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Answer the questions on the text.

Читайте также:
  1. A Complete the questions with one word only.
  2. A Discuss these questions as a class.
  3. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  4. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  5. A new study looks at the relationship between media use and mental health, but does not answer a big question.
  6. A Read the text. Discuss these questions with a partner.
  7. A Work with a partner and discuss these questions.


1.1.Прочитайте текст та виконайте завдання. Вивчить слова і словосполучення та підготуйтеся до висловлювання за темою.

· investment- інвестування; вкладення капіталу

· currency- грошовий обіг, валюта

· maximize- збільшувати до максимуму

· dominate- панувати, переважати, впливати

· subsidiaries- дочірня, підконтрольна компанія

· interference- втручання, завада, перешкода, перепона

· joint-venture- спільне підприємство

· bribe- хабар, підкуп

· destabilize- дестабілізувати

In earlier times, most countries gave the multinationals a «red carpet» welcome because they saw such foreign investment as creating much-needed employment, stimulating the business sector generally, and possibly earning foreign currency if the company's products were exported. More recently, however, the tide has turned against the multinationals. They are now viewed by many with suspicion.

The multinational is big and rich. It often operates in industries which are difficult to enter and are of vital national importance, such as computer, chemical and automobile industries. Most important of all, the main objective of the multinational is to organize its activities around the world so as to maximize global profits and global market shares.

Increasingly, in recent years, governments have had to ask themselves whether multinationals are harming their national interests. In highly industrialized countries, a major source of worry is about the fact, that these foreign giants will take over smaller companies and gradually dominate an important industry.

Developing countries, in particular, have become concerned about their dependence on foreign investment in key sectors of their economy. They have become aware that foreign subsidiaries often take most of their profits out of the country rather than reinvest them in the company. Certain countries have accused the multinationals of political interference.

Most countries are now restricting the activities of their guests, the multinationals. Many developing countries will only allow new investment on a joint-venture basis. This means that local entrepreneurs, or state agencies must participate in the ownership and even management of the foreign enterprise.

Arguing against multinationals, critics cry in shrill tones that these organizations are engaged in anti-competitive activities, insensitively shut down plants, make huge bribes to gain contracts, interfere politically, destabilize currencies, underpay their workers and so on.

Those speaking for the defense see these corporations almost as international agencies, promoting peace, providing better, cheaper products, and bringing much needed resources, expertise and employment to the host countries.


Affiliate -партнерська компанія; філіал; компаньйон.


1.2.Дайте письмову відповідь на запитання.

Answer the questions on the text.

1. Why did most countries welcome multinationals?


2. What has happened recently?


3. How do countries try to restrict activities of multinationals?


4. In what major industries do multinationals operate?


5. What is the main aim of multinationals?


6. What are the disadvantages of the activities of multinationals?


7. What measures are taken by the government to protect home industries?



1.3.Приготуйтеся до висловлювання за нижченаведеним:

(Be ready to give your personal opinion on the following)

  1. The way multinationals are viewed in global world.
  2. The advantages and disadvantages of multinationals’ activities.

3. Arguments against and for multinationals.



Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 89 | Нарушение авторских прав

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