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Make up your own family tree. Describe your family.

Читайте также:
  1. A- Pedigree (family tree)
  2. A. The article below describes the lives of two Russian teachers of English, Anya and Olga. Read the article and find out whether they are satisfied with their jobs.
  3. B) Describe the weather in your own country, its specific part or your own region. Use topical vocabulary (point 3).
  4. B. Describe the appearance and the character of your favourite sportsman.
  5. Business, marriage and family
  6. C Nursing care for family members
  7. Can you describe how your house or apartment is decorated and layed out?



On weekdays the alarm-clock wakes me up at 6 a.m. and my working day begins. I am not an early-riser, that's why it's very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter. As a rule I stay in bed for a few minutes. But all the same, it is time to get up and start getting ready for my study.

I do my bed and go to the bathroom where I take a warm shower, clean my teeth, comb my hair.

While I am having breakfast, I switch on the radio and listen to the music. I usually have a cup of coffee and some sandwiches for breakfast. I don't like to eat a lot in the morning.

I leave the house at 7 a.m. and go to the nearest bus-stop. It takes me 20 minutes to get to the Institute. On the way to the Institute I often meet my group-mates and we go on together talking shop.

My working day lasts for 7 hours. I am at studies from 8 o'clock in the morning to 3 o'clock in the afternoon. We have classes five times a week.

At 11 o'clock in the afternoon we have lunch. We usually have lunch in the self-service canteen which is on the first floor. It does not take me long to have my midday meal. During our working day we also have several short coffee breaks. But sometimes we have no time for them.

As a rule I have to go to our library and prepare my homework after classes. I come home at 6 o'clock in the evening. My parents are usually at home, waiting for me. We have dinner together. Then we sit in the living room, drink tea, watch TV or just talk.

By the end of the week I get very tired. All I can do on week-ends is to sleep till 11 o'clock, watch television, listen to the music and read something interesting.


Vocabulary Bank

alarm-clock будильник
earlyriser ранняя пташка
as a rule как правило
all the same все равно
shower душ
to talk shop болтать
group-mate одногруппник
five times a week пять раз в неделю
self-service canteen столовая самообслуживания
tired уставший





Answer the following questions.

1. When does your alarm-clock wake you up?

2. Are you an early riser?

3. Do you get up at once?

4. What do you do before breakfast?

5. What do you have for breakfast?

6. What are you?

7. How do you get to your Institute?

8. How long does it take you to get to Institute?

9. You have classes five times a week, don't you?

10. When do your classes begin?

11. Do you have your midday meal at home or at a self-service canteen?

12. What do you usually do in the evening?



Match the adjectives in the left column with their opposites in the right. Give the comparative and superlative degrees of all these adjectives.

1) difficult a) cold
2) warm b) short
3) near c) last
4) first d) boring
5) long e) energetic
6) tired f) easy
7) interesting g) far
8) old h) bad
9) good i) young


Continue the following sentences.

1. My working day usually …

2. For breakfast I …

3. I leave …

4. It takes me …

5. On the way to the Institute I …

6. We have classes …

7. I usually have lunch …

8. After classes I …

9. On weekends I …


Match the words from the text with their corresponding definitions.

1. A term referring to two traditionally non-working days in a seven-days week is...

2. A clock that is designed to make a loud sound at a specific time is...

3. The last of three to five daily meals is...

4. An Institute cafeteria for snacks and more substantial hot meals is...

5. A student of your group is …


The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It was formed by the union of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801, but Southern Ireland broke away in 1921. The official name of the country is often abbreviated to the United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain, Englandor the UK.

Its area is 244,046 square kilometers (94,201 square miles). The capital of the UK is London. The country is located in the north west of Europe. It is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the English Channel and the North Sea. The main rivers of the UK are the Thames, the Tees, the Tweed, the Trent. The geographical position has made the United Kingdom a commercial and maritime power,

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and it is made up of England, Wales, Scotlandand Northern Ireland. Wales became an English principality in 1284, Scotland and England were officially joined as Great Britain in 1707. Each of the four parts of the UK consists of counties.



