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З. Answer the following questions in detail.

Читайте также:
  1. A Complete the questions with one word only.
  2. A Discuss these questions as a class.
  3. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  4. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  5. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  6. A new study looks at the relationship between media use and mental health, but does not answer a big question.
  7. A Read the text. Discuss these questions with a partner.

Chapter 15.

1) What confession did Geoffrey Raymond make?

2) What do you think of Mr. Poirot and Dr. Sheppard’s visit to Fernly?

Chapter 16.

1) What were the theories evolved while playing Mah Jong?

Chapter 17.

1) What was Parker’s old business with Major Ellerby?

2) What information relating to the murder of Mrs. Ferrars did you get from H. Poirot and Dr. Sheppard’s visit to Mr. Hammond?

3) How did Caroline account for Flora being a potential murderer of Mr. Ackroyd?

Chapter 18.

1) What do you know of the man in Liverpool identified as Charles Kent?

4. Role-playing: an evening at Mah Jong.

Imagine that you are one of the characters. Behave and speak accordingly.

a) Colonel Carter says that Ralph is secretly married to Flora.

b) Miss Cannet is sure that Roger Ackroyd was secretly married to Mrs. Ferras.

c) Caroline sticks to the idea that Roger Ackroyd was married to his housekeeper, Miss Russel, and that Geoffrey Raymond and Flora are married.

5. Translate the following sentences into English using your active

Пуаро никогда не вдавался в объяснения, прежде чем ему удавалось собрать необходимые доказательства. Раймонд решил сделать заявление. Он кое-что утаил от Пуаро. У него было много долгов и мало денег, чтобы расплатиться с ним. Поэтому 500 фунтов Мистера Акройда могли снова поставить его на ноги. В любом случае они бы ему не повредили. Пуаро решил доверить маленькую тайну Флоре. Он не верил в невиновность Паркера и решил удостовериться в его причастности к убийству, проведя маленький эксперимент. Доктор Шепард был в нерешительности. С одной стороны, Пуаро не просил его держать в секрете историю с обручальным кольцом, с другой стороны, сам Пуаро ни словом не обмолвился о кольце во время их визита в Фэрнли. Доктор Шепард был единственным человеком, который знал о том, что кольцо было найдено.

Write a composition of about 150 words on one of the following subjects. No credit will be given for copying answers directly from the text.


Assignment 6.

Read Chapters 19-27 (pages 163-214) and bring out the situations with the following word-combinations. Think of the possible Russian equivalents.

to give an account of smth. (163)

to give smth. up (164)

to have something (nothing) to do with … (165)

to remind smb. of smth. (166)

at all costs (166)

to jump at a conclusion (166)

to stick to smth. | smb. (166)

to be frank with smb. (167)

in a flash (169)

to get in |into a mess (170)

to be familiar with smth. (171)

to get rid of smb. | smth. (172)

to take into one’s confidence (174)

on no account (174)

on one’s own account (174)

to be out of breath (176)

to beat about the bush (187)

to face the music (189, 202)

to reveal the truth to smb. (191)

to run to and fro (194)

to stand by smb. through thin and thick (202)

in spite of (204)

to take smth. for granted (207)

Answer the questions briefly making sure that you include all the relevant information. Use the vocabulary listed above.

1) What do you make of Flora Ackroyd?

2) What is your account of Miss Russell’s behaviour?

3) What did you get to know from Ursula’s story?

4) What is Ralph Paton’s story?

5) Comment on the titles of Chapters 25 and 26: “The whole truth” and “Nothing but the truth”

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Read Chapters 11-14 (pages 106-133) and bring out the situations with the following word-combinations. Think of the possible Russian equivalents.| The Mystery of Roanoke Island

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