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We cannot remain indifferent to the situation that is developing between our countries at the moment.

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Mr. President,

We are a team of students and teachers from a Linguistic Gymnasium № 23 from the city of Vladimir,Russia.

We are confident that we express the opinion shared by millions of people in Russia, children and adults as well.

We live in an ancient city with a history over 1,000 years. We are proud of our white stone cathedrals, narrow streets, and historical monuments. That is why our city is included in the Golden Ring of Russia and it attracts a large number of tourists from different countries, including the United States. We are always happy to see visitors from all over the world and if we meet them in the street, we are happy to answer their questions and help them to find their way to our historical monuments.

Especially we are glad when foreign guests visit our school.

Our school specializes in languages, linguistics and multicultural relations. We study three languages: English from the first grade, French and German - from the fifth grade. We have partner schools in France, Germany, Italy, England, USA and... in the Crimea.

We believe that language is not just a means of communication. Language opens doors to other countries, other cultures, to other history, other traditions.

It is a tool that helps people around the globe to understand each other, to solve many problems, resolve conflicts without weapons.

We appeal to you, Mr. President, as we are confident that our letter will reach your heart and hearts of many American people.

From American history, we learned that in the old days, in order to save the world, American Indian tribes exchanged their children as neither mother nor father will raise arms against their own children.

This tradition was maintained between your and our country for many years. Your government, with the support of Russian Ministry of Education organized joint educational projects in which our school participated. We were the winners of a joint project called "Conflict Resolution" with the Art Academy in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Over the years, we have a good relationship with the school and the University of Pittsburgh in the state of Kansas.

Three years ago, we started an educational project with the State of Texas. A group of students and teachers have just returned from Southlake, Texas, where they were involved with American peers in Clariden school into joint project in Rocketry and Humanities. At the same time, American students were happy to get to know the rich Russian culture. We organized a joint lesson of art using distant learning technologies. American students of Clariden and Russian schoolchildren from Vladimir painted wooden spoons.

We cannot remain indifferent to the situation that is developing between our countries at the moment.

Our countries have much in common. Historically, America and Russia - are multinational countries. Students of 18 nationalities study in our school, among them are Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Armenians, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Turkish citizens, and even citizens of the United States. At the same time, we know that many of our students and teachers’ relatives or close friends live in America. And it turns out that the good tradition of American Indians has continued to this day, as in those days with only one purpose - to live in peace and harmony.

Every year, our students become winners of All-Russian competitions and contests and they travel to a well-known international camp Artek, located in the Crimea. Many of our students’ grandparents and cousins ​​live there. And some of our students’ grandfathers died in Sevastopol (Crimea) during World War II, defending their homeland. And every year, they go to the Crimea, to pay honor to the graves of their loved ones, and to pay tribute to the memory of those who sacrificed their lives to create a world without war. These ordinary people were absolutely sure that they were giving their lives for peace of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They were hoping that their example will serve as a serious lesson for future generations and that their grandchildren will never fight with each other. The only thing they were dreaming of was clear sky and the bright sun.

History shows that Russia has never initiated any wars because the price that we, the people, always paid for peaceful sky was too high. But when we were asked for help, we were eager to provide this support.

Mr. President! We do not want any wars! Neither do our friends in America! Our friends and families in the Crimea do not want this war as well!

Let us resolve conflicts without weapons, by using a single tool - language! We speak the same language and let this language open the door for dialogue, for peace and mutual understanding!

We are one family, we breathe the same air, we live on one Earth, we have nothing to fight with each other about!

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 101 | Нарушение авторских прав

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