Answer the following questions.

1. What is the official name of the country?

2. What other names are used for the name of the country?

3. How large is the UK?

4. What is the capital of the UK? What can you say about this city?

5. What are the main rivers in the country?

6. What can you say about its administrative and political system?



In the past English industrial prosperity rested on a few important products, such as textiles, coal and heavy machinery. Now the UK has a great variety of industries, for example: heavy and light industry, chemical, aircraft, electrical, automobile and many other industries. The United Kingdom is considered one of the world's major manufacturing nations. Now high technology industries are more developed than heavy engineering. Heavy engineering and other traditional industries have experienced a certain decline.

Certain areas are traditionally noted for various types of industries. For instance, Newcastle is famous for coal industry, the county of Lancashire for its textile industry. The Midlands, or the central counties of England, are famous for the production of machinery, coal, motor cars and chemicals. In recent times regional industrial distinctions have become less clear as more and more new factories are built in the different parts of the country.

Speaking about the cities of the United Kingdom the first mention should be made of London, the capital of the UK. It is a big port on the River Thames, a major commercial and industrial centre.

Leeds is a centre of clothing industry producing woolen articles. Glasgow is a major port on the River Clyde where shipbuilding industry is developed. Liverpool on the River Mersey is a flour milling and engineering centre. Birmingham is an iron and steel centre. Manchester is famous for textiles manufacturing.

Three-quarters of the United Kingdom's land is dedicated to agriculture. About two per cent of the United Kingdom population is engaged in agriculture, but the yields of English farms and pastures are very high. Wheat, barley, oats and potatoes are the most important crops grown. Sheep, cattle and pigs are the most numerous types of livestock. Sheep is a source of both wool for textile industry and mutton for food industry. Mutton is the best liked English meat.



1. Answer the following questions:

1. What industries were developed in Great Britain some years ago?

2. The United Kingdom is considered one of the world's major manufacturing nations, isn’t it?

3. What is developing now?

4. What are certain areas noted for and why?

5. What is London (Liverpool, Glasgow, Birmingham) famous for?

6. How many people are engaged into agriculture?


Give a short summary of the text.


The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). It occupies the southern part of North America and stretches from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. It also includes Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. The total area of the country is about nine and a half million square kilometers. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It also has a sea-boarder with Russia.

The USA is made up of 50 states and the District of Columbia, a special federal area where the capital of the country, Washington, is situated. The population of the country is more than 270 million.

If we look at the map of the USA, we can see lowlands and mountains. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada. The highest peak is Mount McKinley which is located in Alaska.

America's largest rivers are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande and the Columbia. The Great Lakes on the border with Canada are the largest and deepest in the USA.

The climate of the country varies greatly. The coldest regions are in the north. The climate of Alaska is arctic. The climate of the central part is continental. The south has a subtropical climate. Hot winds blowing from the Gulf of Mexico often bring typhoons. The climate along the Pacific coast is much warmer than that of the Atlantic coast.

Though mainly European and African in origin, Americans are made up from nearly all races and nations, including Chinese and Native Americans.

The largest cities are: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San-Francisco, Washington and others.

The United States is a federal union of 50 states, each of which has its own government. The seat of the central (federal) government is Washington, DC. According to the US Constitution the powers of the government are divided into 3 branches: the executive, headed by the President, the legislative, exercised by the Congress, and the judicial. The Congress consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

There are two main political parties in the USA: the Republican and the Democratic, though there's hardly any difference between their political lines.



Vocabulary Bank

to occupy занимать
to stretch простираться
to include включать в себя
total area общая площадь
to have a border иметь границу
to border граничить
to be made up of состоять из
to be located располагаться
to be situated быть расположенным
to blow дуть
government правительство
branches of power отрасли власти
the executive power исполнительная власть
the legislative power законодательная власть
the judicial power судебная власть
to consist of состоять из



1. Write down the Russian equivalents:

The United States of America, the southern part, the total area, it borders on Canada, made up of, a special federal area, the population, lowlands and mountains, bring typhoons, a federal union, the executive power, the legislative power, the judicial power.


