable noun in B to make as many collocations as you can. Translate them.


1. to facilitate a). stockholders

2. to create b) the Board of Directors

3. to take into account c). management

4. to be subdivided into d). operation of a department

5. to preside (in) e). image of the company

6. to be responsible for f). local peculiarities

7. to be accountable to h). report

8. to make i). sections

Exercise 8. Write down the American equivalents for the titles of the following British executives:

British American

1. Chairperson

2. Managing Director

3. Director

4. Production Director

5. Financial Director

6. Marketing Director


IV Comprehension

Exercise 9. Find the sentences in the text describing:

a). functions of the Board of Directors;

b). the role of the Chairperson;

c). main responsibility of a Managing Director;

d). geographical division of a company;

e). subdivision of departments;

Exercise 10. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use expressions:

You are right, I agree with you; I’m afraid you are wrong, I can’t agree with you.

1. The Board of Directors is the highest executive body in a company.

2. Accounting Sector is headed by the Chief Accountant.

3. Department heads are called managers and they are supervised by the Chairperson.

4. A big company has divisions when the commodities produced by it are quite different.

5. Every Director is responsible for the operation of the company.

6. A Public Relations Manager heads the Production Department.


Exercise 11. Answer the following questions to the text;

1. Who is the nominal head of a company?/Is he or she elected or appointed? By whom?

2. Who has the real executive power in a company?/Does he or she often preside in the highest executive body of a company?

3. Who are the members of the Board of Directors?

4. What departments can usually be found in big companies, and which directors supervise these departments?

5. What is a subsidiary?


V Oral Speech

Exercise 12. Tell about structure and hierarchy in a company. Use the

following chart:


The structure of a company

The meeting of shareholders  


The Board of Directors
Managing director

Research and Development Director
Production Director
Market Research Sector


Regional departments with Regional managers responsible for company’s activities on certain geographical territories.

VI Comprehension

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 541 | Нарушение авторских прав

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