Eco-terraces: Urban jungle
Eco-terraces are the next big thing in rooftop developments, says Stephen Kennett. It pays to have green fingers.
Arup Associates’ design for Ropemaker includes four eco-terraces cascading down one side of the building. Gary Alden, a senior landscape architect, says: “Standard green roofs have become popular and clients and architects see the potential to make them into useable terraces. It becomes a unique selling point for these buildings.”
Lee Hosking, an architect with Arup Associates, says the decision to incorporate useable roof is often dictated by the type of building. “If it’s a tall, slim tower, you don’t have much of a chance. But if you have a low-rise building or one that is a series of steps, you consider it straightaway.”
| Minister welcomes new green building code
Planning minister Margaret Beckett gave a cautious welcome last week to the UK Green Building Council's proposed Code for Sustainable Buildings. The minister said: “I am very willing to listen to people coming forward with ideas to reduce carbon emissions.
“The code should ensure consistency of approach between all policies, tools, guidance and initiatives. It should set the standards, metrics and targets that all sustainability tools should be aligned to and compliant with.”
“At the moment the practical delivery and management of sustainable buildings is being held up by a confusing myriad of different policies, regulations, tools and standards.