2. Form comparative and superlative degrees of these adjectives:

Deep, developed, heavy, famous, recent, sweet, old, short, important, natural, cold, long, large, difficult, good, bad, late.


Answer the following questions.

1. What are the shorter names for the United States of America?

2. What two countries does it border on?

3. What is the total area of the country?

4. How many states does it consist of?

5. What can you say about the surface and the climate of the USA?

6. What are the longest rivers in America?

7. What is the capital of the country?

8. What states are familiar to you?

9. Who is the head of the executive power of the country?

10. What are the main political parties in the country?


Insert the correct preposition.

The United States … America.

It consists … 50 states.

The District … Columbia is governed … Congress.

It is located … the north … the States.

The USA borders … Mexico.


Using some additional information complete the table and write down the names of the states and their capitals.

State Capital Capital State
New York   Boston  
Alaska   Helena  
California   Albany  
Hawaii   Bismarck  
Texas   Columbus  
Washington   Salem  


Sum up what the text says about the geographic position of the USA; the administrative structure of the USA.




The United States of America is a highly developed industrialized country. Shipbuilding, electronics, automobile industry, aircraft industry, space research are highly developed in the States.

Each region of the United States has characteristics of its own due to the differences in climate, landscape and geographical position.

Great Lakes, Atlantic Coast, Pennsylvania, New Jersy are the biggest industrial regions of the country.

The United States has a lot of mineral deposits or resources such as coal, gold, silver, copper, lead and zink. The south, especially Texas is rich in oil. The coalfields of Pennsylvania are rich in coal. There are plenty of coal mines.

Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska is the richest farming region of America and it is known as the Corn Belt. The land is fertile and well watered. They grow most corn and wheat there. Many livestock are also raised here.

There is a lot fruit raising area. For example, California oranges, grapefruit, lemons, as well as other fruits, wines and vegetables are shipped all over the States and to other parts of the world. The most important crops grown in the States are also tobacco, soy-beans, peanuts, grapes and many others.

There are a lot of large and modern cities, but a great proportion of the country consists of open land dotted with farm-houses and small towns. The usual average town, in any part of the United States, has its Main Street with the same types of stores selling the same products. Many American residential areas tend to have a similar look. As to big cities their centers or downtowns look very much alike. Downtown is the cluster of skyscrapers imitations of New York giants.

New York City is the first biggest city of the States. Its population is more than twelve million people, suburbs included. It is a financial and advertising business centre. It is also a biggest seaport of the Hudson River. Industry of consumer goods is also developed here.

Chicago with a population of more than three and a half million is the second largest city in the USA. It deals in wheat and other grains, cattle meat processing and manufacturing.

The big cities are New Orleans, a cotton industry centre, Los Angeles with Hollywood, Philadelphia, a shipping commercial centre, Detroit, a world's leading motor car producer and many others.


Vocabulary Bank


space космос, пространство
research исследование
space research космическое исследование
due to вследствие, из-за
climate климат
landscape ландшафт
coast берег
Atlantic coast Атлантическое побережье
mineral deposits / resources запасы полезных ископаемых
gold золото
silver серебро
copper медь
lead свинец
zinc цинк
rich богатый
to be rich in smth быть богатым чем-либо
plenty of много
mine шахта, рудник
to mine добывать руду
mining (industry) добывающая промышленность
corn кукуруза
pop-corn попкорн
belt пояс
The Corn Belt Кукурузный пояс
fertile плодородный, изобильный
fertility плодородие, изобилие
to water снабжать влагой, поливать, орошать
water вода
well watered хорошо орошаемый
to raise выращивать
to raise livestock выращивать домашний скот
vegetable овощ, растительный
to ship отправлять, отгружать
to dot усеивать
to be dotted with smth быть усеянным чем-либо
average среднее число, средний
store магазин
to tend иметь тенденцию
to look like выглядеть одинаково
downtown деловая часть города
cluster скопление, концентрация
skyscraper небоскреб
giant гигант
suburb пригород
to include включать
to advertise рекламировать
advertisement (ad) реклама
consumer goods потребительские товары
to deal in smth иметь дело с чем-либо
to deal with smb иметь дело с кем-либо
to refine очищать, повышать качество
oil refining centre, refinery нефтеперерабатывающий центр
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Национальное управление по аэронавтике и исследованиям космического пространства
cotton хлопок, хлопчатобумажный




