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Complete the sentences with the words below.

Читайте также:
  1. A Complete the questions with one word only.
  2. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  3. A phrase or sentence built by (tiresome) repetition of the same words or sounds.
  4. A Read the text again quickly and complete sentences 1-6.
  5. A Write the questions for the answers below.
  6. A) Answer the questions and then compare your answers with the information given below.
  7. A) Complete each gap with missing phrase from the box below

Read the dialogues and choose the correct answer a-c to complete the sentences.

1. The conversation is between a woman and a …

a) manager. b) friend in an office. c) person in a shop.

2. Franco is …

a) a student. b) a teacher. c) an architect.

3. The conversation is between a man and …

a) an employee from b) a new business contact. c) his mechanic.

the same company.

Dialogue 1

- How much is this pen?

- It’s 10, madam.

- OK, thanks.

Dialogue 2

- Hi, Franco. Are you with JM Architect?

- No, I’m not. I work at the university. I teach English.

Dialogue 3

- Hi, Veronica. I want you to write a letter to my accountant.

- OK, Mr Marsh. Anything else?

- Yes. Is my car ready?

- Yes, the mechanic says it’s fine.

- Good. Thanks, Veronica. Oh, I’d like a cup of coffee, please.

- Ok, no problem.


Level C-D

Complete the sentences with the words below.

the head, Philip, the USA, Cartec, German

_______ (name?) Treanor is from ________ (nationality?). He is the ________ (job title) of _______ (company name?). It is a _________ (country?) company.


2. What questions do you need to ask to complete the information? Write them.


Завдання для самостійної роботи №1

Countries and nationalities. Jobs

Text “Working in a foreign country”

Variant 2

1. Match the words and their meanings. Знайти відповідність між словами та їх визначеннями.

1. tax a) growth

2. easy b) to come back

3. an increase c) not difficult

4. to commute d) that costs much money

5. head e) International Technology

6. to spend time f) a person who works for a company

7. to return g) the person who managers a company

8. expensive h) to travel to and from work

9. an employee i) do something for a certain period of time

10. IT j) the money that a country or employees pay to the government

2. Read the article and find the following. Прочитати статтю, знайти в тексті і записати інформацію про наступне.

1. Carlos Ghosn’s nationality ________________________

2. Two companies that he works for ______________________

3. A city in Asia __________________________________

4. Three European cities ____________________________

5. A country in Asia _______________________________


3. Read the article again. Say if the sentences are true or false. Прочитати текст. Вказати, правильні чи неправильні наступні твердження.

1. Carlos Ghosn is the head of Ford. _______________

2. He travels between Asia and Europe and he never goes to the USA. ________

3. Some workers travel to different countries to work on projects. ____________

4. Indian software engineer work on projects in Ukraine. ________________

5. It’s difficult to travel between European cities._________________

6. It’s interesting to meet people from different countries. _______________

7. Contacts in different countries are useful for business. _________________

8. It isn’t difficult to know what country to pay tax in. ________________


4. Translate the article. Перекласти статтю, та виконати завдання за рівнями.

Level A-B: Make up a plan for the text. Скласти план до тексту.

Level C: Write 2-3 sentences to define the main idea of the text. Сформулювати головну думку тексту, написати 2-3 речення.

Level D: Do you like the idea of working in foreign countries as part of your job? What countries do you think are interesting to work in? Why? (write 8-10 sentences) Чи подобається вам ідея працювати в інших країнах, виконуючи свою роботу? У яких країнах, на вашу думку, було б цікаво працювати? Чому? (написати 8-10 речень)

Business and travel: Working in a foreign country

(1) Today more and more people travel in their jobs. Carlos Ghosn is a Brazilian businessman and he travels to different countries for his work. He is the head of the French car company Renault, and he spends forty per cent of his time in Paris. He is also the head of Nissan, and he spends thirty-five per cent of his time in Asia, in Tokyo. He spends twenty-five per cent of his time in other countries, such as the USA.

(2) Some employees travel to different countries to work on projects. They are in a country until a project ends and then they return home. For example, many IT engineers live in India but work on projects in the UK and the USA. Other people live in a country but go to work every day in a different country. In Europe, workers regularly commute between Brussels, London and Paris. Plane tickets are not expensive and travel between the cities is easy with a European passport.

(3) But is the increase in business travel a good thing? It is interesting for employees to meet different nationalities. It is also good for business to have contacts in different countries around the world. But there are also problems. Some employees spend a lot of time away from their home country and it is not easy for governments to decide exactly where workers should pay tax.

(from The Economist)

Level A-B

Claudine and Vincent are at a conference. Complete Claudine’s business card. Circle the right answer.

Industries Claudine (1) Hardy/Harris (2) IT/Sales Manager (3) VPN/MPG Industries (4) New York/ Sydney    


- Hi. I’m Claudine Harris.

- Hello. Pleased to meet you, Claudine. I’m Vincent Hardy.

- What company are you with, Vincent?

- I’m with MPG Finance. And you?

- I’m with VPN Industries.

- What do you do?

- I’m a sales manager. And you?

- I’m an accountant. Is VPN an Americal company?

- No, it isn’t. It’s Australian. I work in the Sydney office.


Level C-D

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