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I Choose the right answer and prove it by the text.

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  1. A dream in the hands of the right person is a winner every time
  2. A new study looks at the relationship between media use and mental health, but does not answer a big question.
  3. A Read the text again and choose the correct ending to each sentence.
  4. A Read the text. Discuss these questions with a partner.
  5. A Write the questions for the answers below.
  6. A) Answer the following questions about yourself.
  7. A) Answer the questions and then compare your answers with the information given below.


After Carson McCullers


Carson McCullers (1917-1967) – an American author

(When she was only twenty-three this, Carson McCullers’ first novel, created a literary sensation. The setting is a small Southern town where the characters live. Among them is one teenager, Mick Kelly.)

That night they were all out on the porch. All of them were together except Hazel, who had not come from work, and Etta, who still lay sick in bed. Then Hazel came home.

“I sure do wish Etta was able to work,” she said. “I found out about this job today.”

“What kind of job?” asked their dad. “Anything I could do or just for girls?”

“Just for a girl. A clerk down at Woolworth ’s is going to get married next week.”

(10) “The ten-cent store,” Mick said.

“You interested?”

The question took her by surprise. She felt lost and tense. Their dad flipped his cigarette down to the sidewalk.

“No,” he said. “We don’t want Mick to take on too much responsibility at her age. Let her get her growth out.”

“I agree with you,” Hazel said. “I really do think it would be a mistake for Mick to have to work regularly. I don’t think it would be right.”

Bill put Ralph down from his lap and shuffled his feet on the steps. “Nobody ought to work until they are around sixteen. Mick should have (20) two more years at Vocational if we can make it.”

“Even if we have to give up the house and move down in Mill Town,” their mom said. “I’d rather keep Mick down at home for a while.”

For a minute she had been scared they would try and corner her into taking a job. She would have said she would run away from home. But the way they took the attitude they did, touched her. She felt excited. They were all talking about her – and in a kindly way. She was ashamed for the first scared feeling that had come to her. Of a sudden she loved all of the family and a tightness came in her throat.

“About how much money is in it?” she asked.

(30) “Ten dollars.”

“Ten dollars a week?”

“Sure,” Hazel said. “Did you think it would only be ten a month?”

Mick rubbed the top of her head with her fist.

“That’s a whole lot of money. A big deal. ”

“It’s not to be grinned at,” Bill said. “That’s what I make.”

Mick’s tongue was dry. She moved it around in her mouth to gather spit enough to talk.

“Ten dollars a week would buy about fifteen fried chickens. Or five pairs of shoes or five dresses. Or installments on a radio.” She thought (40) about a piano but she did not mention it aloud.

“It would tide us over,” their mom said. “But at the same time I would rather keep Mick home for a while. Now, when Etta …”

“Wait!” She felt hot and reckless. “I want to take the job. I can hold it down. I know I can.

“Listen to little Mick,” Bill said.

“Now, let’s not rush into anything,” their dad said. “I’d rather Mick took her time and thought this out. We can get along somehow without she working. I mean to increase my watch work by sixty per cent as soon as …”

(50) “I forgot,” Hazel said. “I think there’s a Christmas bonus every year.”

Mick frowned. “But I wouldn’t be working then. I’d be at school. I just want to work during the vacation and then go back to school.”

“Sure,” Hazel said quickly.

“But tomorrow I’ll go down with you and take the job if I can get it.”

It was as though a great worry and tightness had left the family. In the dark they began to laugh and talk.



Woolworth’s – a national chain of "five and dime" (5¢ and 10¢) stores

founded by an American merchant F. W. Woolworth in 1878.

Vocational – A school, especially one on a secondary level that offers instruction and practical experience in skilled and semi-skilled trades.

A big deal. – A large quantity.


I Choose the right answer and prove it by the text.

1 Mick is … a) a boy;

b) a girl

2 The scene takes place…

a) in the UK today; c) in the UK earlier in the 20th century;

b) in the USA today; d) in the USA earlier in the 20th century;

3 How many people are talking on the porch?

a) 3 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7

II Choose the ending of the question to which the answer is “Yes” and

support your choice by two quotations from the text.

Would you say Mick’s attitude towards the decision she has to make

… a) remains unchanged?

… b) undergoes a slight change?

… c) changes radically?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 133 | Нарушение авторских прав

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