Explain the usage of the articles and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The US has a lot of mineral deposits.

2. The south is rich in oil.

3. Illinois is one of the richest farming regions of America.

4. There is a lot of fruit raising area.

5. California is one of the biggest grapes raising areas.

6. The most important crops grown in the States are tobacco, soybeans, grapes.


Use the nouns in the right form (singular or plural).

1. The population of New York City is more than eight million (people).

2. Chicago with a (population) of more than three and a half million is the second largest (city) in the US.

3. Chicago deals in wheat and other (grain).

4. Other big (city) are Huston, New Orleans and Los Angeles.

5. Huston is an oil refining and NASA space research (centre).

6. By the way, (Englishman) spell the name of the city as Houston.

7. Its (population) is about 1.213.000 (people).


Form the words as in the example.

to process meat – meat processing

to process milk

to produce cars

to refine oil

to raise livestock

to grow grains

to build ships

to build machines

to build bridges

Translate into Russian paying attention to the words in italics.

a highly developed industrialized country

fruit raising area

an advertising business centre

the second largest city

cattle meat processing

a cotton industry centre

a shipping commercial centre

a world leading motor car producer

NASA space research centre

a flour milling centre

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Благодаря различиям в климате, природе и географическом положении каждый регион США имеет свои специфические черты.

2.Земли здесь плодородны и хорошо орошаемы.

3. Выращивают в основном кукурузу и пшеницу.

4. Также разводят много скота.

5. Большие площади заняты фруктовыми садами.

6. Фрукты и овощи Калифорнии вывозят в другие штаты и страны.

7. Значительная часть территории – это равнина с большим количеством ферм и маленьких городов.


Match the cities and their main characteristics and make sentences of your own.

New York the first biggest city of the States
New Orleans the second largest city
Detroit an oil refining and space research centre
Huston a cotton industry centre
Chicago Hollywood
Los Angeles a shipping commercial centre
Philadelphia the world's leader in car producing


7. Sum up what the text says about:

the look of a modern big city and its downtown;

the look of a town and its Main Street;

mineral resources f the country;

the Corn Belt;

the state of California.


Say what else do you know about the states and cities of the USA.



In the system of the consumers' cooperatives there are several higher educational establishments. The Saransk Cooperative Institute is one of them. It came into existence as the Saransk branch of the Moscow University of Consumers' Cooperatives in 1976 and in 1995 it became the Institute. Now it is a branch of the Russian University of Cooperation.

The Institute trains specialists for the consumers' cooperatives.

There are several faculties in the Institute:

1) the Faculty of Foreign Economic Affairs trains managers, economists speaking two foreign languages;

2) the Faculty of Law trains lawyers;

3) the Faculty of Finance and Goods Expertise trains financiers, specialists of banking system and goods experts;

4) the Faculty of Accountancy and Information Technologies trains book-keepers, auditors and economists in the sphere of Informational Technologies.

Each Faculty has its own dean's office. The training course runs for five years for full-time students and for six years for extra-mural students.

The first and the second-year students take mostly general scientific subjects and have lectures and seminars in special subjects. From the third year the students are taught various professional subjects. The fifth-year students do their practical training at different enterprises.

