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III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word-combination from the list above. Consult the text if necessary.

Читайте также:
  1. A law – it is connection between the phenomena: general, objective, substantial and necessary. There are 3 laws of dialectics, we will study them on the next lecture.
  2. A) The advertisement in A-column has been mixed and, to arrange them in the right sequence, consult the advertisement in B-coIumn.
  3. B. Complete these sentences using the prefixes over- or out-, and the correct form of the verbs above. Use each prefix and verb combination only once.
  4. B. Listen to the second part of the interview with the solicitor and fill in the blanks.
  5. Change the Conditional I into Conditionals II and III using the appropriate phrases.
  6. Choose the appropriate adverbial of time.
  7. Choose the appropriate nouns to fill the gaps

Ass. 1

Chapter I “East Wind”, pp. 3-11

I. Pre-reading Tasks

Translate the sentences before reading the text. Look up words you do not know in the dictionary. Do this task in writing.

  1. If you want to find Cherry-tree Lane all you have to do is ask the Policeman at the cross-roads.
  2. If you are looking for Number Seventeen and it is more than likely that you will be, for this book is all about that particular house – you will very soon find it.
  3. If it were me, I should get somebody to put in the “Morning Paper” the news that Jane and Michael and John and Barbara Banks (to say nothing of their mother) require the best possible Nannie at the lowest possible wage and at once.
  4. Sometimes he would give some to Jane and Michael for their money-boxes.
  5. Upstairs in the Nursery, Jane and Michael watched at the window and wondered who would come.
  6. The trees themselves turning and bending in the half light, looked as though they had gone mad and were dancing their roots out of the ground.
  7. Presently they saw their mother coming out of the drawing-room with a visitor following her.
  8. Mary Poppins regarded them steadily, looking from one to the other as though she were making up her mind whether she liked them or not.
  9. By this time the bag was open, and Jane and Michael were more than surprised to find it was completely empty.
  10. In less than a minute they found themselves in bed, and watching, by the dim light from the night-light, the rest of Mary Poppins’s unpacking being performed.


After you have read and translated these sentences can you say what the story is going to be about?

II. Read chapter I. Prepare a good reading and translate the passage beginning with “And that is how Mary Poppins…” on p. 11 and ending with “… never told anybody anything”.

Vocabulary Tasks

I. Here are some words from the text. Arrange them into 4 columns according to their part of speech meaning. Make sure you know their meanings and what part of speech they belong to (according to the context). Learn them.

Cross-roads, deserve, advertise, disappear, require, queue, cross, traffic, weathercock, absent-mindedly, money-box, upstairs, suddenly, curious, presently, uncertainly, references, old-fashioned, extraordinary, arrive, banisters, notice, proceed, restrain, inquire, ecstatically, night-light, anxiously, nightgown, threateningly, sniff, naughty, disobey, bare, stare, gaze.

II. Find the English equivalents in the text.

  1. позволить себе что-либо (с. 4)
  2. обдумать вопрос (с. 4)
  3. прийти к выводу (с.4)
  4. впустую тратить деньги (время) (с. 4)
  5. рассердиться на кого-либо (с.5)
  6. задерживать движение (с.5)
  7. доставлять кому-либо неудобства (с.5)
  8. помахать рукой кому-либо (с.5)
  9. сойти с ума (с.6)
  10. взять за правило (с.7)
  11. оказать честь кому-либо (с.8)
  12. затаить дыхание (с.9)
  13. быть в замешательстве (смутиться) (с.10)
  14. дать «чаевые» кому-либо (с.11)


III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word-combination from the list above. Consult the text if necessary.

  1. Mr. Banks would ____________ ____________ with the Nannies, who would queue up outside the front gate and would _____________ ____________ the traffic.
  2. Mr. Banks would have to _____________ the policeman, because the Nannies would put him ________ __________________.
  3. Mr. Banks always said that Robertson Ay was of no more use than to ______________ _____________ ____________________.
  4. Mr. Banks couldn’t __________________ both a big house and four children.
  5. The East Wind was blowing and the tress looked as though they ____________ ______________ _______________ dancing their roots out of the ground.
  6. Mrs. Banks gave the matter _____________ ___________________ and ____________ ______ ________ ___________________ that she would rather have the children than a nice comfortable house.
  7. Every morning leaving for work Mr. Banks would kiss his wife and ________________ ______ the children.
  8. Mary Poppins ________________ ______ _____ ______________ never to give references.
  9. Mary Poppins accepted the position in the Banks’ family as though she ____________ ___________________ __________ _______ _______________ _______________, as Mrs. Banks said to her husband.
  10. Michael _____________ ______ _______ _______________ before he gulped the fluid that Mary Poppins forced him to take.
  11. When Mary Poppins told him to keep silent and to speak no more or she would call the Policeman, Michael ___________ ________________.


IV. Think of a Russian equivalent for the idiom “There is frost in my bones”. Do you remember who said this and to whom?

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Пять типов отношений между человеком и природой.| IV. Reproduce some situations described in the text using the following words and word-combinations.

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