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Prince Schubert in Action

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Prince Schubert’s first move was to declare an amnesty for polit­ical prisoners and to invite home all Ruritanian expatriates. Those who had been jailed on false charges were exonerated by special tribunals. The young leader announced that he would abrogate* all of the oppressive flats that his predecessor had promulgated.* Things began to look up temporarily for the citi­zens who perceived in Prince Schubert the sincerity, idealism, and honesty that had been lacking in the mendacious King Andre.

Sample Sentences: Use the new words in the following sentences.

1. The publisher's ___________ claims led to a myriad* of law suits.

2. When the jury began to deliberate, they were prepared to ______ the culprit.*

3. The itinerant* poet, living abroad for twenty years, was a voluntary _______.

4. One cannot govern by _____________, the sedentary* mayor quickly learned; it

is necessary to get out and meet the citizens if you want their cooperation.

5. We recognized the dictator's ___________ as an obvious feint* that would be

withdrawn after Christmas.



Definitions: It will be a red letter day ' for you if you can match the new words with their meanings.

6. amnesty a. an exile

7. expatriate b.lying, untrue

8. exonerate c. a general pardon

9. fiat d.to free from guilt

10. mendacious e.an official order, a decree

Today's Idiom:

it's an ill wind that blows nobody good —someone usually bene­fits from another person's misfortune

When the star quarterback broke his leg, the coach gave the rookie his big chance and the youngster made good; the coach mumbled, "It’s an ill wind.'


19th Week 3rd Day


New Words: parsimonious pecuniary dismantle sumptuous underwrite


Reform Movement

In order to improve Ruritania's financial position, an astute* but parsimonious s treasurer was installed and given wide pecuniary powers. He tried to get the little country back on its feet by slashing all waste from its budget, dismantling K ing Andre's sumptuous palaces, and firing all incompetents. In addition, Prince Schubert was able to get the United States to underwrite a substantial loan that would enable him to start a program of public works. Even so, Ruritania was still in desperate trouble.


Sample Sentences: Prove that you are not a flash in the pan* by using the new words correctly in the following sentences.


1.I plan to_______ the stereo set and clean all the components.*

2. The _______ feast was prepared with impeccable* care.

3. Unless my boss modifies* his ______ attitude, a fractious* picket line is going to be erected.

4. Clarence Day deemed * that______ matters are best handled by men.

5. When our rivals agreed to______the cost of our trip, a myriad* of suspicions began to form in my mind.


Definitions: If you made mistakes above, you can now save face by matching the new words correctly with their meanings.


6. parsi­monious a. agree to finance

7. pecuniary b. financial

8. dismantle c. to strip of covering, take apart

9. sumptuous d. miserly

10. underwrite e. lavish


Today's Idiom

to know the ropes— to be fully acquainted with the pro­cedures

The president of the senior class knew the ropes and quickly taught me my duties.



19th Week/4th Day


New words: restrictive balk blunt nostalgia rife


Disappointment and Dedication

When Prince Schubert asked for additional restrictive meas­ures, the people began to balk. Speaking on radio, the young reformer explained the reasons for higher taxes and food rationing; he was blunt when he stated the need for personal sacrifices. Nevertheless, the resistance to reform was great, and nostalgia for the "good old days" of King Andre began to grow. The people admitted that graft and corruption had been rife under Andre, but at least "everybody got his slice of the pie." Although Prince Schubert was tempted to quit, he determined that he would help the people in spite of themselves.


Sample Sentences: Don't pass the buck! Use the new words in the following sentences yourself.


1. The rebel's innate" hatred of _______ decrees led him to crave* freedom all the more.

2. A string of caustic* epithets* was directed at the recruit by his ______sergeant.

3. Although the former farm girl pretended to be urbane*, a feeling of ____ always came over her when she heard country music.

4. Criticism of the author was _____among the coterie* of intellectuals who used to praise him.

6. Jimmy was a lawbreaker, but he would ______at the idea of carrying a lethal* weapon.


Definitions: Match the new words with their meanings.


6. restrictive _________ a. widespread

7. balk (v.) ——— b. plain spoken

8. blunt _______ c. to refuse to move

9. nostalgia ______ d. yearning for the past

10. rife _________ e. harsh, confining


Today's Idiom: behind the eight ball —in trouble


Susan found herself behind the eight ball in chemistry when she failed to do the term project.



20th Week / IstDay


New Words: reviled derogatory indict nebulous pesky


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 176 | Нарушение авторских прав

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