The Institute has all the necessary modern accommodations – classrooms, laboratories, several computer classes and various technical equipment.

The students are also provided with hostels, a library, some reading halls, a gymnasium and a clinic.

There are many different clubs and societies at the Institute.


Vocabulary Bank

consumers' cooperatives потребительская кооперация
higher educational establishment высшее учебное заведение
to come into existence появляться
branch филиал
to train готовить, обучать
law закон
the Faculty of Law факультет правоведения
The Faculty of Finance and Goods Expertise факультет финансов и экспертизы товаров
financier финансист
book-keeper бухгалтер
auditor ревизор
The Faculty of Accountancy and Information Technologies факультет бухгалтерского учета и прикладной информатики
opportunity возможность
dean's office деканат
training course срок обучения
to run зд. длиться
full-time students студенты дневного отделения
extra-mural students студенты-заочники
general scientific subjects общественные науки
professional subjects специальные предметы
to do practical training проходить практику
necessary modern accommodation необходимые современные удобства
technical equipment техническое оборудование  



Answer the following questions.

1. When did the Saransk branch of the MUCC become the Institute?

2. How many faculties are there in our Institute?

3. Which faculty trains managers-economists speaking two foreign languages?

4. Whom does the Finance and Accountancy Faculty train?

5. What can you say about the Correspondence Faculty?

6. Each faculty has its own dean's office, doesn't it?

7. What is the training course for the full-time students?

8. What subjects do the first and the second-year students study?

9. What can you say about the fifth-year students?

10. Are the students provided with any accommodations?

11. Say a few words about technical equipment of the Institute.


Find the English equivalents to the following.

Высшее учебное заведение, существование, готовить специалистов для потребительской кооперации, менеджеры-экономисты, говорящие на двух иностранных языках, финансисты, бухгалтеры, ревизоры, заочный факультет, возможность обучения без отрыва от производства, деканат, обучение длится в течение, студент заочного отделения, студент дневного отделения, общеобразовательные предметы, профессиональные предметы, современные удобства, техническое оборудование.


3. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the text.

1. In the system of the consumers' cooperatives there are several...

2. The Saransk Cooperative Institute came into existence as the Saransk... of the MUCC in 1976.

3. The Faculty of foreign economic affairs... managers.

4.... trains financiers, book-keepers, auditors.

5. The training course... for 5 years for... students and for 6 years for... students.

6. The first and the second-year students take... subjects and from the third year students are taught various... subjects.

7. The students are also... with hostel, accommodations, a library, some reading halls, a gymnasium and a clinic.



4. Join two nouns. Use an apostrophe (') with or without «s» or … of ….

Example: the door + the room – the door of the room;

the teacher + Ann – Ann's teacher.


1) the opportunities + the financiers;

2) the journals + the book-keepers;

3) the higher educational establishments + our town;

4) the reading halls + the library;

5) the windows + the Institute;

6) the affairs + the manager;

7) the subjects + the student;

8) the branches + our economy;

9) the clubs + our Institute;

10) the speciality + John.




Shopping in the USA

Americans go shopping in four main types of stores: supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores and delis.

Supermarkets are the largest. They often have a wide variety of dairy products, cereals, bread and baked goods, prepared, canned and frozen food, ice-cream and desserts, paper products and much more. Prices are usually marked on the packages or the signs near the goods. There are usually carts and baskets, so you can carry the goods, which you have chosen, around the store. Usually supermarkets have several cashiers. In general, they are open from Monday to Friday from 9 to 6 p.m., and on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Some supermarkets are open on Sundays as well.

Grocery stores are smaller than supermarkets. As a rule, they carry most of the same types of products, but in smaller quantity and less variety. Prices are usually similar to those in the supermarkets. In general, grocery stores work the same hours as supermarkets.

Convenience stores are called this because of their hours of operation – usually from at least 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. and sometimes round the clock. They usually carry a very limited selection of goods and brands.

Delis usually carry only cold cuts (sliced ham, turkey, salami, chicken, roast beef and cheese) to use in sandwiches, breads, beverages and condiments. Some delis also carry selections of prepared foods and other items.



In the Supermarket

Father: Let's start from the very beginning. Do we buy any dairy products?

John: Yes, we'll take half a kilo of sour cream and three hundred grams of mayonnaise.

F.: Do you want any cheese? There is no cheese in the list.

J.: What about taking some? Just to be on the safe side.

F.: How much shall we take, do you think?

J.: About four hundred grams. This piece will do.

F.: Right. Let's take a packet of milk as well.

J.: What about canned goods? We need a can of peas, a can of strawberry jam for the cookies and a liter of sunflower oil.

F.: Do we have to buy any meat?

J.: No, we don't. But we must buy some salami. Shall I ask the shop-assistant to slice it?

F.: We'd better buy sliced salami in a vacuum package. It has a better taste, in my opinion. And what will you say about buying some smoked salmon?

J.: I'd love some. Take this pack, please, will you? Now let's go to the confectionery, I want to choose a chocolate cake!



Vocabulary Bank


appetizer, snack закуска  
bacon бекон  
beef, veal телятина  
biscuit печенье, крекер  
boil варить  
fry жарить  
chocolate шоколад  
confectionery кондитерский отдел  
cook, to cook повар, готовить  
dairy молочные продукты  
milk молоко  
cream сливки  
sour cream сметана  
butter сливочное масло  
yogurt йогурт  
cottage cheese творог  
cheese сыр  
fruit фрукты  
apple яблоко  
banana банан  
pear груша  
peach персик  
plum слива  
grocery store продовольственный магазин  
peel очищать от кожуры, чистить  
fish рыба  
juice сок  
pork свинина  
rice рис  
spice специя, пряность  
spicy пряный  
course блюдо  
vegetables овощи  
cabbage капуста  
beetroot свекла  
carrot морковь  
cucumber огурец  
pickled cucumbers соленые огурцы
to be out of to run of подходить к концу
Anything else? Что-нибудь еще?
by the way кстати
refrigerator холодильник
  department store универмаг  
  a week в неделю  
  quality качество  
  chain shop сеть магазинов  
  department отдел  
  to sell продавать  
  furniture мебель  
  sale зд. распродажа  
  goods товары  
  to try on примерить  
  fitting-room примерочная  
  to pay in cash платить наличными  
  cash desk касса  
  low heel на низком каблуке  
  by the way между прочим  
  get a refund получить назад деньги  
  exchange обменять  
  just keep your receipt только не потеряйте квитанцию  




1. Make up ten questions on text «Shopping in the USA».

Make up a shopping list for John and his father.

Write a recipe of any meat salad.

4. Speak about your meals. What do you usually eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner? What are your favourite dishes?

Answer the following questions.

1. Who does the shopping for food in your family?

2. You like shopping, don't you? What types of stores do you like?

3. What food stores are there in your location?

4. Describe the nearest grocery store or supermarket. Are there many departments? What are they like? Is it a self-service store?

5. How often do you go shopping for food?

6. What items do you usually buy when you go shopping for food?

7. What are your favourite dishes? Can you cook them?

8. Who cooks in your family?

9. Describe how to cook one of the dishes you like.

10. What things do you buy before your birthday party?


Translate the following dialogue into English.

– Мама, я иду в магазин. Что надо купить?

– У нас кончилось молоко. Зайди, пожалуйста, в молочный отдел и купи два литра молока.

– Что-нибудь еще?

– Можно купить двести граммов масла и граммов триста сыра. Да, кстати, можешь взять еще килограмм помидоров для салата и огурцов, если будут свежие.

– Можно взять маринованных огурцов?

– По-моему, у нас еще остались. Посмотри в холодильнике.

– Да, ты права. Но у нас нет майонеза. Пожалуй, я куплю немного.



7. Fill in each gap with a suitable form of the verbs to be or to have.

Oxford street … the main shopping street in London. It … a lot of nice shops and department stores. In the shops you can see things for men, women and children.

The shops … usually open six days a week. They … usually closed at 5.30 or at 6 o'clock in the evening. On some days they … open later.

Smaller Oxford street shops … all kinds of things for shoppers. They … dresses, coats, suits, shirts, blouses, hats, ties. In bigger ones people can buy more things: cameras, TV sets, mobile phones. In smaller shops things sometimes cheaper than in bigger ones but the quality … not always good.

Some chain shops … well-known in the country. Branches of the shops … open in a lot of towns and cities of the world. These shops are Marks & Spencer, C&A, Littlewoods, British Home Stores. Some chain shops … their branches in Moscow too.

Department stores … a lot of departments. They sell clothes, shoes, furniture, TV sets, video cameras, computers. Department stores sometimes … sales. Then the prices … lower because the stores want to sell their goods.

Shop assistants … usually very kind and friendly to shoppers. They can advise shoppers on the size, colour and fashion.


Read and translate these dialogues.

A. Seller: What can I do for you?

Customer: I'd like to buy a light suit, please.

S.: What's your size, sir?

C.: I think it's medium, but I'm not sure.

S.: What colour would you like?

C.: Grey or dark blue.

S.: Here you are. You can try it on. The fitting room is over there.

C.: Thank you. (10 minutes later). I'm afraid this one is too small, but I like the colour and the style. Can I have a larger one?

S.: Certainly. Is this one all right?

C. (from the fitting room): Yes, that's my size.

S.: I think it fits you. And this style is in fashion now.

C.: I'll take it. I like it. How much is it?

S.: It's 50 pounds. Will you pay in cash?

C.: Yes, please.

S.: The cash desk is over there. Thank you very much, sir.


B. Seller: Good morning, madam. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I'd like a pair of black shoes.

S.: What size and what style?

C.: Size five and a half, low heel, please.

S.: Here you are, madam. Will you try them on?

C.: I'm sorry. They are not for me. But I like the style and the quality. I'll take them.

S.: Would you like to have a box?

C.: Yes, please. I'll pay in cash. By the way, can I get a refund on them or exchange the pair?

S.: Any time, madam. Just keep your receipt.

C.: Thank you very much.


A) Put the words in the right order to make sentences. (B) Fill in the sentences into the dialogue. Act out the dialogue.

A. here fitting room is the

I'd buy a like sweater

is the over there cash desk

like sweater green I very this much

seldom skirts wear very I

yet I decided haven't

you what want do colour?

B. Shop assistant: Hello, can I help you?

Jane: Yes, please. …

S. A.: Very well. What size do you take?

J.: 46.

S. A.: And...?

J.: I don't know. … Light-blue or maybe red.

S. A.: Will you tell me then if you want a sweater for everyday wear or some special occasion?

J.: Actually, I would like something to put on to go to college. It mustn't be too conspicuous, but still I want a fashionable one.

S. A.: All right, I see. Do you want to wear it with jeans, pants or a skirt?

J.: As a matter of fact, …. Let's say jeans.

S. A.: Then I can offer you trying this blue one, or that green one. …

J.: Thank you. … It suits me very nicely.

S. A.: Do you want to take it?

J.: Yes, certainly.

S. A.: … I'll pack it for you.

J.: Here is the receipt. Thank you.

S. A.: Thank you very much. Have a nice day.


Translate the following dialogue into Russian.

Продавец: Чем могу быть полезен, сэр?

Клиент: Я хотел бы купить рубашку.

П.: Какой у вас размер?

К.: Думаю, шестой.

П.: Вот очень хорошая рубашка.

К.: Да, мне она тоже нравится. Но я хотел бы белую рубашку. Сколько она стоит?

П.: Пять фунтов.

К.: Она не очень дорогая. Я беру ее.

П.: Пожалуйста.


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